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Name _________________________________________ Course and Section _____________ Identification.

Choose the answer in the box below. Write the answer on the blank.

1. __________ They are descriptive scoring schemes that are developed by teachers or other evaluators to guide
the analysis of the products or processes of students‟ efforts.

2. __________ This teaching approach aims to teach a range of prerequisite and foundational skills such as play,
turn taking, nonverbal communication, language and conversation.

3. __________ It enumerate a set of desirable characteristics for a certain product and the teacher marks those
characteristics which are actually observed.

4. __________ This involves teaching the steps involved in the task from beginning to end. 5. __________ This
technique follows the same principle as forward chaining but begins at the final step of the skill rather than the

6. __________ The aim of this teaching approach is to help the child/ young person improve their performance on
a specific activity by teaching specific tasks step by step.

7. _________ Competencies Student performances can be defined as targeted tasks that lead to a product or
overall learning outcomes.

8. _________ It requires physical abilities to perform a given task

9. _________ It aims to know what processes a person undergoes when given a task.

10. _________ It is defined as a formal and productive procedure to measure an employee's work and results
based on their job responsibilities.

Psychomotor Skills Performance Evaluation Task Oriented Approach Product-Oriented Learning

Scoring Rubrics Process Oriented Approach Checklists Backward Chaining Forward Chaining

Process Oriented Assessment


Name _______________________________________ Course & Section _________________________ I. Matching Type.

Choose the answers in the box below

1. __________there is a broad range of resources available to teachers who wish to use scoring rubrics in their classrooms.

2. _________ are typically employed when a judgment of quality is required and may be used to evaluate a broad range of
subjects and activities.

3. ____________Performance-based assessments in which the actual student performance is assessed through a product, such
as a completed project or work that demonstrates levels of task achievement.
4. ___________ The aim of this teaching approach is to help the child/ young person improve their performance on a specific
activity by teaching specific tasks step by step.

5. ___________ is requiring physical abilities to perform a given task.

6. ____________ associated with products or outputs are linked with an assessment of the level of expertise manifested by the

7. The level 1 Learning Competencies like Contains pictures, clippings, and other illustrations for the scenes and characters is for
the _________________

8. Chaining involves breaking the desired task into small steps, this process is known as creating a __________

9. __________ a task oriented approach that involves teaching the steps involved in the task from beginning to end.

10. __________ This is one of the criteria in task designing, It should be interesting enough so that students are encouraged to
pursue the task to completion.

Scoring Rubrics Chaining Chaining Backward Chaining Forward Process- Oriented

Task Analysis Skilled Beginners Resources Reference Appeal

Task Oriented Product-Oriented Psychomotor skills Learning competencies


Name__________________________________________ Course & Section ___________________ Identify the

following activities if they are Process-Oriented or Product Oriented.

1. ___________ concerned with the actual task performance.

2. ___________ evaluates the outcome of a movement.

3. ___________ the assessor views and scores the final product made.

4. ___________ evaluate how a movement is performed.

5. ___________ to evaluate the actual process of doing an object of learning.

6. ___________ emphasizes the quality of the product

7. __________ assessment aims to know what processes a person undergoes when given a task.

8. ___________ a kind of assessment where in the assessor views and scores the final product made

9. ___________ evaluate the steps of the performance.

10. ___________ evaluate the results.


Name __________________________________________ Couse & Section ____________________ Write TRUE or

FALSE in the blank.

1. __________ The affective domain (Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973) includes the manner in which we deal with
things emotionally such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes.

2. __________ Affective domain describes learning objectives that emphasize knowledge.

3. __________ Valuing means being willing to be perceived by others as valuing certain ideas, materials, or

4. __________ The affective domain is one of the three domains in Bloom's Taxonomy. It involves feelings,
attitudes, and emotions.

5. __________ Receiving is the highest level of the affective domain. It is simply the awareness of feelings and

6. __________ Bloom's Taxonomy is one of the most recognized and used educational tools that attempts to move
students beyond simple memorization.

7. __________ Bloom's Taxonomy comprises three learning domains: the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor

8. _________ Evaluation is the highest order in Blooms Taxonomy.

9. _________ Bloom's taxonomy shows us the order in which we must teach our students various things so that
they can reach the higher levels of thinking that we want them to achieve.

10. _________ Blooms Taxonomy refers only in cognitive domain of learning.


Name _______________________________________ Course & Section ____________________

1. In order to change behavior, a student must be willing to __________ new information.

A. Realize B. encourage C. accept D. forget

2. The ultimate goal of the cognitive domain is which of the following?

A. Clarity B. Comprehension C. Adaptability D. Knowledge

3.When conducting training activities within the psychomotor domain, which settings would be appropriate?
A. Classroom B. Auditorium C. Laboratory D. Simulator

4. Objectives developed from the affective domain are intended to change what?
A. Opinions B. Skill C. Knowledge D. Behavior

5. The second area or level of the affective domain is which of the following?
A. Receiving B. Valuing C. Organizing D. Responding

6. The goal of the valuing area or level of the affective domain is which of the following?
A. Being willing to be perceived as committed

B. Relate the value to something you already have

C. Acting consistently

D. Complying with the rules

7. Which of the following will more than likely change behaviors?

A. Classroom attendance B. Written Examination

C. Repetitive practice in a laboratory or simulator setting D. Annual refresher training

8. Which of the following verbs can be used in the valuing area of the affective domain?
A. Differentiate B. Explain C. Justify D. All of the above

9. Which of the following verbs can be used in the characterization area or level of the affective domain? A.
Influence B. Solve C. Share D. Comply

10. The final outcome of the affective domain is which of the following?

A. Positive habits B. Higher examination scores

C. Better understanding of concepts D. Changed behaviors


Name___________________________________________Course & Section __________________

Fill in the blanks. Choose the answer in the box below.

Revised Bloom's taxonomy refers to the emphasis on two learning domains that make up educational
objectives: 1. _________ cognitive (knowledge) and 2. _________affective (attitude). The revised
taxonomy focuses on six levels: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create. Benjamin
Bloom (1956) published a taxonomy of 3. __________educational objectives within the cognitive
domain. Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) revised Bloom's taxonomy to be more adaptive to our current
age by proposing another taxonomy that will meet 4. ___________curriculum designers, teachers, and
students needs better than the Bloom's one. committee of colleges, led by Benjamin Bloom (1956),
identified three domains of educational activities: Cognitive: 5. ___________ mental skills (Knowledge)
Affective: growth in 6. _________feelings or emotional areas (Attitude) 7. _________ Psychomotor:
manual or physical skills (Skills). Bloom's Taxonomy is one of the most recognized and used 8. _______
educational tools that attempts to move students beyond simple memorization. Bloom's taxonomy was
developed to provide a common language for 9. ____________ teachers to discuss and exchange learning
and 10.________assessment methods. Specific learning outcomes can be derived from the taxonomy, though it is
most commonly used to assess learning on a variety of cognitive levels.

Assessment methods Cognitive feelings teachers Curriculum Psychomotor Affective Mental

Skills Educational Objectives Educational Tools

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