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Candidate Feedback 

palash patil
 SHARE Shares their honest opinion when
This report identifies your Key HONEST appropriate; challenges the status quo when
Strengths for the job family role OPINION needed; voices their feelings in a tactful
corresponding with the manner
assessment you completed.
These strengths relate to the  THRIVE IN A Action-oriented; thrives in a fast-paced
attributes that are often found FAST-PACED environment; prefers to be extremely busy;
important for success in this job
ENVIRONMENT unlikely to stumble when they need to
family role. Your strengths are quickly assimilate new information
relative to your other
 STRIVE TO Prefers to continuously expand knowledge
knowledge, skills and abilities,
LEARN NEW and skills; likely to reach out to people
and not an indication of how you THINGS across the organization in an effort to
compare to other candidates.
develop their capabilities
Many factors are considered when
 EMBRACE Open to making changes in plans and
evaluating and selecting candidates
CHANGE priorities; willing to modify work approach
for a job. The content of this report is
and focus as needed
not a comprehensive summary of all
factors used to evaluate candidates  ADAPT Understands the need to adjust their
or used to make a selection decision. APPROACH approach depending on their audience;
As such, the contents of this report TO THE effectively adapts their style when
are provided only as a reference tool SITUATION interacting with others
for the candidate and should not be
interpreted as an indication of a
candidate’s progression or likelihood
of success in the selection process.

Prepared on 02/02/2024

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