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JL.S.M. Amin No.189
Pekanbaru - Riau Subject : Science GRADE: SMALL TEST TIME :

Read these instructions carefully!

1. Use a blank A4 paper to answer the questions (handwritten)! Make sure you write your name and class
2. Print the question sheet and write your answer behind (minus 10 will be applied to those who submit ST
without printed question sheet).
3. This Small Test will be due on Wednesday, February 7th, 2024.
4. Submit the small test collectively.

1. In humans, hemophilia is caused by a recessive allele on the X-chromosome (Xa). Hemophilia is

extremely rare; only 0.01% of men are affected by the disease. Assume that humans are in Hardy-
Weinberg equilibrium.
a. What is the frequency of the hemophilia allele in humans?
b. What frequency of women would be expected to have hemophilia?

2. Suppose a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (that is, with genotypic frequencies as

predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg Law) with respect to blood type. Suppose the population has 56% of
individuals with blood type A and 25% of individuals with blood type O. Find the frequencies of each
of the alleles A, B, and O, and the frequencies of blood types B and AB.

3. Endangered species are a global concern, as countless animals and plants face the threat of extinction.
However, while the news is often dominated by stories of species on the brink of extinction, there are
also many success stories of species that have recovered from the brink of extinction. Name 2
endangered vertebrae species and give your explanation on causes and prevention of extinction of such

4. You and your friends have had a large catfish farming business for several years. Until now there are
2500 catfish in your pond. In these catfish there is a dominant allele which causes white spots to appear
on the surface of the catfish's body, the recessive allele produces an even black skin color. Genetic
analysis shows that the frequency of the recessive allele in your catfish is 0.32. One day, your mother
added 200 catfish imported from Malaysia; 18 of them are black. Assume both initial populations are in
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
a. Find the frequency of dominant allele and recessive allele of imported catfish.
b. Find the number of homozygous recessive individuals in your farming before imported catfish is
c. Prove that frequency of recessive allele in your pond decreases after your mother added new
imported catfish.

5. Genes B/c, C/c, D/d, E/e control height of plant. These genes locate on different chromosomes
(unlinked genes). The recessive alleles of genes (b, c and d) have the same contribution to the height of
the organism. The dominant alleles (B, C, D and E) have also same contribution to the height of the
organism. If minimum weight of the plant is 72 m, and maximum weight is 96 m, find following items!
a. Contribution of each alleles (dominant and recessive) to the height of the plant
b. Height of plant with genotype BbCCDdEe

Good Luck

1. Buat Mind Map di kertas A4 tentang Selection and Evolution
2. Mind Map dibuat dengan tulisan tangan
3. Berisi sub topic yang ada pada ppt yang dibagikan
4. Setiap sub topic dilengkapi dengan penjelasan singkat terkait

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