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Individual Assignment on
The Course Marketing Management

Submitted to:

Dr. Dinkisa K. (PhD, Assistant professor)

School of Postgraduate Studies

Department of Management
Program: Weekend
Course Code: (MGMT6010)

Prepared By: Daniel Takele...ID 009/15

June, 2023,
Woliso, Ethiopia
Table of Content

Contents Pages

Interviewees’ Feedback Report on Buyer Decision Process ..................................................... 1

My Comment on Local Advertisements ......................................................................................... 1

My Favorite Brand Name and Brand Name I Don’t Like .............................................................. 2

Service I Like and I Dislike ............................................................................................................ 4

Enterprise Pricing Strategy Report ................................................................................................. 4

Assignment Guidelines and Instructions ........................................................................................ 5

1. Take the buyer decision process and interview five students about how they purchased a
common product (such as mobile phones, or watch) and compare how they went through
the buyer behavior model. How did they acquire information, pick alternatives, make
choices, and evaluate the success of their purchase?

Interviewees’ Feedback Report on Buyer Decision Process

Buyer Behavior Model
Consumer behavior patterns are theories that define consumer behavior patterns and explain why
or how they make purchasing decisions. Buyer behavior includes factors such as personal
beliefs, preferences, education, background, and goals. These models often include mathematical
constructs that describe common behaviors among groups of consumers and predict how similar
consumers might behave. Many companies create these predictions by collecting data about their
own consumers. Companies often use these models to determine how consumers in a given
market might react to certain products, pricing and product features, advertising, and
competitors. This often helps them make certain marketing or business development decisions.
Using consumer behavior patterns can also help businesses retain and delight their customers.
(Indeed, Career Guide, Updated September 30, 2022).

The summarized feedback as I interviewed five students about how they purchased a common
product, purchasing a mobile phone presented as accordingly;

The buyer decision process is a five-stage model that explains how consumers make purchasing
decisions. The stages are problem recognition, information search, and evaluation of alternatives,
purchase decision, and post-purchase evaluation.
Here is how five students went through the buyer behavior model when purchasing a mobile
 Problem recognition: One student realized that their current phone was outdated and
slow. Another student wanted a phone with a better camera.
 Information search: All five students used the internet to research different phones and
read reviews. They also asked friends and family for recommendations.

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 Evaluation of alternatives: The students compared different phones based on features
such as camera quality, battery life, and price. They also considered the brand reputation.
 Purchase decision: Five students went to a physical store to purchase their phone.
 Post-purchase evaluation: All five students were satisfied with their purchase and would
recommend their phone to others.
2. Collect any four local advertisements (Electronic or print) and comment on how they
apply in the real ground.

My Comment on Local Advertisements

Electronic and print advertisements are two different types of advertising that can be used to
promote a product or service.
Print advertisements are physical ads that are printed on paper and distributed through
newspapers, magazines, and other print media. Here are some examples of print advertisements:

 Newspaper ads: These are ads that appear in newspapers.

 Radio ads: These are ads that are broadcast on local radio stations.
 Magazine ads: These are ads that appear in magazines and other periodicals.
 Posters: These are large ads that are displayed in public places such as bus stops and
train stations.

Electronic advertisements can be more cost-effective than print advertisements because they can
reach a larger audience at a lower cost. They can also be more interactive and engaging than
print ads because they can include videos, animations, and other multimedia elements. However,
electronic ads can be less effective than print ads in terms of recall and retention because they are
often viewed for shorter periods of time.

Print advertisements can be more effective than electronic ads in terms of recall and retention
because they are often viewed for longer periods of time. They can also be more targeted than
electronic ads because they can be distributed to specific geographic areas or demographics.
However, print ads can be more expensive than electronic ads because they require printing and
distribution costs.

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In the real world, both types of advertisements are used by businesses to promote their products
or services. The choice between electronic and print advertising depends on the business’s goals,
target audience, budget, and other factors.

3. List three of your favorite brand names. What do you like about the product and/or
brand name? What do you dislike? What image does the brand have in your mind? How
loyal are you toward the brand? When was the last time you abandoned a brand name you
had used for some time in favor of a new brand? Why did this happen?

My Favorite Brand Name and Brand Name I Don’t Like

Here are some of the most favorite brands and they are most valuable for me.
 Microsoft
 Amazon
 Samsung
i. I liked Microsoft brand name that it is a popular brand name that has been around for
many years. It is known for its software products such as;
Windows and
Microsoft has been successful in creating products that are user-friendly and easy to
They have also been successful in creating products that are reliable and secure.

Amazon is my favorite brand name for the following reasons:

1. Innovation: Amazon has been able to continuously innovate and come up with new ideas
that have helped it stay ahead of its competitors.
2. Diversification: Amazon has diversified its offerings to attract more customers. It started
as an online bookstore but now sells everything from electronics to groceries.
3. Superior customer service: Amazon has always been known for its superior customer
service. It has a reputation for being responsive and helpful when customers have issues.

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4. Data-driven approach: Amazon uses data to learn about its customers and improve their
experience on the site.
5. Dedication to standing out: Amazon has always been dedicated to standing out from the
crowd. It has done this by offering unique products and services that are not available
6. Simple user experience: Amazon has a simple, clear user experience that makes it easy
for customers to find what they are looking for and make purchases.

Samsung is my favorite brand name for the following reasons:

1. Design: Samsung has been able to match Apple on design, which has helped it stay ahead
of its competitors.
2. Large displays: Samsung has been able to offer large displays on its smartphones, which
is something that many customers appreciate.
3. Value: Samsung has always been focused on offering value to its customers. It has done
this by offering high-quality products at reasonable prices.
4. Branding: Samsung has done a great job of branding itself as a high-quality Smartphone
5. Trust: Samsung is a trusted name in the smartphone industry, which has helped it gain
market share.
6. Customer support: Samsung cares about customer support and build quality. It offers the
best build quality among all other Android smartphone manufacturers, especially in the
high-end price range. Buying a Samsung phone comes with the reassurance that the
device won’t fall apart.

ii. What do you dislike?


I don’t like Facebook because it has been linked to several negative effects on general wellbeing.
The following are a reason why I dislike Facebook;

social isolation, which stems from the problem of habitual use and addiction. Facebook
can also lead to a:
lack of concentration in tasks someone is performing in the physical world. It can disturb
study time and family and friends get-together.

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Its usage in late-night hours raises insomnia, eye-stress, and other health issues among
Moreover, Facebook might be making us narcissists. We are becoming more jealous and
paranoid. Finally, let’s be honest –
it’s addictive.

iii. What image does the brand have in your mind?

An image is the set of beliefs, ideas, and impression that a person holds regarding an object.
Brand image is the perception of the brand in the mind of the customer. It is an aggregate of
beliefs, ideas, and impressions that a customer holds regarding the brand.
Microsoft’s brand voice is simple and human. They focus on a mindset as opposed to a
demographic. The people they serve are people of action; those who are compelled to set ideas in
motion. They’re restless innovators who are wired to share and excited for the journey.
Amazon’s brand is synonymous with customer experience. They have taken customer
experience and product to a legendary brand that keeps people coming back for more.
Samsung’s mission is to create human-driven innovations that defy barriers to make a better
world for all. They exist to create human-driven innovations that defy barriers to make a better
world for all. Their story begins in 1969, when Samsung was created for the purpose of helping
people achieve the impossible. After over 50 years, they’re still innovating, creating technology
that breaks down old and new barriers so people can do what they can’t.

iv. How loyal are you toward the brand?

Customer brand loyalty is the commitment or dedication customers have to a specific product or
a brand because they trust in its quality, benefits, mission, or values. Customers who are loyal to
a brand may make frequent purchases, try out other products from the same brand, or ignore
competitors’ efforts. Brand loyalty can lead to a strong following of the brand and higher profit
margins. Brand loyalty happens when customers make long-term commitments to brands based
on product quality, trustworthiness and values. A customer that shows brand loyalty to an
organization typically feels an emotional connection to that brand based on the quality of its
products or its mission statement. Brand loyalty represents the positive emotional association
consumers attach to a specific product or a brand. No matter the competitor’s efforts, a loyal

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customer stays devoted to a product or service of their choice. They demonstrate that by
repeating purchases, despite the numerous, more affordable or accessible options.

Microsoft is a well-known brand that has been around for decades. It has a global brand value
that exceeded 611 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. I believed that Microsoft has been successful in
building brand loyalty with its customers. The company has a strong reputation for producing
high-quality products and services that are reliable and easy to use. Microsoft also has a strong
commitment to customer service, which helps to build trust and loyalty with its customers. For
these reasons I am loyal towards it.

Amazon is another well-known brand that has been successful in building brand loyalty with its
customers. Around 59% of consumer electronics online shop users in the United States say they
are likely to use Amazon again. Set in relation to the 65% usage share of the brand, this means
that 91% of their customers show loyalty to the brand. Amazon doesn’t have a traditional loyalty
program. Yet customers seem to have unquenchable devotion to the e-retailer, even before the
pandemic gave e-commerce in general and Amazon in particular a major boost. Amazon Smile
represents another tactic to build brand loyalty and generate goodwill. When shoppers make a
purchase through, Amazon donates 0.5% of eligible purchases to the
customer’s charity of choice.

Samsung is another well-known brand that has been successful in building brand loyalty with its
customers. Around 21% of consumer electronics online shop users in the United States say they
are likely to use Samsung again. Set in relation to the 25% usage share of the brand, this means
that 84% of their customers show loyalty to the brand.

v. When was the last time you abandoned a brand name you had used for some time in
favor of a new brand?
It’s difficult to say when I am last abandoned a brand name I had used for some time in favor of
a new brand as it depends on the industry and the specific brand. However, there are many
examples of companies that have changed their names or rebranded themselves over the years.
For example, Apple Computer Inc. changed its name to Apple Inc. in 2007 to reflect its

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expansion into consumer electronics. Therefore as soon as I am rich in information, I am show
my favorite to new brand.

vi. Why did this happen?

Because there are many reasons why people might favor new brands.
For example, consumers may prefer brands that provide peace of mind and consistently deliver a
positive experience. Insights from psychology suggest that our feelings and identities may have a
greater influence than we’d expect on which brands we choose. Consumer brand preferences are
driven by an alignment of their values and the brands’ purpose. A groundbreaking global study
analyzing the business value of brands having a well understood “Purpose” has revealed a strong
business benefit to such purposeful brands and their companies.

4. List a service that you used and you think as very good. Why is the service good?
Review the service using the material from the chapter. What specifics about the service
make it very good from marketing point of view? Now, do the same thing with a service
that you don’t like. After comparing them separately, compare them against each other.
What could you do to improve the negative service? If you were a competitor, how could
you attack the positive service?

Service I Like
Google has many services that people find helpful. Here are some I like using of Google
search engine:
1. Very accurate search results: One of the main advantages of using Google search engine
is that you can find lots of amazing and very accurate search results for almost all the
search terms you search on Google in whichever the category and language you want.
2. Lots of filtering options: Google offers many filtering options that can help you narrow
down your search results to find exactly what you’re looking for.

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3. Learn the answer right on the search page: Google can provide answers to many
questions right on the search page, without having to click through to a website.
4. Google scholar is great: Google Scholar is a great resource for finding academic articles
and papers
5. Books flights, find places, read news, find stocks & do shopping on Google: You can use
Google to book flights, find places, read news, find stocks and do shopping online.
6. It is one of the largest companies in the world: Google is one of the largest companies in
the world and has a lot of resources at its disposal to provide high-quality services.

Service I don’t Like

Facebook: Facebook has been linked to several negative effects on general
wellbeing. According to a study by psychologist and sociologist Sherry Turkle, Facebook can
lead to more loneliness. Another negative effect of Facebook is social isolation, which stems
from the problem of habitual use and addiction. Facebook can also lead to a lack of
concentration in tasks someone is performing in the physical world3. It can disturb study time
and family and friends get-together. Its usage in late-night hours raises insomnia, eye-stress, and
other health issues among users.
Moreover, Facebook might be making us narcissists. We are becoming more jealous and
paranoid. Finally, let’s be honest - it’s addictive

a. Compare them against each other

Views Service I Like Service I don’t Like

Google Facebook
Accurateness information from Google is information from Facebook is not
accurate accurate
Time Google is time saver Fb is time consumer
Educational Google has purposefully help us Has less or minimum educational
purpose in educational activities purpose
Addictiveness Addiction to knowledge Addiction to unnecessary

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b. What could you do to improve the negative service?
There are several ways to improve negative service. Here are some tips what I do to
improve it:
 I am admit my mistakes and take responsibility for them. This builds trust and restores
confidence. It also allows you to control the situation, re-focus the customer’s attention
and resolve the issue.
 Follow-up after a problem is solved. Make sure the issue stays fixed and that the
customers were satisfied with the service.
 I am set standards for my customer service team. This will help ensure that everyone is
on the same page and that my customers receive consistent service.
 Invest in service training for my employees. This will help them develop the skills they
need to provide excellent customer service.
 Listen to my customers and take their feedback seriously. This will help you identify
areas where I can improve my service.
 I use technology to improve my service. For example, I could use chatbots or other
automated tools to provide faster and more efficient service.

c. If you were a competitor, how could you attack the positive service?

However, here are some tips on how I to compete with a business with positive service:
Understand your competition. Conducting market research is a great way to understand
your competitor’s strategies and success.
Make positive connections. Partnerships are a great way to maximize the benefits of
business competition.
Demonstrate your uniqueness. Highlighting the ways your products or services differ
from your competitors is an effective way to promote business competition.
Keep innovating. Continuously improving your products or services can help you stay
ahead of the competition.

5. Take one private enterprise (organization) from your locality, which is established
currently (new business) and assess the way how price actually charged (which new

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product pricing strategy is really implemented by this specific company). Evaluate its
appropriateness against the given theory.

Enterprise Pricing Strategy Report

Damme Pvt. Ltd. Retails Business Enterprise and Supermarkets: It is a Supermarkets and
retail business enterprise currently established in our city, Woliso town, in specific location
called Ayetu Kebele. When we stand at main road near to Ambo University Woliso Campus, we
look this Pvt Enterprise at second road from our Campus. I am tried:
 To assess the way how price actually charged (which new product pricing strategy is
really implemented by this specific enterprise) as follow;

Supermarkets use a variety of pricing strategies to generate more in-store traffic and increase
sales. Some of the most common pricing strategies include:

Loss Leaders: Loss leaders are usually staples that a store sells at a lower margin than their
typical offerings to encourage one-stop shopping.

Everyday Low Pricing: Supermarkets that offer everyday low pricing typically buy in volume
and negotiate the lowest possible wholesale prices from their suppliers.

Sale Pricing: Sale pricing is a common strategy used by supermarkets to attract customers. This
strategy involves offering discounts on certain items for a limited time.

Dynamic Pricing: It is a strategy that involves changing prices based on demand. For example,
supermarkets may charge more for items during peak hours or when demand is high.

Therefore, Damme Pvt. Ltd. Retails Business Enterprise and Supermarkets follow Dynamic
product pricing strategy. It is really implemented by this specific enterprise. This strategy has its
own advantages and disadvantages,

Dynamic pricing has its own advantages and some of the advantages of dynamic pricing include;

 higher profits and sales

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 adjusting to the competition
 flexibility, and
 better inventory management and it is appropriate regarding a given theory.

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Ambo University
Woliso Campus
Department of Management
Marketing Management Course

Individual assignment (20%)

The submission date is one week before the final exam.

All of you are required to do this assignment

1. Take the buyer decision process and interview five students about how they purchased a
common product (such as mobile phones, or watch) and compare how they went through
the buyer behavior model. How did they acquire information, pick alternatives, make
choices, and evaluate the success of their purchase?
2. Collect any four local advertisements (Electronic or print) and comment on how they
apply in the real ground.
3. List three of your favorite brand names. What do you like about the product and/or brand
name? What do you dislike? What image does the brand have in your mind? How loyal
are you toward the brand? When was the last time you abandoned a brand name you had
used for some time in favor of a new brand? Why did this happen?
4. List a service that you used and you think as very good. Why is the service good? Review
the service using the material from the chapter. What specifics about the service make it
very good from marketing point of view? Now, do the same thing with a service that you
don’t like. After comparing them separately, compare them against each other. What
could you do to improve the negative service? If you were a competitor, how could you
attack the positive service?
5. Take one private enterprise (organization) from your locality, which is established
currently (new business) and assess the way how price actually charged (which new
product pricing strategy is really implemented by this specific company). Evaluate its
appropriateness against the given theory.

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