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Galperin I.R. Stylistics

Kukharenko V.A. Seminars in Style

Soshallskaya E.G. & Prohirova Stylistic analysis


Title: Stylistic as a linguistic discipline

Stylistics is a branch of linguistics in general (Lingvostilistics)

Direction There are several disciplines include

1. General st. wich suggest stylists divises

and expressive means it is concentrated on the specific characteristics of the

language means engaged in text formation,

the structure,


content and

efect produced on the read.

1. al stylistics which is concentrated on st penculiaryties on the different

communications on discurs it deals with publicistic, sintific style (al

this dersction is based on a progmatic

1. the direction which deal with individual style of different offer. First of
all working in the sphere artistic literature (amotive prose, drama and
2. Aspect stylistic aspects - suggest the analysis of different speech levels
interns of their stylistic potential.

We can single out such disciplines of branches as

PHONOLOGICAL (Phono) STYLISTICS - which is connected with sound

stylistic fenomena ( Alteration, sound imitation) and prosodic means of speech
(Rhythm, intonation, meter)

GRAPHIC(GRAPHICAL) STYLISTICS - studies peculiarities of

punctuation marks, usage (full stopes, dashes) Stylistics attention of Print
(Italic, Bold type, Capitalization) traffic- forms of spelling showing different
deviations from the norm

GRAMMAR STYLISTICS - it studies stylistic potential of morphology and

(pronouns, nouns, inversion as a change..)

Stylistics have it own ramified system of terms. Many terms are borrowed the
latin languages that are not completely assimilated, that is why sometimes it is
problem to spell them and pronounce.

the word style is derived from the latin word STYLUS which mend sharp and
flat it the other used by the Romens on wax tablets.

Style means diviations from the norm

can we reduce style only to deviations, the conterorguments is not only

deviation from and treatment


The American poet Cummings in known by his numerous traffical diviation, he

refused to use a notion

but at the same time the foundations of the English language are preserved in
his creative works. In case of total violations deviations the communication with
the reader wchic can possible. At last we must admit the fact that diveations can
be (бред сумашедшего) they are only part of individual style, but they do not
form its verbal bases .

1. Norm - should be regarded as the variant of the phonemic,

morphological, lexical or spe. in language at a given period of time.
The variants will never detach themselves from the axes of the norm, to
such a degree as to claim intaire independence.
2. Style is embalitment of language which suggests the use

are devises based on the figurative or inderact meanings of .

This understanding of style is appealed in some syntific papers and

monographs, but ornament is only one aspect of style in general. even in the
artistic literature ornamentation is not always applied. Is not typical of
Hamingwues novels and stories. The leg of troups in the text while the words
are used in their direct meanings is called AUTOLOGY (афтология)

The artistic forms is based on implication (подтекст) .

the main sense are extrexted from the information hiden between the lines.

Expressive means and stylistic devices remain in the background. H uses simple
words but it seeming simplicity is deceptive or illusory. Sometimes its not easy
to grasp the deep senses of his books. They require of the reader careful thought
and mental concentration.

1. Style is a technique of expression that is mustership of writing. This is a

purely perspective or progmatical prouch. The style is redused here to
observation of norms. Style is treeted as something-self-sustained and
inflexible. Including both norms and deviations.Such as utilitarian
approach can be used in the teaching process which is aim in lucidity of
expression. It sets up the numbers of rules as to how to speak and write
well, it discards all kinds of deviations or violations of the norm.

Task: read, learn the information. now definitions, idiolect, norm..

The Anglo-Saxon definition suggests only the triple or threefold repetition of
initial consonant sounds in successive or closely associated stressed syllables in
or within the line. Anglo-Saxon verse had no rhyme and no regular number of
syllables in its lines. But it was necessary that each line should have three
stressed syllables usually beginning with the same consonant. Such a sound
effect was called alliteration.

The beautiful Anglo-Saxon poem, Beowulf may be called the foundation stone,
krayugolnyy kamen, may be called the foundation stone of all British poetry.

The poem was composed, by an unknown author. The whole text of the poem,
was written down in the 10th century by an unknown scribe, pesets, that is, the
one who writes it down, scribe, you know, the root, describe, scribe and so on,
show that something was written, scribe, by an unknown.

Today, the manuscript is kept in the British Museum in London. It is impossible

for a non-specialist, to read it in the original because of great discrepancy.

Несовпадение, да? Расхождение, discrepancy. Because of great discrepancy

between Old English and Modern English.

Беявуф is a young knight, рыцарь, вождь, of the Jutes. As a rule capitalized,

the first letter is the capital one. His adventures form two parts of this heroic
epic. Беявуф fights for the benefit of his people. He sacrifices his life for them.
Беявуф fights for the benefit of his people.

He sacrifices his life for them. This epic poem abounds in alliteration.

Now I'll give you an example from the modern version of the text. The
fragment is set the king in his council.

You know all the words. Седел. Король. Set the king in his council. Со
своим советом,

Conference held they. Совет держали они.

As you see, the sound К is repeated here three times. This К is initial. King.
Council. Conference. As you see, they are given in close proximity.

And they are given in the stressed syllables. All the rules are observed, as you
see in this version, in this modern version.

I'd like to call your attention to the fact that the Anglo-Saxon model of
alliteration was strict. It required the usage of three initial consonants in three
stressed syllables in one line.

Now let us dwell upon some examples of traditional, that is, Anglo-Saxon and
non-traditional alliteration.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The famous poet in England. Samuel Taylor's

Coleridge's poem. The possessive case is Coleridge's poem. The Rime of the
Ancient Marina. It is the obsolete spelling of the word Rime. Как рифма, если
дословно. This poem abounds in alliteration.

For example The fair breeze blew. The white foam flew. The furrow followed
free. Together with the author. We feel here.
Together with the author. We feel here. That the sea is troubled. Море
взволнованно. The sea is волнуется. The sea is troubled.

Rough. We feel here that the sea is troubled. Rough. There appear the first
signs of the coming storm.

Приближающегося, да? Of the coming storm. The effect of anxiety Or

trouble. Тревоги. Is achieved. Or is enhanced. Да, усиливается. I'd like you
to know the verb to enhance.

It is widely used in stylistic analysis. Is achieved or enhanced. Reinforced.

Усиливается. Достигается. Усиливается. Is achieved or enhanced or
reinforced. By the repetition of the sound F. The fear. Foam. Flu. Pharaoh.
Followed. Free.

As we see. The author observes here the rule of triple repetition. Or threefold

Of one and the same initial consonant. Fear. Foam. The first line. Fear.
Foam. Flu. And the same initial consonant. In the stressed syllables.

Which as you already know. Which was common in the Old English poetry.
The Irish poet. Yeats. Also included alliteration in his poems.

For example. I hear lake water lapping with low sounds of feet.

This consonant. To lap. I hear lake water lapping with low sounds of feet. We
can notice here.

That the sound l. Has an initial position. In stressed syllables. And is repeated
three times in this particular line.

I hear lake. Lake. Lapping. And low. Three words. Three stressed syllables.
The initial position of the sound l. Are in one and the same line.

I hear lake water lapping. Lapping. L-A-P-P-P. Lapping. Lapping here. It

will be doubled. With low sounds of feet. We can notice here.

Here is associated. It is possible to pronounce this word in this way as well.

The sound l. Here is associated. With the soft sounds of little waves.Lapping of
waves. Due to the usage of this soft mild sound l. Due to the usage of this soft.
Soft mild sound l. The author creates The atmosphere Of intimacy Calm And
Appeasement. The poem. The raven. The poem. By Edgar Allan Poe. Poe.
Poe. Edgar Poe.
By Edgar Poe. Poe. Has many examples of alliteration. Including the
following fragment. Or including the following. And the silken sad uncertain
rustling of each purple curtain. \

Purple. Silken. Silken. Rustling. Rustling. Rustling.

Rustling. Rustling. Rustling. Rustling. Rustling. Rustling. Rustling.

Rustling. Rustling. Rustling. Rustling. Does not have an initial position.

Does not have an initial position. We may call the phenomenon by stretching.
By stretching it a bit.

To stretch it a bit. The expression. To choose a bit. By stretching it a bit.

Although in the word uncertain, the sound does not have an initial position.
Nevertheless, we may call the phenomenon by stretching it a bit or by stretching
a point.

The same. By stretching a point. Traditional or Anglo-Saxon alliteration. We

may call this phenomenon. Traditional or Anglo-Saxon alliteration.

By stretching it a bit. As the sound s in the word uncertain. Is in the stressed

syllable. And stress is more important for the Anglo-Saxon tradition than the
position or place of the sound.

Another example. In the poem by Robert Frost, the American famous poet,
The figure in the doorway. The author describes the man who appeared in the
doorway also using alliteration.

I'll start now. We came to where there was a living man. A full stop. The end of
the line. The next line is. His great gaunt figure filled the cabin door. His great
gaunt figure filled the cabin door.

Gaunt means dolgovyazy. Tall. Gaunt. Great gaunt figure.

As we see, the poet employs here the triple repetition of the guttural sound.
Gaunt. Great. Figure.

Guttural means zadnenebny. Guttural sound.

But in the word figure, the sound g is not in the stressed syllable.

Thus Frost did not observe here the strict rules of Anglo-Saxon approach to the
device of alliteration. Did not observe here the strict rules of Anglo-Saxon
approach to the device of alliteration. Alliteration in this case helps to create the
image of the tall man living in the mountains.This man is glimpsed from a
passing train.

This man is glimpsed from a passing train. He flashes suddenly into the vision
of the passengers. And in a moment he fades out. This man is glimpsed from a
passing train.

This vision gives an impulse to the poet's meditation on or upon life in the
mountains and the life in general.

On or upon. It is possible to use the preposition on and the preposition upon.

Both are right. The message of the poem. The main message, yes, the idea, the
work. The message of the poem is that people adapt themselves to living in any
conditions. This example only confirms the fact that for the modern poets the
position of consonants informing alliteration does not matter. We may find a lot
of examples in modern literature which demonstrate the broken rules of Anglo-
Saxon tradition in terms of alliteration.

Authors may repeat the consonants three or more times, or more times, both in
stressed and unstressed syllables, no matter whether the consonant has the initial
position or some other one. The next subtitle is Assonance.

assonare. The Latin word assonare means to answer with the same sound.

Assonance can be used in all types of artistic literature but it is commonly found
in poetry but it is commonly found in poetry Assonance provides poetic writing

with rhythm and musicality

It also mirrors, or helps to set the mood of a poem

It also mirrors, like a mirror, it's a verb here It also mirrors the mood of a poem
For example She seems to beam rays of sunshine with her eyes of green She
seems to beam rays of sunshine. In this case, the speaker uses assonance to
describe a pretty woman. Assonance here is based on the repetition of the vowel
sound E

Seems, beam, green of the vowel sound E in the words seems, beam, and green
In this fragment it mirrors the romantic, longing mood longing, tamlenie,
Assonance suggests repetition of any number of vowels certainly more than
one repetition of any number of vowels, irrespective irrespective of their
position The theory of assonance is not well worked out and it requires further
research . In the style, it is not well studied
Sound symbolism As to the sounds proper in the oral speech and in artistic
literature some scholars try to find try to find certain steady or objective
objectively certain steady or objective associations

For example, Professor Knight carried out carried out experiments to prove
that certain sounds objectively have definite stylistic values.

The fricative sound is allegedly по его мнению is allegedly associated with

something negative and unpleasant

While the combination f-u-l is associated with something mild soft and
pleasant No doubt that the plosives both voiced and voiceless b-g-p-k

are abrupt как обрубленные in comparison with such sonants по сравнению

с такими сонантами s-o-n-a-n-t-s as m-n-l

Graphic or graphical stylistic means.(devices)

Phonographical peculiarities

There are special graphical means, which help to re many peculiarities of oral
speech in written speech. All this means can be named by the collective noun
graphon. Graphon suggests the intentional violation of generally excepted
spelling used to reflect speculates of pronunciation or emotional state of the

It’s actualized with the help of deliberate misspelling, hyphanention,

capitalization, italics, apostrophe, spacing and other special graphical means.
Deviations may be caused by individual possibilities of the person, his or her
inborn mental and speech defects or temporary deviations. That is caused by
some sercastenses.For ex. Alcoholization to a person of slurring way of
speaking. Fast tuning, scarf or fiet, person gasps for breath, he or she pafs or
passes as a result he or she speakers with poses and repeated sounds. Poses are
shown by 3 dots or dashes. Repeated sounds are arrended by means of letters
multiplication (reduplication). It means that the sound of the letter is repeated
many times. Deviations may be caused by some emotional state for ex. Fears,
stress, when the person is not able to speak clearly…

All sets of different graphic means can be applied by this means: misspelling,
dashes, multiplication, and so on. We can mention some deviations and the
means of their actualization that is on their reation in artistic literature.

Lisping - шепелявость is actualized helps for sibilance, SH,SS. Many offers

enforce the effect of lisping using the interdental s instead of S, which is reed
with the help by diograph is a pair of letters which re one sound TH. For
example they the offers write THEY - Lisping. You don’t mean to say that this
is your first time. This and first - digraph instead of the correct letters. Stuttering
or stammering partly is reflected with the help of hyphenation (-) and
multiplication of consonants. Well known Novel by Warren “all the kings men”
one of the characters is sugar boy has an inborn defect - he stutters, one hi
auterences is reed in the following way. The b-b-busd, he signi ccccoming, then
the element come hyphenated, and the element ing, see a hyphen, come and a
hyphen again bbbestered. “the bestered has seen me coming.” Letter B was
multiplication (4 times) C (5 times) all these letters are hyphenated.

Burring - картавость is the impossibility to utter the rouling sound R. It is

mostly rendered with the letter W.

For ex. In front - FWONT. Driver - DWIVER.

Nasality - is often actualized by means of the letter G. For ex. He expects me

home at seven. Correct atres. To show nasality. The combination CT - turns into

Slerving and patterning are reflected in an amalgamated (слитные) forms.

Which are result of strong assimilation. Some of them became typical of
colloquial speech For ex gimme, gonna, gotta, lemme, this variants of
pronunciation turned into cliches. Slurring and patterning are also based on the
other distortions of sounds, such as ILISION.

That deserves to be called slurring of vavules. Ilison is usually marked with the
help of apostrophes . Sounds have been left out of word(emmeted). Slurring is
also shown by means of blending separate words. All these words are written

Drawling - the words are pronounced in a slow way with bowls greatly
langshuned. It is actualized by means of multiplication or reduplication of
vowels. Often accompanied by hyphanetion. Oh she is so fAAAAt.

Graphon is also marker of a foreigners nationality. For ex. one of the

characters in the chronicle Henry the 5 by Shekspeare is a French lady who
became the quinn’s wife Kathryn. There are not any interdental into French
language. The consequences is the replacement of Z and S by the sound D into
character. The labil sound W does not exist in an French language either.
Kathryn replaces it by the labiodental D and it is reed by Shakespeare with the
help of the corresponding letter V. Kathryn said “I can not tell ват ис дат - what
is that.” Greaphon also shows features of territorial or social dialect of the
speaker and heather his social standing. It shows deviations from standard
English typical of groups of English speakers. For ex. many offers reproduce
the peculiarities of cockney that is the vernacular social dialect that’s called the
vernacular of the lower classes of the London population. One cockney feature
is the dropping of the aspirated , which is shown with the help apostrophe. The
sine of apostrophe it will be have, instead of had or his..

Another cockney feature is the reduction of the nasal sound N. Coming -

comin. Which is also shown with the help of apostrophe.
For the diphong A the latter is replaced by I. The corresponding graphon
marking this change is the letter Y is used instead of the letter A or instead of
the digraph D graph which is blue. Books state the digraph AY.

For example, face turns into FYCE. It's all face, but it turns into Cockney. or the
word Name is transformed into NYME with the letter Y instead of the letter A
or ply instead of the play.

Bernard Shaw in his play PYGMALION conveyed different features of

Cockney conveyed at Brazil periodel. Different features of Cockney, including
the phonetic ones employing spoils were employing graphene, showing his
play. The main character of this play, Eliza Doolittle and her father, a dustman
are typical cockney speakers. Mr. Higgins taught Elizer to use standard English.
He's a phonetician. In the end, Eliza turns into a real English lady, uttering all
the phrases according to the norm. Bernard Shaw widely employed the graphon
in his place for Different Aims. That is, Graphen in his place is multial.
Sometimes the utterances of his personages are overloaded with distortions
caused by different factors. Inherent and adherent. Inherent means внутренне
присущий and adherent ПРИОБРЕТЁННЫЙ.

Certainly such an accumulation of misspelling makes it difficult to understand

the sense of phrases. Sometimes it is a problem not only for the foreigners but
also for the native speakers. It's a problem to catch by ear some utterances in the
theater, the low educational level or lack of education manifests itself in the
wrong pronunciation, distortions of difficult words.

For example, LEGITIMATE. Can you guess the word? Can you puzzle out this
misspelling? It is used to render the distortion of the word illegitimate.
ILLEGITIMATE незаконный is a colony or the word JEW NILE
ЮНОШЕСКИЙ . Can you decode it? It is used to render the misspelling of
the word juvenile. These examples are taken from the speech of the famous
Thackerays character, beside the. In the novel The Fear of Vanity.

Butler - Yellow Plush. His name is Yellow Plush. Who tried to impress his
listeners with the learned words. And in this way unwillingly producing the
humorous effect, and in this way unwillingly producing the humorous effect.

Graphic or graphical means are also used to express the tempo of the speech,
the volume of the voice, logical and word stress, that is, they are also used to
reflect some prosodic features.

Scanning - that is, the uttering of each syllable or protocol word is a

phonetically independent unit in retarded temporal. Or is it a means of
intensification? Is shown by hyphenated spelling. The emphasis and the high
degree of the voice force intensification of the voice are usually marked by
capitalization or any other change of the Italics or Bold Type.

For example, the master of ceremonies, Archie in the play Jumpers by Thomas
Stoprad, the well known playwright in England. Known for his absurd place.
This master of ceremonies from this play announces. And now, ladies and
gentlemen, the incredible radical liberal jumpers. Archie is forcing and forcing
his voice. His voice this gradual or gradual. The words incredible, radical,
and liberal are written with the help of the capital letters by means of
capitalization. That is capital letters usage with the last word jumpers being
pronounced in a very loud voice, which is reflected or demonstrated with the
help of the Super capitalization. The reversal or contrary phenomenon of
capitalization is the substitution of capital letters or the small letters. Sometimes
to accentuate the desire to look modest if it concerns the name of the author for

But not always the American poet Cummings wrote his name employing the
small letter c Cummings. This phenomenon of deliberate lower casing can be
called decapitalization.

Devices based on orthographic and authorepical arrangement or


The word manipulations here are not negative manipulations. Appuratsy.

1. Anagram is a result of some manipulations with the letters and sounds.

Anagram is a word or expression or even phrase formed by rearranging or
reshuffling the letters of another word or expression, In this case, the
original unit is called the subject in anagram. People mainly make
anagrams just for fun, but they are also used a pseudonym or codes.

for example, erasure may be transformed into care due to reshuffling,

rearrangement of letters. If you rearrange the letters, you may get the word
CARE RACE and the result is CARE OR PART Chas may be turned into a
trap. The set of letters is the same but the order of the letters is different or
secure. The result is rescue, RESCUE. Rescue secure is transformed

KNEE may be transformed into keen, KEEN.

Anagrams can be categorized according to their semantics. There are anagrams,


For example ANGERED and ENRAGED. These are called syn anagrams. It is
a term syn anagrams from the word synonym syn anagrams. It is written sole.
Anagrams' antonyms are called antigrams and they are often created with the
hint of sarcasm, with the hint of irony.

for example, funerals and antigrams. Real fun. Anagrams are popular in both
literature and movies that if kinematography tour

For example, William Shakespeare's Hamlet is actually supposed to be an

anagram of AMLETH, the historical Danish Prince is that he is just the easiest
indigenous Hamlet.

in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's travels visits Tribnia, also known as LANGDEN.

These words Tribnia and Langdan are anagrams of the words Britain and
England respectively.

in Den Browns, The Da Vinci Code the article CLUES. Clues to the search for
the Holy Grail left by a murdered museum curator are hidden. The clues are
hidden in anagrams close to the search of Holy Grail. He made anagrams.

for example, O Draconian Devil. It is an anagram from Leonardo da Vinci,

or another example OOH, Lame St. It is a transformation of the Mona Lisa.

And the last example today is in the movie and book The Shining by Stephen
King the character Danny screams Red RUM, and writes this word on the
mirror using lipstick. If you analyze the word Redrum you will see that Redrum
is an anagram for Murder.

Onomatopoeia - is the formation of a word by imitating the natural sounds and
sounds of artifacts. Direct or primary onomatopoeia words have the
onomatopoeia's origin. Here belong words imitated

machine noises: honk, bip, plank.

Animal sounds: honk, twitter, croak, hauw..

Impact sounds: bang, boom, trash, thump.

Sounds of the voice: giggles, hiss, whine, shush, blurt.

Nature sounds: to drip, rustle, splash..


1. for the novel by Kronin “The northern light” She heard the creak of the
swing, the clop clop of her father’s poney.

Она услышала скрип качели, звуки копыт пони её папы.

2. the German machine guns were teateatating and there were the seasless swish
of bullets. “Death of the hero”, by Aldington.

Besides primary onomatopoeia words, there are cases when the secondary
onomatopoeias words are not the words of the onomatopoeia's origin, but they
sound as onomatopoeias involved in the process of onomatopoeia in the text.

For example: The imitation of the sounds produced by the soldiers marching
over Africa, can be illustrated by the poem of Kipling “Boats”. Wear put slog
slog slogging over Africa. Foot Foot Foot Foot slogging over Africa. Boots
Boots Boots Boots moving up and down again. Words Foot and Boots are not
of the onomatopoeia's origin, while the word Slog is of the onomatopoeia's
origin. Both primary and secondary onomatopoeia words are used here to render
the abrupt energetic rhythm of marching.

Consonance and alliteration.

Consonance suggests any repetition of consonant sounds. We may distinguish

between initial and non-initial types of consonance. The non-initial ones in the
turn being divided into intermediate and final or axteria consonance. Sometimes
different types of consonance are used nearby words within one and the same
context or fragment of the text. We may call this phenomenon a mixture
combined consonance.

As to the term alliteration, it has different definitions. Some literary experts

treat alliteration as the repetition of consonant sounds irrespective of their
position in the world. They may be initual or stand at the end or in the middle of
the words (intermediate). These scorers equaled alliteration with consonance. In
this case alliteration means repetition of any number of consonances in the
stressed or non stressed syllables, irrespective of their position provided the V
sound is setting clouse proximity to each other.

Such an approach is typical of modern artistic literature, first of all poetry. But
these definitions don't coincide with the traditional so called anglo-saxone
consumption of the term alliteration. The anglo-saxone definition suggests only
the triple.
The term style is widely used in literary criticism. Here it is applied to literary
genres, the word is borrowed from the French language and it is not completely
assimilated as you see. Here it is applied to literary genres, genre peculiarities,
or even used, it is used as a synonym, as a synonym of the notion literary genre.
But such an approach suggests a very narrow treatment of the notion style. It is
reduced, to be boiled down means to be reduced to something.

For example, the style of Romanticism, the style of Classicism, etc.

Certainly, writers, poets and playwrights, dramaturgi, have their individual


But there also exist different general trends, movements, in different epochs,
which are typical of the whole groups of writers, of authors.

For example, Classicism is based on harmony, symmetry, balance, rationality,

rationalism. While Romanticism emphasizes, подчёркивает, выделяет, the
subjective, всё субъективное здесь как существительное, the subconscious,
подсознательное, the irrational, иррациональное, the emotional,
эмоциональное, and even the supernatural, сверхъестественное, the weird,

Even the supernatural, the weird, w-e-i-r-d.

Thus Romanticism can be seen as a rejection against, противопоставление,
principles of Classicism.

Thus individual peculiarities interact, взаимодействуют, with the general

stylistic principles, that is trends, with the general stylistic principles of the
corresponding, соответствующие, movement or stream, the modern word is
stream, сейчас stream больше говорят, чем movement.

stylistic principles of the corresponding movement or stream, and that fusion, и

это слияние индивидуального и общего, характерного для той или иной

and this fusion, generates, порождает, генерирует, or brings about the

inimitable or unique, inimitable.

Then the next approach. Style is a product of individual choices. The key word
here is the word choice.

In general, such an approach seems to be reasonable. But this definition of style

is not exhaustive. Any text is the result of some choice. But this choice is
stipulated, обусловлен by different factors. That is, individual ones, those
connected with the state, состояние, of language.

In some particular epoch. Ethic or ethical and aesthetic. Этические и

эстетические. Ethic and aesthetic principles of a certain period in the
development of the society, etc. A lot of factors.

That's why the word choice carries a lot of senses. Just a moment, I'll give you
the final definition.

The word choice carrying a lot of senses here requires clear and accurate
treatment. точное, treatment, толкование.

We may suggest the following working or workable definition of style. The

definition is put it down in bold type or underline all these words. Style is a set
of certain verbal and structural peculiarities, including normative and deviant of
discourse stipulated by the historical, social and individual factors, and selected
according to the specific communicative aims or intentions.
The short sounds are sprightly (живые) They accelerate (ускоряют) the tempo,
while the long ones slow down the tempo. they are associated with smth gloomy
and even somber (dark, cosing fear).But we must bearing mind that the
associated are not universal. There are a lot of individual associations. That’s
the association, maybe both objective typical of many people and subjective
(individual). The sound symbols both subjective and objective, are widely used
in poetry.

Stylistic devices based on the graphical or phonetical identity or similarity of


Homonyms and their stylistic functions.

They are identical but not similar words. If the words are identical in their
sound image but they have different meanings, they are called

ex. pour and pore the same pronunciation. pour - лить to flow or to cost some
liquid. The word pore - very small opening in the skin (пора). Throw which
liquids may pass. knew and new - homophones.

If the words have the same graphical meaning but different pronunciation, they
are called HOMOGRAPHS.

ex. Bow - бау means the forward part of a ship.

Bow - боу means a kind of weapon used for shutting arrows.

to Bow - бау also means to band forward the upper part of the body to show
respect. Every one bowed as the quin walked into the room.
Bow - боу the kind of armament in the here, rebane noted in a special way
(бантик или галстук бабочка).

There also exist absolute homonyms, the sound the same and they have the
same graphical meaning.

The absolute homonyms are used in the following episode described by Charles
Dickens in his novel Oliver Twist.

Bow to the bod said Bumble. Oliver brushed away two or three tears that were
lingering in his eyes and seeing no bod but the table fortunately bowed to that.
(поклонился) The humorous effect is caused by the interplay of two words bod
- (представители попечительского совета) as a group of a official, and bod
(доска)- is a piece of furniture. In this case we have the phenomenon which is
called the interplay of homonyms or HOMONYMIC ATTRACTION.

When Homonyms are used in one and the same context they are often engaged
in the formation of PUN (игра слов)play on words. This close proximity of
homonyms is called HOMONYMIC ATTRACTION. (омонимическое
притяжение). Let us analyze the examples of HOMONYMIC ATTRACTION
taken from Romeo and Juliet by Shekspiere

ex. Mercutio Маркьюшью: Nea, gentle Romeo we must have you dance.

Romeo: not I. Believe me. You have dancing shoes with nimble (мягкий) soles.
I have a soul of lead. So takes me to the ground I cannot move.

Here the word sole - flat bottom part of a shoe, and a word soul - not material
part of a person - HOMOPHONES.

Romeo hines at the fact that M. is a cuent who can be easily put to fright. When
the Romeo is a brave men who nobody put frighten. this place is built on PUN.

Paronyms - are words that are pronounced or written in a similar way, not
identical. they have different lexical meanings. Some scholars believe that
paronyms are words of the same rude and should not be mixed with so called
confused words.(один корень) Some other scholars do not impose this
constraints on the notion paronyms. They believe that paronyms are any words
similar in pronunciation or/and spelling, no matter whether they go back to the
same rude. To reconcile these two approaches and find the compromise. It is
possible to differentiate between paronyms proper (same rude) and quasi
paronyms (different rudes). But for stylistics this factor is not very important, it
is sooner the problem of lexicology because both types fulfilled the analogous
functions in the text.


Corporal (bodily, physically) and corporeal (tangible, material)

Many countries have abolished corporal punishment.

It is very foolish to run after corporeal pleasures.

Industrial (relating to industry or economy) and industrias (diligent,


India has achieved atrimentas industrial progress. Alise industrias student.

Imaginary (unreal) and imaginative(creative)

Modern man is leaving in imaginary world.

Jong Keats was a great imaginative poet.

Paronomasia - some scholars believe that paronomasia is a stylistic device

based on contextual use of paronyms.ex. Your children need your presents more
than presents.

The word presents and presents are paronyms.

But the majority of scholars think that paronomasia is based not only on
paronyms but also homonyms.

The paronomasia covers both paronyms and homonyms if they fulfill the same
function of PUN (play on words). Sometimes both of them are engaged in this
word play forming - mixed or combined cases of paronomasia. The close
proximity in the text is called PARONIMIC ATTRACTION.Which can be
found of the author who like to create witty or sharp dialogues.

Ex. I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

The paronyms bottle and lobotomy - quasi paronyms.

front and frontal - same rude.

Malapropism it’s closely connected with paronyms. So malapropism- the use
of incorrect words in place of a word with a similar sound which is often a
paronyms or a confused word. Resulting in nonsensical often humorous
attarence. The term comes from a character named Ms Malaprop In Sheridan’s
play “The Rivers” in 1775. Malaprop frequently misspeaks to great comic effect
by using words which do not have the meaning she intandce to render but which
sound similar to words that are relevant (подходящий) in this context.

Ex. I am fading into Bolivian.(Oblivion - забвение Я погружаюсь в забвение.)

This unparalyzed in the states history ( Unparalleled - ничего подобного в

истории государства)

Unfortunately my affluence over my niece (Influence - влияние на

племянницу очень мало) Aim of the author - to achieve some humorous

Hendiadys - гендиадис there are two structural types of hendiadys.

1. The first - includes 2 word components which do not have the role
independent meanings and denote objects or phenomena only in their

Ex. namby pamby - sentimental.

Sometimes speakers invent their own words of this kind which 1 of the
elements may be notional.

Ex. In the play by Shaffer about Mozart the main characters Mozart and his
wife exchange the nonce words in a playful way обмениваются такими
придуманными словами игривом стиле

Ex. squeaky peeky, woolfy poolfy

The elements of such words are hyphenated and rimed.

2. The 2nd Structure of Hendiadys may include the semantically

independent words which form asset expressions (collocations). In many
cases these words have one and the same initial sound or letters.

Ex. to rant and rave (to talk loudly and angrily) part and parcel (неотъемлемая

Palindrome - is a word that can be read forward or backward and spells as the
same word.

Ex. did and level are the same when you spell or read them backward.
Spoonerism - is a phrase in which the speaker accidentally exchange the first
sounds of 2 words with the funny result.

Ex I shall sow you to a sheat. - I shall show you to the seat. (пришью тебя к
наволочке вместо покажу вам место) Spoonerism as a rule us in comedies.

Tmesis - тмесис - is a peculiarity of the colloquial style TO CUT. It is a lexical

morphological device. It denotes a separation of parts of the word by the
intervention of one or more words into its structure. Usually for emphasis or
comic effect.

Ex. absolutely - absolfreakinglutely (freaking - alien verb may be inserted only

before the stressed syllable) if there are several stresses - then the additional
word is interpolated before the strongest stress. The words imbedded are usually
invectives like the word freaking. This rude elements such as goddamn or
bloody ets. breaking reacking the structure.

In some manuals or monograms the authors give the incorrect definition of the
term TMESIS. They write that it is the interpolation between 2 part of the
compound words. The alien word may be inserted in any lexical units which
consist of at least 2 morphemes even if they are only 1 rude morpheme.

Tmesis can be also used with word combinations

Ex. The naked truth - the naked bloody truth.

blidding - absobloodylutely

bloody - rail bloody way

blooming - absobloominlutely

Stylistic stratification of the lexical units All the words can be classified
according to different stylistic criteria

Number one The first classification is based on ethical and aesthetic

conventions From the point of view of their mental and social perception Words
can be classified as Neutral. That is commonly used in all spheres of

For example, to take, to ask, bed, table, cat, etc.

Neutral words are used by everyone and everyone understands them And they
do not cause anyone any negative or other emotions

Number two Elevated, poetical or bookish words which arouse positive attitude
of the recipient of the information реципиент т.е. тот, кто слушает, кто их
воспринимаетbas they are soft and mild often they sound romantic

for example heaven instead of sky т.е. небеса heaven поэтическое слово в
отличие от sky небо or brow instead of the facial expression

да, выражение лица или просто лицо вообще face brow facial expression
then charger or steed charger

instead of the word horse there will be charger or steed these are elevated
bookish words конь the stylistic functions of literary layer of the vocabulary the
stylistic functions are as follows number one to characterize the speech of the
the past bygone and to reproduce

atmosphere of antiquity to characterize the speech of the bygone epochs and to


atmosphere of antiquity number two to create romantic atmosphere the general

coloring of elevation

возвышенно ощущение какой-то возвышенности the general coloring of

elevation especially in poetry

to create romantic atmosphere the general coloring of elevation especially in

poetry especially in poetry

number three to introduce the atmosphere of solemnity торжественности

solemnity in official speech

to introduce the atmosphere of solemnity in official speech to introduce the

atmosphere of solemnity

in official speech and point three negative words negative or degraded words

which are qualified by the society degraded words degraded degraded words
which are qualified by the society

as coarse or rude как грубые as coarse or rude ones or units

as coarse or rude units and which have a limited sphere of usage and which
have a limited sphere of usage these words are called vulgarisms

vulgarisms these words are called vulgarisms for example

but but the part of the body in which a person sits but but it is the part of the
body in which a person sits

which is used instead of the neutral but but but

B-U-T I'm sorry I'm forced to use some of the words to make it clear but instead
of the neutral instead of the neutral

or the word box money or American dollars first of all American dollars
Babloda. Dengi. Baksi.

Instead of the word, neutral word money or dollars. There are also taboo words.
Taboo. T-A-B-O-O. Sorry.

T-A-B-O-O. T-A-B-O-O. Words. There are also taboo words.

Taboo. There are also T-A-B-O-O words. Taboo words. Which are banned.

Ban. To ban. Which are banned from use. Which are banned from use. Which
are banned. B-A-N-N-E-D. Which are banned from use in any kind of

Which are banned from use in any kind of communication. There are also taboo

Which are banned from use in any kind of communication. They are also called.
They are also called.

Four-letter words. Four-letter words.

The majority. Sh-t.

The majority. F-ck. F-ck. Sh-t. The majority. Of words. Which are banned from
use in any kind of communication. They are also called. Four-letter words.

as the majority of them consist of four letters, for example. Не хочется

называть, но... Shit, fuck, etc. The words which are used to substitute taboo

the words which are used to substitute taboo words, vulgarisms and politically
incorrect words,

the words which are used to substitute, заменять, to substitute taboo words,

vulgarisms and politically incorrect words are called euphemisms.

euphemisms e-u-p-h-e-m-i-s-m-s
euphemisms are called euphemisms.

For example, Porcelain Throne Porcelain Парфоровый порцелин p-o-r-c-e-l-a-


Porcelain Throne Трон t-h-r-o-n-e Porcelain Throne

Try to guess the meaning. Парфоровый трон What does it mean? Porcelain
Throne means toilet. Это значит туалет. Ну понятно, да, теперь, почему?

Porcelain Throne instead of toilet or Number one номер один instead of

urination instead of urination

мочеиспускание Number one номер один instead of urination and number two
instead of defecation

дефекация number two instead of defecation Porcelain Throne number one

number two they are all euphemisms

euphemisms are used for certain abstractions euphemisms are used for certain

such as death for example death which is called eternal slumber вечный сон

eternal e-t-e-r-n-a-l eternal slumber s-l-u-m-b e-t-e-r-n eternal slumber

such as death which is called eternal slumber or old age старость which is
known as the golden age

золотой век the golden age or the old age which is known as the golden age

are also used for denoting some physical defects for example thin on top thin

on top which means bald лысый b-a-l-d bald people fired люди, которых

to fire f-i-r-e people fired are often named are often named people between

jobs people between jobs people fired are often named people between jobs etc
the trend of political

correction the trend of political correction in the civilized world the trend of
political correction

in the civilized цивилизованном мире in the civilized world gives birth or

generates gives birth
to a lot of euphemisms gives birth to a lot of euphemisms the ethical scale

вот это шкала the ethical scale can be demonstrated on the example of the verb
to die the ethical scale

can be demonstrated on the example with the verb to die the verb to die is
neutral it's synonyms

to expire e-x-p-i-r-e to expire and to pass away to pass p-a-s-s and to pass away

are elevated or bookish are elevated it's synonyms to expire and to pass away
are elevated

the expressions with the same meaning to give up one's ghost испустить дух
the expressions with the same meaning to give up one's ghost

g-h-o-s-t and to kick the bucket ударить ведро to kick the bucket b-u-c-k-e-t to
kick the bucket are root colloquial

expressions that is vulgarisms to kick the bucket are root colloquial to give up
one's ghost and to kick the bucket are root colloquial expressions

that is vulgarisms the word еда is neutral

and its synonym граб жертва is rude it is a vulgarism the word

food is neutral and its synonym граб is rude it is a vulgarism certainly stylistic

of language units is the result of convention in the society certainly stylistic

stratification of language units

is the result of convention in the society nobody can explain

why this particular set of sounds and letters why this particular set of sounds

and letters is milder than some other how it happened that the words acquired

that the words acquired different ethnic labels ethnic labels ethnic labels

ethnic labels ethnic labels labels labels labels but such an estimation

of words exists but such an estimation of words exists and people must observe
the conventions of the society

and people must observe the conventions of the society not breaking the rules
not breaking the rules
of this traditional perception perception PERCEPTION

of this traditional perception and communication of this traditional perception

and communication.

Factor number two. It was the first one, now the second one.

Axiology. Axiology. A-X-I-O-L-O-G-Y.


Axiology. Sorry. Axiology.

From the point of view of assessment, assessment, assessment, A-S-S-E-S-S-M-


From the point of view of assessment, A-S-S-E-S-S-M-E-N-T, of assessment or


evaluation, E-V-A-L-U-A-T-I-O-N, evaluation, evaluation, the words can be


the words can be divided into evaluative, or axiological, evaluative,

evaluative, evaluative, that is axiological, and neutral or relative ones, and

neutral or relative ones,

relative ones. The words good,

fine, awful, wonderful, amazing, are evaluative, that is axiological,

assigned to me. The words good, fine, awful, wonderful, amazing, are
evaluative or axiological. As they are used to give estimate,

as they are used to give estimate, estimate, E-S-T-I-M-A-T-E,

estimate, as they are used to give estimate. In the evaluative, the evaluative or
axiological words,

the evaluative or axiological words, in their turn, in their turn, in their turn, are

are subdivided, inter, are subdivided, pejorative units, pejorative units,

pejorative units,

P-E-J-O-R-A-T-I-V-E, pejorative, P-E-J-O-R-A-T-I-V-E,

pejorative units, and ameliorative units, ameliorative,

ameliorative, that is soft, soft, positive, positive, ameliorative units,

A-M-E-L-I-O-R-A-T-I-V-E, ameliorative units,

that is positive, pejorative, negative, and ameliorative, negative, positive, the

pejorative units, the pejorative units,

are words with the negative connotation, the pejorative units, are words with the
negative connotation, bad, awful,

bad, awful, etc. The ameliorative units, the ameliorative units, are words with
the positive connotation,

are words with the positive connotation, wonderful, fine, wonderful, fine, etc.

The words good and bad, are the key words of this opposition, The words good
and bad, are the key words of this opposition,

One should not confuse the axiological words,

or evaluative words, the same, One should not confuse the evaluative or
axiological words,

with the words denoting evaluations, with the words denoting evaluations,

to praise, to criticize, to praise,

to criticize, to praise, to approve, etc. One also must bear in mind, One also
must bear in mind,

that some words may have basic neutral meanings, that some words may have
basic neutral meanings,

and occasional, occasional, that is, irregular, random, in this case,

occasional, evaluative, that is, contextual, occasional, evaluative ones,

actualized in context. One also must bear in mind,

that some words may have basic neutral meanings, and occasional evaluative
ones, actualized in context.

For example, The word pig is neutral, if taken, the word pig is neutral, if taken
as a denotation of the domestic animal.

Поросенок, там, свинья. Pig is neutral, if taken as a denotation, обозначение,

домашнее животное, domestic animal. But it acquires, приобретает, but it
acquires the negative charge, заряд,

charge, как заряд, c-h-a-r-g-e, it acquires the negative charge, when applied to
people, когда применяется к людям. when applied to people.

The next factor is borrowings and native words. Заимствование, да, и свои
собственные слова.

Borrowings and native words. According to the origin,

the words are grouped, according to the origin, the words are grouped into
native words and borrowings,

and borrowings, b-o-r-b-o-r-o-w-i-n-g-s, borrowings. The word stock,

Основной словарный фонд, the word stock, s-t-o-c-k, the word stock of the
English language includes native words and borrowings,

or loan words, loan words, borrowings, or loan words, l-o-a-n, l-o-a-n,

hyphen words, loan words, заимствование. Some loan words are denizens,

d-e-n-i-z-e-n-s, denizens. Some loan words are denizens,

that is, they are completely assimilated units. Заимствованные слова, которые
полностью ассимилировались.

Вы их не отличите от native words. Some loan words are denizens, that is,
they are completely assimilated units

and are not qualified anymore as alien elements. Не воспринимаются, не

квалифицируются уже как чужеродные.

Alien, a-l-i-e-n, and are not qualified anymore as alien elements.

Форенизм, from the word foreign,

иностранный, форенизм, форенизм, are words which preserved some or many

foreign features. Форенизм,

are words which preserved, сохранили, which preserved some or many foreign
features, but they already found their place in the words talk.

Но они уже зафиксированы словарями,

уже их приняли в основной словарный фонд английского языка. But they
already found their place in the words talk. For example, bouquet,

bouquet, b-o-u-q-u-e-t, bouquet, bouquet, or rouge, r-o-u-g-e-t, or garage,

garage, g-a-r-a-g-e, the words which are taken from the French language, as you
see, and they are not completely assimilated in their pronunciation.

Гласность, спутник, These words,

форенизм, I mean, these words are registered, зафиксированы,

зарегистрированы. These words are registered in the most authoritative
dictionaries of the English language.

These words are registered in the most authoritative, наиболее авторитетных,

authoritative dictionaries of the English language. And barbarisms, барбаризм

или варваризмы, barbarisms,

b-a-r-b-a-r-i-s-m-s, barbarisms, barbarisms are words which are not assimilated

and preserved all their original qualities.

То есть, это, по сути дела, иностранные слова из других языков.

Barbarisms are words which are not assimilated and preserved all their original
qualities. They are not elements of the Wordstock.

They are not elements of the Wordstock.

And they are not registered in the dictionaries. And they are not registered in the

Borrowings pass several stages of transformation or assimilation.

Borrowings pass several stages of transformation or assimilation

before they turn into the elements of the Wordstock. before they turn into the
elements of the Wordstock.

Some barbarisms never enter the Wordstock, though they may be popular at a
certain period of time.

Some barbarisms never enter the Wordstock, though they may be popular at a
certain period of time.

Foreignisms and barbarisms are used for creating the exotic coloring in the
Foreignisms and barbarisms are used for creating the exotic coloring in the

Akraska coloring. For example, in many novels and stories by Hemingway,

For example, in many novels and stories by Hemingway, the exotic coloring is
created with the help of Spanish, Italian, French, and Greek barbarisms.

the exotic coloring is created with the help of Spanish, Italian, French, and
Greek barbarisms.

The author often sets the action.

The author often sets the action. in France, Spain, Italy, and other countries

and describes their specific holidays, traditions, games, dishes, clothes, and
other realia.

and other realia.

and other realia. The author often sets the action. in France, Spain, Italy, and
other countries and describes their specific holidays, traditions, games, dishes,
clothes, and other realia.

and other realia. For many of these notions,

For many of these realia, For many of these notions, there are lacunes. lacunes

There are no corresponding words in English. lacunes

lacunes For many of these notions, There are lacunes or gaps There are lacunes
or gaps In this particular lacunes,

In this particular lacunes, Hemingway fills in or the American variant is fills up

fills in with the barbarisms

and foreign words with barbarisms and foreignisms One of his novels is called

One of his novels is called Fiesta It is a Spanish word denoting holiday or


It is a Spanish word denoting holiday or entertainment There are also many

French words in this novel

As the action is partly set in Paris There are also many French words in this
As the action is partly set in Paris For example, one can find here

the French word poule the French word poule the word poule chicken

the word poule the French word chicken which means a hoe which means
another meaning is a hoe a hoe is a sledgehammer

a hoe in the French colloquial speech The author also uses the word armoire

a-r-m-o-i-r-e armoire which means wardrobe wardrobe which means wardrobe

and some other French words

Describing the bullfight in Spain Hemingway uses

Describing the bullfight in Spain or fight in Spain the author uses special words
connected with this world and cruel entertainment

uses special words connected with this world and cruel entertainment For

Barrera B-a-r-r-e-r-a the first row of seats for the public the first row of seats for
the public

in the arena where these bullfights take place Toro T-o-r-o the bull Mucha
suerte Good luck

Mucha suerte M-u-c-h-a and the second word is s-u-e-r-t Mucha suerte Cogido

C-o-g-i-d-o Cogido Cornada The hit by the horn Cornada

C-o-r-n-a-d-a and muleta M-u-l-e-t-a muleta A red cloth to tease the bull

A red cloth to tease the bull A red cloth to tease the bull A red cloth to tease the
bull etc When barbarisms are not accompanied by any explanations in the text

When barbarisms are not accompanied are not accompanied

by any explanations it hinders the reader's perception it hinders it hinders the

reader's perception

Sometimes the corresponding explanations Sometimes the corresponding

explanations are given in the text itself

that is in the main body of the text in the main body of the text

Sometimes they are given in footnotes in footnotes they are given in footnotes
or in special glossaries glossaries glossaria g-l-o-s-s-a-r-i-e-s

in special glossaries at the end of the book as a rule at the end of the book or in
special glossaries

at the end of the book and the next factor is depending on the period of their

depending on the period of their usage all the words can be divided into the

that is obsolete once archaic archaisms outdated words can be divided into the

a-r-c-h-a-i-c archaic or obsolete the same o-b-s-o-l-e-t-e into the archaic or

obsolete ones

neutral that is which are widely used and everybody understands them and
neologisms neologisms

and neologisms neologisms n-e-o-l-o-g-i-s-m-s neologisms archaisms

are words which are no longer used in everyday speech and which have been
ousted o-u-s-t-e-d

which have been ousted o-u-s-t-e-d by their synonyms modern synonyms

archaisms remain in the language

but they are used as stylistic devices to express solemnity or lofty feelings
возвышенные чувства какие-то

lofty feelings etc. for example me thinks m-e-t-h-i-n-k-s it's a single word

it's like one word me thinks it means I believe me thinks anon a-n-o-n which
means quick faster anon

or the word eek e-k-e e-k-e eek also it means also or behold

which means see betwixt between betwixt b-e-t-w-u-i-x-t betwixt

all these words are archaic words one should not confuse archaisms or archaic
words with historical words or historisms

историзмы не путать архаические слова историзмы historisms the letter то

есть последние то бишь historisms the letter L-A-T-T-R
are not obsolete themselves but they denote things or objects phenomena which
belong to the past historisms are not obsolete themselves

but they denote things or objects which belong to the past historisms are
numerous as names for social relations

institutions objects of material culture of the past here belong

for example the word brougham b-r-o-u-g-h-a-m brougham a brougham

a carriage used in the past that had four wheels and a roof and was pulled by a
horse a carriage used in the past that had four wheels

четырёхколёсный экипаж four wheels and a roof крыша and was pulled by a
horse or the word гиг гиг is a historism гиг G-I-G

двуколка a small two-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse and so on

historisms also include

such weapons as for example a mace m-a-c-e a short hairy stick used as a
weapon in former times

usually of metal with sharp points sticking out around head булава mace
булава modern writers use historisms

to create the atmosphere of the historical epoch historical epoch there are also
neologisms and nonce words

there are also neologisms and nonce words nonce words n-o-n-c-e a harefan
words and nonce words or occasionalisms

оказианализмы there are also neologisms and nonce words neologisms are
words which are already included into the dictionaries

neologisms are words which are already included into the dictionaries they are
part and parcel

неотъемлемая часть they are part and parcel of the wordstock of the language
neologisms are words which are already included into the dictionaries

they are part and parcel of the wordstock of the language новые слова новые
слова но уже зарегистрированы the nonce words are words

which were coined которые были придуманы coined c-o-i-n the nonce words
are words which were coined
by the authors of fiction journalists, etc. and which do not belong to the main
wordstock of the English language the nonce words are words

which were coined by the authors of fiction journalists, etc. and which do not
belong to the main wordstock of the English language some of them later

entered the main wordstock or enter the main wordstock the other ones will just
die away or die out the other ones will just die away

or die out one can find a lot of nonce words in the stories by O. Henry

O. Henry писатель O. Henry O-h-e-n-r-y one can find a lot of nonce words in
the stories by O. Henry

for example, O. Henry invented the word heroitis heroitis h-e-r-o-i-t-i-s

heroitis жажда подвигов the word hero, heroitis as a disease as a mania

как болезнь if anybody I'll cite now I'll cite now O. Henry if anybody ever had
heroitis it was that Willie Robbins

who seemed to engulf danger as a cat laps up cream if anybody ever had
heroitis если у кого-то и было вот это заболевание мания, жажда подвигов

так это был Willie Robbins who seemed to engulf danger который казалось
поглощал опасность as a cat любил, когда встречал какие-то опасности

as a cat laps up cream подобно тому, как кошка да, слизывает сметану the
word heroitis is coined by analogy

созданное автором по аналогии is coined by analogy with the terms denoting

really existing diseases

bronchitis hepatitis appendicitis and heroitis are the same some, the last notion

самое последнее, но это надо вам обязательно знать some nonse words are
the so-called portmanteau words

some nonse words are the so-called portmanteau p-o-r-t-m-a-n-t-e-a-u

portmanteau portmanteau words which are

что это такое? which are two or several different units spliced together

которые соединены тесно spliced, s-p-l-i-c-e-d spliced together for a hybrid

word formation получается гибрид
for a hybrid word formation or a blend blend это и есть гибрид, да? слияние,
blend b-l-e-n-d for example motel is a blend of the words motor and hotel

for example motel is a blend of the words motor and hotel

or branch it is a blend of breakfast and lunch and so on a lot of portmanteau

words you may find in Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

no time anymore

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