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Target Market and Promotion






Target Market and Promotion

Product Brand

I am a loyal customer of Microsoft products, specifically its personal computers and the

operating system, which seamlessly integrates with Windows. I use the Windows operating

system on my computer, which has exemplary performance and integrates well with its other

applications, such as Microsoft Office. It also has different offerings, such as cloud services,

which enable me find solutions for different aspects of the current digital life.

How the Promotion of the Products Keeps Me Loyal

I have remained loyal to Microsoft products due to its commitment to producing unique

and original products. The unique aspects come from its focus on making innovative products,

which make remain a loyal customer. Microsoft Company also offer products at relatively lower

price than its competitors. The lower prices are mostly when one makes a preorder, where the

company uses the low prices to encourage early adoption of a new product. Since I am a loyal

customer, I always take advantage of these offers and feel as a reward for my loyalty. I also like

the company for the positive contributions it makes to the society and the environment as part of

its corporate social responsibility. Lastly, the company ensures the products remain relevant

through continuous upgrades, which makes one get more trust in the brand. The combination of

unique, affordable, and relevant products form a strong foundation for my customer loyalty.

Something the Company Could Do and Cause Me Stop Buying From Them

I have been a loyal customer of Microsoft for the longest time, and so far I have not

found a reason not to purchase its products. However, if the company can start making products

that are incompatible with non-Microsoft products, I would stop buying their products. There are

companies that use this as a strategy to beat the competitor. However, this does not affect the

competitor but the consumer, since it limit the usage and applicability of the Microsoft products.

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