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Bulb flowering type plants that produce a cluster of attractive trumpet like flowers in different
color variations.

African Violet
African violet care information guide: Belonging to the Saintpaulia Genus with many species.
Growing conditions, possible problems, pictures and description.
Angel Wing Begonia
This plant is from a large genus named Begonia. The Angel Wing Begonia is one of the most
popular species from the genus.

Barberton Daisy
A flowering pot plant displaying striking flowers.
Beach Spider Lily
This amazing bulb based plant "beach spider lily" enjoys environments that are downright
aquatic and easy to maintain.

Belladonna Lily
Also known as the naked lady because of the bare flower stalks that appear without leaves.
Bird Of Paradise
The Bird of Paradise is a delightfully easy to care for plant that enjoys warm, balmy days year

Blushing Bromeliad
An interesting species from the bromeliad family which produces a red center within the rosette
of leaves.
Busy Lizzie
Grown for their attractive blooms outdoors (just about everywhere) and indoors when given
enough bright light.

Calla Lily
Keeping this rhizome happy indoors is a matter of paying attention to some very basic growing

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