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# World Population Press

## World Population Day 2023: Date, History, Significance, Theme And Other
Important Details

World Population Day is observed on **July 11th** every year to focus on the
urgency and importance of population issues across the globe[^1^][2]. This day is
dedicated to increasing awareness about the importance of finding solutions to
growing population-related issues[^2^][3].

The theme for this year's World Population Day is "A world of 8 billion: Towards a
resilient future for all - Harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices
for all"[^3^][5].

This day serves as a platform to promote sustainable development and address the
challenges associated with global population trends and their implications[^4^][4].

On World Population Day, advocates from around the world call on leaders,
policymakers, grassroots organizers, institutions and others to help make
reproductive health and rights a reality for all[^5^][6].

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