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Conic Sections And it

application in Daily Life

ROLL NO-20210238706
4. Focus, Eccentricity and Directrix
of Conic
5. Parabola: Definition
6. Parabola in everyday life
7. Ellipse: Definition
8. Ellipse in everyday life
9. Hyperbola: Definition
10.Hyperbola in everyday life
11.Circles: Definition
12.Circle in everyday life
A curve, generated by intersecting a right circular cone
with a plane is termed as ‘conic’. It has distinguished
properties in Euclidean geometry. The vertex of the cone
divides it into two nappes referred to as the upper nappe
and the lower nappe.
In figure B, the cone is intersected by a plane and the
section so obtained is known as a conic section.
Depending upon the position of the plane which
intersects the cone and the angle of intersection β,
different types of conic sections are obtained. Namely;
A Conic consists of those points whose distances to some point
called FOCUS, and some lines called a DIRECTRIX, are in a fixed
ratio, called the ECCENTRICITY.
Focus, Eccentricity and Directrix of Conic
A conic section can also be described as the locus of a point P moving in the plane of a fixed point F known as focus
(F) and a fixed line d known as directrix (with the focus not on d) in such a way that the ratio of the distance of
point P from focus F to its distance from d is a constant e known as eccentricity. Now,
•If eccentricity, e = 0, the conic is a circle
•If 0<e<1, the conic is an ellipse
•If e=1, the conic is a parabola
•And if e>1, it is a hyperbola
So, eccentricity is a measure of the deviation of the ellipse from being circular. Suppose, the angle formed between
the surface of the cone and its axis is β and the angle formed between the cutting plane and the axis is α, the
eccentricity is;
e = cos α/cos β

Parameters of Conic
Apart from focus, eccentricity and directrix, there are few more parameters defined under conic sections.
•Principal Axis: Line joining the two focal points or foci of ellipse or hyperbola. Its midpoint is the center of the
•Linear Eccentricity: Distance between the focus and center of a section.
•Latus Rectum: A chord of section parallel to directrix, which passes through a focus.
•Focal Parameter: Distance from focus to the corresponding directrix.
•Major axis: Chord joining the two vertices. It is the longest chord of an ellipse.
•Minor axis: Shortest chord of an ellipse.
Parabola: Definition
A set of all the points in the
plane equidistant from a given
fixed point and a given fixed line
in the plane is a parabola.
The equation of a parabola is;
The fixed point is focus.
The fixed line is the directrix
The eccentricity of a parabola is 1.
Parabola in everyday life
The satellite dish is a parabolic
structure facilitating focus and
reflection of radio waves
Water from a fountain takes a path
of parabola to fall on the earth.
The Golden Gate Bridge in San
Francisco in California is famous with
parabolic spans on both sides.

A ball thrown high follows the path

of a parabola
Two Parabolas connect to make the McDonald's M.
It is also used when making roller coasters because the points that connect
the roller coaster are the same distance away from the focus, it is able to
create a parabola that is concave down.
Ellipse: Definition
The major axis is the longest diameter
of the ellipse (usually denoted by ‘a’)
going through the centre from one end
to the other, at the broad part of the
ellipse. the minor axis is the shortest
diameter of ellipse (denoted by ‘b’),
crossing through the centre at the
narrowest part.
The equation of the ellipse is given

x2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1
The eccentricity of an ellipse is greater than
zero but less than 1.
Ellipse in everyday life
Electrons in the atom move around the nucleus in an elliptical path of orbit.
Paul’s Cathedral is an elliptical shaped structure to facilitate talking at one end is
heard at the other end using the property of ellipse.
Food items carrot, cucumber cut at an angle to its main axis results in elliptical shape
and elegant look.
The ellipse is found in the rotation of planets in solar system. All planets orbit
around the sun creates an ellipse.
Footballs are elliptic.
Your eye is an ellipse!
Hyperbola: Definition
The eccentricity of a hyperbola is greater than 1

A hyperbola is the locus of all those points in a plane

such that the difference in their distances from two
fixed points in the plane is a constant.
the equation with centre at origin and transverse axis
along the x-axis is:

similarly, equation with centre at origin and

conjugate axis along the y-axis is:

The line segment passing through both foci is the

transverse axis of the hyperbola. The line segment
perpendicular to the transverse axis and passing through
the centre represents the conjugate axis of the
hyperbola.‘2a’ denotes the length of the transverse axis.
‘2b’ is the length of the conjugate axis. ‘2c’ represents the
distance between the two foci.
Hyperbola in everyday life
Lens, monitors, and optical glasses are of hyperbola shape.
Hyperbolas are used in a navigation system known as LORAN (long range
The huge chimney of a nuclear power plant has the shape of a hyperbola, as
does the architecture of the James S. McDonnell Planetarium of the St. Louis
Science Center
When you turn a lamp on, you get a hyperbola, if the the lamp is open from
the top and the bottom the light comes out and form a hyperbola. The
asymptote can be seen coming out from top and the bottom.
In Nuclear cooling towers the hyperbolic shape is used due to its due to its
ability to withstand high winds, while also making it in the most efficient was
A glass lens uses light contraction to magnify objects. Light is reflected in and
out of the lens in a hyperbolic way creating a zoom.
Circles: Definition
A circle is a set of all points which are equally spaced from
a fixed point in a plane. The fixed point is called the centre
of the circle. The distance between the centre and any
point on the circumference is called the radius of the
The equation of a circle, with the centre as the origin is,
x2 +y2= r2
Where “r” is the radius of the circle.
The equation of the circle with centre (h, k)and the
radius ‘r’ is,
(x-h)2+(y-k)2 = r2
which is called the standard form for the equation of a
Circle in everyday life
Ferris wheels are circular.
Mostly Pizza’s are circle.
Bangles and Rings are examples of circle.
Donuts are circular. It allows a baker to induce an equal heat
wheels on cars bikes and other forms of transportation. The shape of a circle
helps create a smooth movement for a car or a bike to move from place to
Gears and records along with CD’s are ideal examples.
A circle is formed by rain drops by water ripples.

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