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Bio ( 5 ) marks questions starting

from 4.3.
Unit 4.3 Feeding Ourselves

Write down the chemicals farmers use in fields and describe their
advantages. ( or ) what is pollution?
Farmers use fertilizers that increase plant growth by supplying
minerals. Herbicides stop weeds growing and insecticides stop insects from
eating the plants. If farmers use too many chemicals or do not use them
correctly, fertilizers run into rivers, killing the aquatic animals, while
herbicides kill wild plants and insecticides kill useful insects like bees. If any
of the plants or animals disappear, the food chain may be disrupted.

Planning our futures.

• Enhance Crop Yield: Employ Advanced agriculture methods.
• Resource Efficiency: Suitable farming practices
• Food Diversity: Explore alternative protein sources and diverse
• Research Investment: Develop resilient crops and climate-adaptive
• Water Reduction: Implement waste-reduction strategies.

Unit 4.4 Changing the Planet

Acid Rain.
Fuels contain a small amount of sulfur. When this burns, an acidic gas
escapes, an acidic gas escapes into the atmosphere. It dissolves in rainwater
and makes acidic rain. Acid rain damages trees and buildings and harms life
in lakes and rivers.
Once scientists spotted the problem they found ways of dealing with
it. They now:
• Take sulfur out of fuels before they are burned.
• Nutralise acidic gases before they can escape.
• Nutralise lakes and soil that are already damaged.

Unit 4.6 Obtaining energy

Explain about Solar Cell.

Solar cell turns the sun’s energy into electricity. They are used in
calculators, on illuminated road signs, and on electricity but they are very
useful in isolated areas. Energy from the solar cells can be stored in batteries
to use when it is too dark or cloudy for the solar to work.

Unit 4.7 Growing fuels

What are photobioreactors?

Photobioreactors are tubes surrounded by artificial light. They made it
easy to give the algae the right amount of light, carbon dioxide, and
minerals. Photobioreactors are expensive but could be built anywhere. They
would not use up valuables from farmland like crops grown to make

Unit 5.1 Variation

Explain about biometrics.

Using features like fingerprints to identify people is called biometrics.
Security systems like those used at airports need to be fast, reliable, and as
cheap as possible. Iris patterns vary more than fingerprints and face shapes.
They provide tighter security. Face shapes can be detected from further
away. They could be used to make a door open as soon as someone walks
up to it. Fingerprint scanners are the cheapest, but they don’t work well
with dirty or damaged fingers.

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