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Essays for practice

● A Memorable Day at a Local Market: Describe your experience exploring a bustling

market, highlighting the diversity of items for sale, interactions with vendors, and the
overall atmosphere.

Tip: Focus on sensory details to make your essay vivid. Describe colors, sounds, and scents to
engage the reader.

● An Unexpected Adventure: Narrate a day when you found yourself in an unexpected

adventure. Explore the events, your feelings, and the lessons learned from the

Tip: Build a narrative arc with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Reflect on the significance of
the adventure.

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● A Day in Nature: Share your encounter with nature, whether it's a day at the beach, in

the mountains, or a park. Discuss the sights, sounds, and the impact it had on your

Tip: Use descriptive language to convey the beauty of nature. Explore your emotional responses

to the surroundings.
● The Joy of Helping Others: Write about a time when you volunteered or helped someone

in need. Discuss the impact of your actions on both yourself and the person you

Tip: Reflect on the value of kindness and the sense of fulfillment that comes from helping others.
An Unforgettable Celebration: Recount a memorable celebration or party you attended.

Describe the decorations, music, food, and the overall atmosphere that made it unforgettable.

Tip: Bring out the essence of the celebration through detailed descriptions and your emotional

● A Cultural Exchange Experience: Share your experience participating in a cultural

exchange program or event. Discuss the diversity you encountered, cultural
performances, and what you learned from the experience.

Tip: Reflect on the importance of cultural understanding and the impact of the exchange on your

● A Day Without Technology: Imagine a day without any technological devices. Describe
how you spent the day, the activities you engaged in, and your feelings about the
Tip: Consider the contrast between a tech-free day and your usual routine. Reflect on the
benefits and challenges.

● A Historical Place Visit: Write about your visit to a historical place. Describe the
architecture, historical significance, and your emotional connection to the place.

Tip: Provide historical context to make the essay informative. Share personal reflections on the
historical site.

● A Sports Event: Narrate your experience attending a sports event. Discuss the energy of
the crowd, the excitement of the game, and any memorable moments.

Tip: Capture the dynamics of the event by emphasizing the passion and enthusiasm of the
participants and spectators.

● A Lesson from Failure: Reflect on a personal failure or setback and the valuable lessons

you gained from it. Discuss how it shaped your character and influenced your future

actions. jM
Tip: Be honest and introspective. Highlight the growth and resilience that resulted from

overcoming the challenge.


Some more essays


● Describe a memorable trip that you took with your family or friends. What did you
see, do, and enjoy there? How did the trip change your perspective or attitude?

● Write about a time when you faced a difficult challenge or problem. How did you

overcome it? What did you learn from the experience?


● Imagine that you are a journalist who has to interview a famous personality. Who
would you choose and why? What questions would you ask them? How would
they respond?
● Describe a festival or celebration that is important to you or your culture. What
are the customs, traditions, and rituals associated with it? How do you feel when
you participate in it?
● Write about a hobby or passion that you have. How did you develop an interest in
it? What skills or benefits do you gain from it? How do you balance it with your
other responsibilities?
● Describe a place that you find beautiful or inspiring. What are the features,
characteristics, and qualities that make it so? How does it affect your mood and
● Write about a person who has influenced you in a positive way. Who are they and
what is your relationship with them? How have they helped you grow or improve
● Describe a situation or event that made you laugh out loud. What was the cause
of your laughter? How did it make you feel? Who did you share it with?
● Write about a social or environmental issue that you care about. What is the
problem and what are its causes and effects? What are some possible solutions
or actions that can be taken to address it?
● Describe a dream that you had recently. What was the setting, the characters, and
the plot of the dream? How did you feel during and after the dream? What do you
think it means?
● Write about a place that you have visited or want to visit. What are the
attractions, culture, and environment of the place? How did it make you feel or
how do you think it will make you feel? What are the reasons for your interest or

curiosity in the place?

● Write about a personal or professional goal that you have or achieved. What is

the nature, purpose, and importance of the goal? How did you pursue or
accomplish it? What were the obstacles and successes that you faced or enjoyed
along the way?

● Write about a scientific or technological innovation that you find useful or

interesting. What is the invention, discovery, or development that you are referring

to? How does it work and what are its applications and implications? How does it
affect your life or society in general?

Tips and Tricks for Descriptive Essays:


● Detailed Descriptions: Paint a vivid picture using descriptive language. Engage the
reader's senses with details related to sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste.

● Structured Narrative: Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body, and
conclusion. Create a narrative arc with a beginning, middle, and end for a cohesive story.

● Reflective Element: Include personal reflections and emotions to connect with the
reader. Share your thoughts and insights on the experiences described.

● Varied Vocabulary: Use a diverse range of vocabulary to add depth and sophistication
to your writing. Avoid repetitive words and phrases.

● Chronological Order: Maintain a logical sequence of events. If you're narrating a story,

stick to chronological order to ensure coherence.
● Show, Don't Tell: Instead of simply stating facts, show them through descriptive details.
Let the reader experience the events along with you.

● Grammar and Punctuation: Ensure proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence

structure. Clear and correct writing enhances the overall quality of your essay.

● Time Management: Practice writing essays within a time limit to improve your ability to
express ideas concisely and coherently under exam conditions.

● Be Authentic: Write from your perspective and in your voice. Authenticity adds a
personal touch to your essays.

● Review and Revise: Allocate time for reviewing and revising your essay. Check for
clarity, coherence, and any errors that need correction.

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