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5, MAY 1981 379

A Technique for Collision Block of Peripheral Nerve:

Frequency Dependence

Abstract-A previously reported stimulation technique which elicits

a unidirectionally propagated nerve action potential has been evaluated L\ MONOPHASIC
with repetition rates from 10 to 100 Hiz. Block of propagation in one
direction from the stimulus site was sustained up to 50 Hz with mono- HH
phasic stimulation and 30 Hz with biphasic stimulation. The use of
long stimulating pulses produces pronounced degradation of the block
at high frequencies.
L .1

A demonstration of collision block of spastic motor discharge using

this technique is presented, and potential clinical applications are 0- *. ......BIPHASIC
IN A companion paper [13] we described an electrical stim- Fig. 1. Monophasic and biphasic blocking current waveforms. The total
ulation technique which elicits a unidirectionally propagated current was divided unequally between two anodes (20-25 percent
carried by the proximal anode) sharing a common cathode. The am-
action potential in peripheral nerve. That technique was de- plitude of the reverse current Ir is exaggerated for clarity.
veloped with the objective of implementing a collision motor
nerve block. The proposed block is effected by introducing
a stream of antidromic action potentials on the nerve which verse current flowing during the interpulse interval was essen-
annihilate by collision the naturally arising activity. tially constant in the steady state (Fig. 1). The steady-state
In this paper we examine the response to repetitive stimula- stimulus had no dc current component. Steady state (when
tion using the previously reported monophasic stimulus wave- reverse current had reached 99 percent of its final value) was
form, as well as a similar charge-balanced waveform. achieved after 0.5 s at all frequencies.
The purpose of these experiments was to confirm the ab-
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES sence of any orthodromically propagated activity in response
The effects of repetitive stimulation were studied in four to the blocking stimulus. EMG was recorded from medial
cats. In three preparations, the experimental methods de- gastrocnemius. The EMG signal was numerically rectified
scribed earlier [13] were employed. They are briefly summa- and integrated by an on-line PDP-1 1/03 computer during the
rized here. Trains of regulated current stimuli were delivered 10 ms interval following the onset of the stimulus as a mea-
to the sciatic nerve through an asymmetrical tripolar insulated sure of orthodromic neural activity. This value was compared
cuff electrode (one cathode between two anodes). 70-80 per- with the maximal response elicited by whole nerve stimulation
cent of the stimulus current flowed from the blocking anode using 100 us bipolar current pulses.
6 mm distal to the cathode. The remaining 20-30 percent An additional experiment was performed without proximal
flowed from the secondary anode 8 mm proximal to the cath- nerve transection as a preliminary test of the block in the
ode. The monophasic stimulus current waveform consisted presence of natural efferent traffic, with spinal connections
of a rectangular leading edge and plateau phase followed by intact. Fine platinum blocking electrodes were wrapped
an exponential falling phase. around the nerve branch to the soleus muscle of a decerebrate
When biphasic stimuli were employed, a capacitor was cat (decerebration at the level of the superior colliculi). The
connected in series with each anode. Both capacitors were electrodes were partially insulated by draping the nerve branch
allowed to discharge through the cathode during the inter- across a trough of thin plastic sheet. With the exception of the
stimulus interval. The discharge time constant was sufficiently nerves to medial gastrocnemius and soleus, all branches of the
long (100 ms) compared to pulse repetition rate that the re- sciatic nerve distal to the popliteal fossa were cut. Force was
recorded isometrically from soleus and medial gastrocnemius.
Manuscript received May 22, 1980; revised January 2, 1981, and EMG was recorded from soleus with intramuscular stainless
February 2, 1981. This work was supported by the National Institutes steel wires. Background force in the two innervated muscles
of Health, Neural Prostheses Program, under Contract N01-NS-2-2314
and Grant GM 01090-16. was triggered reflexly by cutaneous electrical stimulation of
C. van den Honert was with the Department of Biomedical Engineer- the contralateral hindlimb (crossed extensor reflex). 2 s bursts
ing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106. He is now of monophasic blocking stimuli at 20 or 30 Hz were then de-
with Central Research Laboratories, 3M Company, St. Paul, MN 55144.
J. T. Mortimer is with the Applied Neural Control Laboratory, Case livered to the soleus nerve in the presence of the background
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106. activation.
0018-9294/81/0500-0379$00.75 © 1981 IEEE

10 HZ
X40-. A' - 10 HZ

20 HZ -..

20 HZ
In 30 HZ U)
w 40
0- ........
30 HZ
C33 40 HZ
1 40 --
L: w

. 40 HZ
50 HZ w
z 40

1 00 HZ :I N ?N. 50 HZ

0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20
TIME (SEC) Fig. 3. Frequency dependence of monophasic block with long stimuli.
2.8 mA peak, P = 6 ms, F = 1 ms. Same preparation as Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Frequency dependence of monophasic block with short stimuli.
2.8 mA peak, P = 0.47 ms, F = 0.5 ms. This was the shortest stimulus
which sustained block on a single pulse basis. Each point represents 15 T
the rectified integrated value of a single EMG response in a 20 s train
of stimuli at 10-50 Hz (10 s at 100 Hz). The nonzero baseline is due
to integration of noise in the signal.
Monophasic Stimulation w

Typical results from the three cut-nerve preparations are w ,, .-.

W0. 47

illustrated in Figs. 2-5. Fig. 2 shows the EMG response to w

4~~~~~~........ -----o
6.0 .

trains of short monophasic stimuli. At frequencies up to o

50 Hz, block of the orthodromic response was well sustained 0
for the entire 20 s train. At 100 Hz, the block was degraded, U,

with some responses exceeding 10 percent of maximal. This I,

train was terminated after 10 s when it became apparent that
the block had deteriorated. 0
With a 6 ms stimulus plateau phase, block deteriorated 10 20 30 40 50

rapidly with repetitive stimulation (Fig. 3), with some re- FREQUENCY (HZ)
sponses exceeding 40 percent of maximal at 50 Hz. The late Fig. 4. Average integrated EMG response over 20 s with monophasic
falloff at 40 ;and 50 Hz with 6 ms plateau probably resulted stimuli. 2.8 mA peak, F= 0.5, 0.5, 0.8, and 1 ms with P= 0.47, 1,
from synaptic fatigue rather than recovery of the block, as 2, and 6 ms, respectively.
indicated by a substantial broadening of the individual EMG
responses. In all cases, degradation of the block was charac- old is exceeded. This difficulty is minimized by passing the
terized by discharge at the trailing edge of the stimulus. smallest possible reverse current over the greatest available
In Fig. 4 the average integrated response over 20 s stimulus time (i.e., the entire interpulse interval). The amplitude of
trains is plotted for stimulus plateau phase widths of 0.47, the reverse current must rise with increasing frequency as
1, 2, and 6 ms. Slight degradation of the block is evidenced less time is available between stimuli for charge reversal.
at high frequencies with pulsewidths of 1. and 2 ms. At 6 ms, Fig. 5 shows the integrated EMG response to biphasic pulse
the block is poor even at 10 Hz. (The values at 40 and 50 Hz trains lasting 1 min (4.7 mA, plateau phase, 250 Ms
with 6 ms plateau are artificially low due to the synaptic falling phase time constant) of 10-40 Hz. Block is reasonably
fatigue noted earlier.) well sustained between 10 and 30 Hz (reverse current of
0.047-0.094 mA). At 40 Hz, with a reverse current ampli-
Biphasic Stimulation tude of 0.12 mA, considerable degradation of the block is
The dc component of the stimulus may be eliminated by evident. This train was terminated after 10 s when serious
reversing the current flow between pulses such that the net deterioration of the block developed. In all cases, block
charge transfer is zero. During current reversal, the blocking degradation arose from excitation at the onset of the reverse
"anode" becomes cathodic and may cause excitation if thresh- current.

0I- 200 9 s
10 HZ
10009 IM MG
;:i 20 HZ

Z0 8 .
. A.
30 HZ
. A 200 91
1 s

,. . ia - 2SEC-30Hz

40 HZ
450 \

0 15 30 45 60
Fig. 6. Isometric active force from soleus (S) and medial gastrocnemius
(MG) muscles of decerebrate cat. Long bar indicates duration of cu-
taneous stimulation of contralateral hindlimb. Short bar indicates 2 s
burst of blocking stimuli at 20 Hz (upper traces) and 30 Hz (lower
Fig. 5. Frequency dependence of biphasic block. 4.7 mA peak, P = traces). Blocking stimuli: 3.0 mA peak, P = 0.5 ms, F = 0.8 ms. Note
0.43 ms, F = 0.25 ms. Reverse current amplitude (Ir): 0.047, 0.069, vertical scale differences of medial gastrocnemius force traces at 20
0.094, and 0.122 mA at 10, 20, 30, and 40 Hz, respectively. and 30 Hz.

Decerebrate Preparation reach threshold potential. The natural frequency of alpha

The results from the decerebrate preparation are shown in motor discharge typically falls in the range of 5-25 Hz, and
Fig. 6. Following the onset of the cutaneous stimulation to seldom exceeds 40 Hz [1], [2], [5], [6], [12].
the contralateral hindlimb, a background force developed in Monophasic Stimulation
both soleus and medial gastrocnemius muscles. During appli-
cation of the 2 s blocking stimulus train (3 mA, 0.5 ms plateau, The frequency limitation of orthodromic block must be re-
0.7 ms falling phase time constant), force from soleus dropped lated to the time required by the nerve to recover to its normal
as much as 80 percent at 20 Hz and 90 percent at 30 Hz.
resting state. A strong hyperpolarization develops under the
Force from medial gastrocnemius rose dramatically during blocking anode during the stimulus pulse, which would be
the blocking burst, suffering a transient drop with 30 Hz expected to produce a concomitant loss of sodium inactiva-
stimulation. tion [8], [9]. At high repetition rates, the resting level of
Efforts to demonstrate greater force drop in soleus at higher inactivation is not fully restored between stimuli, resulting
stimulus rates were hindered by pronounced locomotive ten- in an increase in residual excitability at that anode after appli-
dencies of the animal which repeatedly disrupted positioning cation of several stimuli. The membrane there is thus more
of the blocking electrodes. Walking movements may have susceptible to excitation at the trailing edge of the stimulus,
caused the transient drop in force from medial gastrocnemius either by anode break (with long pulses) or late action cur-
noted above. Such movements were often triggered by vir- rents (with short pulses), as described in a companion paper
tually any stimulation (block, electrocutaneous, tactile, or [13]. This interpretation is consistent with the observation
ipsilateral peroneal nerve stump). that high frequency block failure with monophasic trains was
always characterized by excitation at the trailing edge of the
DISCUSSION stimulus after delivery of several pulses. With increasing pulse
Sustained block requires repetitive generation of antidromic width, this effect is aggravated by the greater loss of sodium
impulses. The frequency of natural discharge establishes a inactivation caused by the stimulus and the reduced recovery
lower bound on the stimulation rate required. At least one time available between stimuli.
antidromic impulse must be generated to eliminate each nat-
ural action potential on any given axon. A generally more Biphasic Stimulation
severe theoretical limitation is imposed by nerve length. By With biphasic stimulation, block failure is directly attribut-
the analysis of Iggo [4], complete block would require a stim- able to excitation by the reverse current. The hyperexcitable
ulus rate of V/2d Hz where V represents a nerve conduction membrane beneath the blocking anode is subject to excitation
velocity and d the distance between the stimulus site and the when that electrode becomes cathodic. The amplitude of the
soma. In practice, a lower frequency would suffice if: 1) re- reverse current (I,) is given by
fractory period is included in the analysis; 2) a partial block
is adequate; or 3) integration of synaptic inputs to the soma Ir = QITr
is reset by antidromic invasion. Property 3) would reduce the where Q is the charge to be transferred and Tr is the available
required stimulation rate to the natural discharge frequency of time between stimuli. Q must be equal to the charge trans-
the nerve such that the soma never has an opportunity to ferred by the stimulus pulse. Ir is thus minimized by employ-

ing the shortest stimulus adequate to sustain block. This mini- Sphincter spasticity has complicated efforts to induce bladder
mizes Q and maximizes Tr for any given repetition rate. As evacuation with electrical stimulation [11]. In this case,
the repetition rate is increased, Ir rises as Tr decreases, ulti- noxious sensations would be eliminated by somatosensory
mately becoming suprathreshold. This limifs the usable fre- loss. Reflex activation would probably necessitate bilateral
quency range associated with biphasic stimulation. block.
Higher stimulation frequencies may be employed with mono- Collision block may also be useful in managing chronic in-
phasic than with biphasic stimuli. However, the clinical use tractable hiccups. Some detection method could conceivably
of monophasic stimulation is restricted by tissue damage con- synchronize a short burst of blocking pulses with the onslaught
siderations. Studies of cortical stimulation [10] and intra- of the massive phrenic nerve discharge. Glenn et al. [3] have
muscular stimulation [7] indicate that if a safe level for employed electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerve as a means
monophasic stimulation exists, the charge levels injected must of controlling hiccups by diaphragm fatigue.
be less than those acceptable with biphasic waveforms. Mono-
phasic stimulation may be usable in applications requiring REFERENCES
short term infrequent block, but long term chronic block will [1] R. W. Clark, E. S. Luschei, and D. S. Hoffman, "Recruitment
surely necessitate biphasic stimulation, thus reducing the avail- order, contractile characteristics, and firing patters of motor units
able frequency range. in the temporalis muscle of monkeys," Exp. Neurol., no. 61, pp.
31-52, 1978.
[2] B. Derfler and L. J. Goldberg, "Spike train characteristics of single
Block of Natural Discharge motor units in the human masseter muscle," Exp. Neurol., no.
The results of the decerebrate preparation indicate that 61, pp. 592-608, 1978.
[3] W.W.L. Glenn, A. A. Liebow, and G. E. Lindskog, Thoracic and
collision block is capable of inhibiting muscular contraction Cardiovascular Surgery with Related Pathology. New York:
with spinal connections intact. The blocking stimulus clearly Appleton, 1975.
evoked a powerful excitatory reflex by recruitment of affer- [4] A. Iggo, "The electrophysiological identification of single nerve
fibres, with particular reference to the slowest conducting vagal
ents, as evidenced by the substantial force increase recorded afferents in the cat," J. Phol., no. 142, pp. 110-126, 1958.
from the synergist medial gastrocnemius. It must be assumed [5] M. Kato and J. Tanji, "Volitionally controlled single motor units
that the drive to soleus was similarly increased above the level in human finger muscles," Brain Res., no. 40, pp. 345-357, 1972.
[6] A. W. Monster and H. Chan, "Isometric force produced by motor
produced by the crossed extensor reflex activation. Even in units of extensor digitorum communis muscle in man," J. Neuro-
the presence of that input, the force from soleus dropped sub- physiol., no. 40, pp. 1432-1443, 1977.
stantially during the block. The force fluctuations during [7] J. T. Mortimer, D. Kaufman, and U. Roessmann, "Tissue reaction
to intra-muscular electrical stimulation," presented at the 58th
block probably reflect variations in stretch reflex drive to FASEB Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ; Abstr. in Fed. Proc., Apr.
the motor neurons, rather than direct excitation by the stim- 1974.
ulus (block failure). EMG recordings from soleus rarely indi- [8] Y. Palti, "Description of axon membrane ionic conductances and
currents," in Biophysics and Physiology of Excitable Membranes,
cated any direct excitation. While these results by no means W. J. Adelman, Jr., Ed. Cincinnati, OH: Van Nostrand Reinhold,
provide a rigorous evaluation of collision block of natural 1971,pp. 168-182.
discharge, they do demonstrate its fundamental feasibility. [9] -, "Analysis and reconstruction of axon membrane action po-
tential," in Biophysics and Physiology of Excitable Membranes,
W. J. Adelman, Jr., Ed. Cincinnati, OH: Van Nostranrd Reinhold,
Possible Complications 1971, pp. 206-214.
Block threshold is typically an order of magnitude above [10] R. H. Pudenz, L. A. Bullara, D. Dru, and M. D. Talhalla, "Elec-
trical stimulation of the brain II: Effects on the blood brain bar-
excitation threshold of the motor axons. With stimuli of this rier," Surg. Neurol., no. 4, pp. 265-270, 1976.
intensity, the principal complication envisioned in implement- [11] J. G. Susset, "The electrical drive of the urinary bladder and
ing a collision block would be excitation of afferents within sphincter," in Neural Organization and its Relevance to Pros-
thetics, W. S. Fields, Ed. New York: Intercontinental Medical,
the nerve. Such excitation may lead to noxious sensations or 1973, pp. 319-342.
reflex side effects. An individual assessment of these effects [12] J. Tanji and M. Kato, "Firing rate of individual motor units in
would be required for each potential application. In general, voluntary contraction of abductor digiti minimi in man," Exp.
Neurol., no. 40, pp. 771-783, 1973.
activation of the monosynaptic stretch reflex could increase [13] C. van den Honert and J. T. Mortimer, "A technique for collision
stimulus frequency requirements by raising the discharge level block of peripheral nerve: Single stimulus analysis," this issue,
of the motor neurons. Simultaneous block of synergists may pp. 373-378.
also be required. It is advantageous to position the electrodes
beyond the most distal branch point of the nerve in order to Christopher van den Honert, for a photograph and biography, see this
avoid stimulation of cutaneous or other afferents. In some issue, p. 378.
cases, deafferentation by transection of dorsal roots may be
One potential application of collision block is in control J. Thomas Mortimer, for a photograph and biography, see this issue,
of urinary sphincter spasticity of spinal cord injury patients. p. 378.

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