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Our Warm and Loving Doll

We have a lot of dolls in our class, including Kermit the Frog and a small
blue pastel bear, but "Bob”, is the cutest and won everyone over. The dog doll
that one of my group's members, Volk, received from his student mentor.
This doll's unique features include its little round ears, black eyes that
look like boba, and old, fluffy brown fur. It is approximately 10 centimeters tall
and has a floppy body that makes it perfect for hugging and snuggling.
Even though it looks ordinary doll but our perspective that makes it
become the adorable doll. The reason is probably because it has always been
beside us. Whether during class or when taking exams, including on days when
friends did not come to school, Bob was a substitute friend.
Bob never talks or does anything for us, but it shows that being around is
what makes us feel better. Over the past period of time, we have neglected to
leave Bob standing around and not take care of him as well as we should.
Causing Bob to have an unsightly appearance, including the head being severed,
the kapok fiber falling out, and Bob's mouth and nose being missed. From now
on, we should take care of Bob better than before to make this doll stay with us
as long as possible.
1. นายศุภกฤต วงศ์เพ็ง เลขที่ 2
2. นายศุภกร สุจารกิตติกุล เลขที่ 7
3. นายเทพทัต ดิษฐอินทร์ เลขที่ 11
4. นางสาวปัญณพิชญ์ ณัญนพินทักษ์ เลขที่ 24
5. นางสาววิรากานต์ มัยรัตน์ เลขที่ 27
6. นางสาวเกศรินดารา เพ็ชรตระกูล เลขที่ 32

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