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Exploring Cultural Diversity through

Level: C1 English Learners
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate advanced reading comprehension skills
and analyze a literary text for cultural diversity themes.
Copies of the reading passage (one per student)
Whiteboard or blackboard
Practice activities handout (prepared by the teacher)
Lesson Plan:
1. Warm-up (5 minutes):
Welcome the students and briefly introduce the topic of cultural diversity.
Ask students to share their thoughts on the importance of cultural diversity in today's world.
Write their responses on the board.
2. Pre-reading Activity (10 minutes):
Distribute the reading passage to each student.
Ask students to scan the text and identify any unfamiliar vocabulary.
Write the identified vocabulary words on the board.
Engage the students in a brief discussion to elicit the meanings of the words. Encourage them to
use context clues or prior knowledge.
3. Reading Comprehension (20 minutes):
Instruct students to read the passage individually.
Ask them to underline or highlight any key information or unfamiliar words.
Divide the class into small groups (3-4 students per group).
Assign each group a set of comprehension questions related to the passage.
Allow the groups to discuss and answer the questions together.
Monitor their progress and offer assistance when needed.
After the discussion, gather the class together and review the answers as a whole group.
Address any questions or concerns that may arise.
4. Analysis of Cultural Diversity Themes (15 minutes):
Introduce the concept of cultural diversity and its significance in literature.
Discuss the cultural elements present in the reading passage.
Encourage students to identify and analyze these cultural elements, such as customs, traditions,
or values.
Lead a class discussion on how these cultural elements contribute to the overall meaning of the
5. Practice Activities (10 minutes):
Distribute the practice activities handout to each student.
Instruct students to complete the activities individually.
The activities may include:
Matching cultural idioms or expressions to their meanings.
Summarizing the main idea of the passage in a paragraph.
Analyzing a specific character's perspective on cultural diversity.
Writing a short reflection on personal experiences with cultural diversity.
6. Wrap-up and Conclusion (5 minutes):
Review the key points discussed throughout the lesson.
Encourage students to reflect on the importance of cultural diversity in literature and society.
Provide a summary of the lesson and invite students to ask any final questions.
Title: "Celebrating Diversity: The Festivals of the World"

Cultural diversity is an essential aspect of our global society. Different countries and communities around the
world celebrate their unique traditions and festivals, providing us with a glimpse into their rich heritage and
customs. Let's explore a few fascinating festivals from various parts of the world.
Eid al-Fitr - Dubai: Eid al-Fitr, also known as the Festival of Breaking the Fast, is a joyous occasion celebrated by
Muslims worldwide. In Dubai, the city comes alive with vibrant festivities and a spirit of unity. Eid al-Fitr marks
the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting and reflection. The festival begins with a special prayer at the mosque,
where families and friends gather to offer their gratitude and seek blessings.
Carnival - Brazil: Carnival in Brazil is a vibrant and energetic festival renowned for its parades, music, and
dance. Held annually before Lent, it brings together people from different backgrounds and social classes.
Colourful costumes, samba music, and elaborate floats fill the streets as revellers join in the lively festivities.
Samba schools compete in a grand parade, showcasing their creativity and passion.
Hanami - Japan: Hanami, which translates to "flower viewing," is a cherished Japanese tradition that celebrates
the beauty of cherry blossoms. In spring, people gather in parks to enjoy the delicate pink blooms. They spread
picnic blankets beneath the trees, savour traditional foods, and engage in conversations with family and
friends. Hanami is not only a time to appreciate nature but also a way to foster a sense of community.
La Tomatina - Spain: La Tomatina is an unconventional festival that takes place in Buñol, Spain. Held on the last
Wednesday of August, participants engage in a massive tomato fight. Thousands of people come together to
throw ripe tomatoes at each other, creating a colourful and messy spectacle. The festival promotes fun,
camaraderie, and an outlet for letting loose and embracing spontaneity.
Question and Answer section:
What is the festival celebrated by the Muslim community in Dubai?
Answer: The festival celebrated by the Muslim community in Dubai is Eid al-Fitr.
What does Eid al-Fitr mark the end of?
Answer: Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting and reflection.
Which country is famous for its Carnival celebration?
Answer: Brazil is famous for its Carnival celebration.
When does Hanami take place, and what is it a celebration of?
Answer: Hanami takes place in spring and is a celebration of cherry blossoms.
What happens during the La Tomatina festival in Spain?
Answer: During La Tomatina, participants engage in a massive tomato fight.

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