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FIT1049, S1 2023: Week 1 tutorial

By the end of this tutorial, you would have

● Met your fellow students and tutors, and introduced yourself to them
● Considered the range of IT professional roles, and chosen one that interests you
● Considered your own understanding of this role
● Prepared your Portfolio 1 submission (due 23:55, Monday 6th March)

Activity 1: Ice breaker

You have already completed the following activity in the Week 1 workshop:

Write down in 3-5 sentences:

1. Your professional aspirations using your IT skills.

2. Your personal and professional strengths.
3. Areas for your future professional development.

Give a brief oral presentation (1-2 minutes) to introduce yourself to the rest of the class and the
teaching staff, and to share your responses to this workshop activity.

Activity 2: Analysing an IT professional role

Choose a particular professional role of your interest, in which you would be able to use the IT
expertise you have gained at university. For example, you could choose:

● a more ‘traditional’ IT role, such as Business Analyst, Software Developer, IT Security

Consultant, or Game Developer;
● a role that is not always explicitly associated with IT, such as Industrial Designer, Police
Officer, or Astrophysicist;
● a role within a particular industry/field of practice, such as ‘Data Scientist in Finance’ or
‘Forensic IT Specialist in Law Enforcement’.

Make sure your chosen role is specific and realistic. You should also state the relevant industry (e.g.
consulting, banking, academic research) and geographical location (e.g. in Australia, in India).

Clearly state your chosen role in not more than 10 words.

In not more than 250 words, write your understanding of the role. How do you see that the role
makes positive contributions to the employer and to society in general. How does it fit in the broad
organisational and social contexts? Why should other people value what you do?

This Activity 2 exercise is P1, the first Portfolio assessment, due 23:55 on the Monday of week 2,
Monday 6th March. You are expected to complete most of the exercise during this week 1 tutorial,
with only later polishing needed before submission.

The P1 submission template and Moodle submission areas are on the Moodle page for Week 1.

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