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CAKE RECIPE (recipi)

Ingredients (ingridients)

120 g butter (one jandred tuenty grams bater)

1 cup granulated sugar (one cap granuleited chugar)
2 eggs
3 cups flour (zri caps flauers)
1 teaspoon baking powder (one tispun beikin pauder)
½ cup milk (jaf cap milk)

Preparation (Prepareichon)

1.- Heat the oven to 180º C. (Jit di oven tu one jandred eiti celcius).

2.- Mix the butter with the sugar until they are combined. (Mix de bater wid chugar
antil dei ar combain).

3.- Add the eggs one at a time to the mixture and then stir. (Ad de eggs one at a taim
tu de mixchur and den estir).

4.- Combine flour and baking powder. Add milk and stir. (Combain flauer and beikin
pauder. Add milk and estir).

5.- Finally, pour butter into the prepared cake pan and pour the mixture. (Fainali, pur
bater intu de priper keik and pur the mixchur).

6.- Bake for 30 minutes. (Beik for zerti minets).

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