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Logic gates


The electronic alarm systems which I’ll be researching are burglar alarms &wired alarm systems.

A burglar alarm contributes to prevent theft, vandalism and protects life and property from

Pros of a wired alarm is that every part of the system is physically connected, there’s almost no
chance of interference.

I would use burglar alarms this way for me & my family’s safety, it might also help me for
whenever someone who I don’t want to be in my house wants to come in.

Wired alarms are more secure, in the case of wired alarm systems, the central control panel is
typically protected with a heavy-duty metal case and lock and there is no chance of interference.

The importance of a burglar alarm system in this modern society is to discourage crime.

In this modern society, wired alarms systems are simpler to maintain and more reliable.

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