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There are six tones. This is the inner frequency as the neutrinos spiral upward wihtin the crystals of
consciousness. It is the pure frequency of each of us and it directly designates our variable, whether we are
Left or Right. In other words it organises us in certain potential awareness patterns and it dictates how our
cognition works, both at a physical and a psychological level.

For instance, if one has a predisposition to Outer vision (a tonal keynote) then that person will be highly
sensitve to the way their food looks on the plate, preferring it to be attractive and harmonious. Other tonal
designations really don't care how the food looks, some may be focussed on the taste or the smell of the
food as a priority.

At a psychological level the tonal predisposition demonstrates whether someone has a strategic or receptive
mind in the way they deal with the life experience.

Tone also has a direct bearing on the specific environment that is suitable for each one of us. It is a deep
and fascinating part of the science that has been tested extensively by advanced Human Design analysts
and an interpretation of your chart at this level can make a profund difference on one's physical and mental

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