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Department Of Social Science

Action Research Proposal

Title: How to improving the result of bellow the school benchmark scorer students in

social studies the case of grade seven.

By: Hamid Nesru

January 2024

Addis Ababa
Table of contents


Keywords benchmark, low scored students, appreciation.........................................................5

1. Introduction........................................................................................................................5

1.1 Statement of the problem......................................................................................................................6

1.2 Action research question.......................................................................................................................6
1.3 Objectives..............................................................................................................................................7
1.3.1 General Objective...........................................................................................................................7
1.3.2 Specific Objectives.........................................................................................................................7
1.4 Action research design methods and data analysis...............................................................................7
1.5 Significant of the study.........................................................................................................................7
1.6 Scope of the study.................................................................................................................................7
1.7 Data gathering.......................................................................................................................................7
1.8 Expected out comes..............................................................................................................................8
2. Review Literature...............................................................................................................8

2.1 Meaning of result.............................................................................................................................8

2.2 Tips to help students improve their results......................................................................................9
2.3 Factors Affecting Academic Performance.......................................................................................9
1. An Uncomfortable Learning Environment..........................................................................................9
2. Family Background.............................................................................................................................9
3. Difficulty in Understanding...............................................................................................................10
4. Teacher-Student Relations................................................................................................................10
5. Information Overload........................................................................................................................10
6. Performance Pressure........................................................................................................................10
7. Unhealthy Lifestyle...........................................................................................................................10
8. Distracted Mind.................................................................................................................................10
9. Loss of Interest..................................................................................................................................11
2.4 Applicable methods to improve student result...............................................................................11
1. Monitor academic progress...............................................................................................................11
2. Checking attendance reports.............................................................................................................11
3. Understanding student behavior and improving classroom interaction............................................11
4. Home works and Assignments..........................................................................................................11
5. Allocating Time for Revision............................................................................................................12
6. Try to Enhance Memory....................................................................................................................12
7. Utilize a Learning Style that Suits You.............................................................................................12
8. Giving extra attention........................................................................................................................12
2.5 Theoretical frame work..................................................................................................................12
3. Data analysis, conclusion and recommendation...............................................................13

3.1 General Back ground of participants.............................................................................................13

3.2 Solution applying by researcher..........................................................................................................14
3.3 The progress of passive students.........................................................................................................14
3.4 Result Analysis...................................................................................................................................15
4. Conclusion........................................................................................................................15

5. Recommendation..............................................................................................................16


 https://

 https://

 https://

 JL Herman 2010 content across class room and school p. 11........................................17


Continuous studding check list................................................................................................17


The study explored how to improving the result of bellow the school benchmark scorer students in

citizenship he case of grade seven. The specific objectives of the study were to improve the result of scored

less than the bench mark of the school (> 70%), to improve the studying habitués of low scored students

and to help and improve the participation of low scored students. The study was conducted in grade seven

students which scored less than the bench mark of the school. In the study design, the students of 7th

grade have been categorized as high achievers, average and below average. A questionnaire consisting of

10 items was developed as research instrument of the study. The data were collected, tabulated,

interpreted and statistically analysed. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of data analysis. The study

recommended that the low achiever students need special support and appreciation, the researcher was

used unique schedule for help students to study every day, active participation and active appreciation.

Those three factors have high relationship to score high academic performance.

Keywords benchmark, low scored students, appreciation

1. Introduction
Action research is a type of research in which researchers are used to solve problems in short period of
time. When a problem occurs, a person uses action research to find out immediate solution and also takes
as bench mark of research.
Action research involves actively participating in a change situation, often via an existing organization,
whilst simultaneously conducting research. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Meaning of result
In simple words, it means something that happens or exists because of something that happened before.
There are various meanings of the word result like the final number of points, votes, etc at the end of a
game, competition, or election.
Student result mean the outcome of assessment related to the performance or level of competence
of student enrolled in a program. (Holly Factora 2021 p 17)
The marks student score in an examination, the answers that are produced by scientific research or study,
and the academic achievement of something are also some other meanings of the result. Result analysis
helps you to understand how you are learning, and how you are performing in each area of the study.
Results depend on how much effort was applied and in which way. If efforts were applied in the right
direction the result will be good and if fewer efforts are applied in the wrong direction it will not be good.
Whatever you do just keep in mind results are not always in control but efforts in the right direction will
always lead you to get better outcomes. (twinkl. com)
Academic benchmarks involve setting measurable standards for evaluating ones learning. Academic
benchmarks may be set for individual student ranking themselves against others. Academic benchmarks
may be set of concepts that students should know by the end of the term. Benchmark is used to assess
progress towards year- end goal. (JL Herman 2010 p 11)
My school Diamond Academy set 70 percent benchmark that students should minimum scored at end of
the term.
1.1 Statement of the problem
During my teaching and learning period, I saw three kinds of students in my classroom. The first one is
high scorer students (100% – 90%), the second one is medium scorer (89% – 70%), and the last one is
students who are scored less than the bench mark of the school (< 69%). The third group of student
attracts my attention to do this action research to improve their result.

1.2 Action research question
Teach students by giving them the opportunity to ask their own questions, guide discussions and let them
enlighten us of their needs (Bissex, 2004). This study is focus on to increase student result and creates a
studding follow up list for less scorer student and uses student centered learning environment that
enhanced students' active participation, critical thinking and result.
This paper attempted to answer specific questions such as
 Why some of students are scored less than the bench mark of the school (> 70%)?
 Why some of the students are not studding hard?
 How to improve the participation of low scored students?
1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General Objective
The overall objective of this action research was to improve the result of low scorer students in grade 7 at
diamond academy.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
 To improve the result of scored less than the bench mark of the school (> 70%)?
 To improve the studying habitués of low scored students.
 To help and improve the participation of low scored students?
1.4 Action research design methods and data analysis
The descriptive survey method used in this study. Descriptive means that the survey made in order to
discover some aspects of student’s participation during teaching learning process. The researcher was use
observation during teaching and learning time, informal interview and secondary source like mark list.
And it was analysis by both quantitative and qualitative methods.
1.5 Significant of the study
 For the teachers, wanted to be improving their result of less scored student.
 For pupils, they are wanted to be changing their result.
 For the future researchers, it used as a reference.
 For the schools, it is a document and the guild line to solve result inflation.
1.6 Scope of the study
This action research was focusing only on grade seven students at diamond academy (2022/23 A.Y) which
is found around Lemi Kura sub city Woreda 13.

1.7 Data gathering
The researcher was collecting primary data from continuous observation during teaching learning period
and from informal interview with students and parents during Parent teacher conference, gathers data from
other teachers. And secondary date extract from continuous assessment mark list.
1.8 Expected out comes
The following results are expected from this action research
 Get their results improved.
 Better participation in the class room.
 Develop a good study style and experience.

2. Review Literature
2.1 Meaning of result
Student result mean the outcome of assessment related to the performance or level of competence of
student enrolled in a program.
Results depend on how much effort was applied and in which way. If efforts were applied in the right
direction the result will be good and if fewer efforts are applied in the wrong direction it will not be good.
Whatever you do just keep in mind results are not always in control but efforts in the right direction will
always lead you to get better outcomes.
Student success is usually determined by a few key factors: intelligence, effort, and luck. While
intelligence is something that is largely predetermined, effort and luck are two factors that students can
control. There are many things that students can do to improve their results in school. Some things like
studying and completing homework, are obvious, but other things, managing time and setting goals, may
be less obvious.
2.2 Tips to help students improve their results
 Study regularly
 Complete homework
 Assignments make on time
 Manage time wisely
Make a schedule that includes time for studying, homework, exercise, and relaxation. Set goals
In order to improve students’ results, it is important to find out what they are struggling with and identify
any gaps in their knowledge. You can then provide targeted instruction to help them overcome these
deficiencies. Additionally, it is essential to create a positive learning environment in which students feel
motivated to succeed. Praise and encouragement can go a long way in helping students reach their full
2.3 Factors Affecting Academic Performance

1. An Uncomfortable Learning Environment

The type of surroundings and people a child interacts with during the elementary school phase is partially
responsible for the overall performance, including the academic score. If a child is bullied by his peers,
does not have a particular liking towards his teachers, or has difficulty in making friends, it may affect the
focus he must have during classes. (Dr. Heena Rachh p 27)

2. Family Background
Internal family conflicts often affect the academic performance of a student. Oftentimes, returning home
to a negative atmosphere affects the will to study, and work towards academics. Students coming from
troubled households mostly have issues concentrating in classroom discussions and lessons and are unable
to catch up while studying at home. (Dr. Heena Rachh p 27)

3. Difficulty in Understanding
Many concepts and topics of the new curriculum text book can be difficult to understand and prepare for
without expert supervision. Missing classes when such topics are taught may be unfortunate for the child,
thus affecting the overall academic score. (Dr. Heena Rachh p 28)

4. Teacher-Student Relations
A teacher’s undivided attention, appreciation, and understanding play a huge role in developing the
student’s interest in the subject. If teachers are burdened with immense side responsibilities, and an
abnormal number of students to teach, it may affect the teaching style and the quality of education
imparted to the students. Student-teacher ratio refers to the number of students in a classroom, per teacher.
It is an important concept adhered to by many primary schools as well as higher secondary schools. (Dr.
Heena Rachh p 28)

5. Information Overload
The saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is true. Students tend to overwork and study
with no breaks. Information overload tires out the mind and reduces its ability to think, thus reducing the
academic performance of the child. (Dr. Heena Rachh p 28)

6. Performance Pressure
Performance pressure can be caused due to unrealistic expectations from family, set assigned goals, or
other outside factors. Whatever is the cause, performance pressure has always proven to be harmful to the
mental health of the child and thus causing a serious reduction in academic performance. (Dr. Heena
Rachh p 29)

7. Unhealthy Lifestyle
An unhealthy lifestyle can play havoc with the well-planned plans, so how can it not affect a student in
primary school? (Dr. Heena Rachh p 29)
Students believe that studying till late at night, sleeping less, reducing their appetite can bring them good
academic results. This is not at all true. In fact, surviving on caffeine, or getting inadequate hours of sleep
affects the ability to learn, retain and think. A healthy lifestyle is crucial to performing well in academics

or any other field. Maintaining a balanced diet, along with adequate hours of sleep, study breaks are very
important to sustain or improve an academic record. (Dr. Heena Rachh p 28)

8. Distracted Mind
Students are easily distracted by new gadgets, new habits, excess of television, addiction of social media,
using cell phone and internet, past problems, friendships, etc which affects their academic performance
drastically. Meditation, leisure reading, counseling sessions, and hobby classes are recommended to the
students of Abu Dhabi schools, to avoid unnecessary distractions and work better towards their goals. (Dr.

9. Loss of Interest
Not all subjects can be a student’s favorite. It is not reasonable to expect every child to like all topics, and
perform exceptionally well in every subject, all the time.
There are instances when children lose interest in a few topics in the curriculum and do not have the will
to study and prepare them for exams. It is understandable but detrimental to the academic score of the
student. (Dr. Heena Rachh p 28)
2.4 Applicable methods to improve student result

1. Monitor academic progress

Firstly, all schools should have a sort of monitoring system so that they can achieve short term (e.g.
monthly or half a term) learning objectives and accordingly teachers can assess the student learning. You
need to ensure that each child has their own goals for the half term which are specific and measurable.
Measurable goals could be the student’s language skills, numeracy skills etc. At the start of the next half
term they check the desired targets and set new ones once they’ve been achieved.
To evaluate academic performance, marks per semester or term are also important. Schools should show
the report to parents and keep them up to date on their child’s progress. In addition, parents are also able
to acknowledge whether their kid needs more attention too.

2. Checking attendance reports

Managing and tracking individual attendance plays an important role in students’ academic results.
Maintaining a regular attendance record in schools is necessary for students’ success. For instance, if a
student missed a class, then it will be hard for him/her to catch up the next day and will be far behind
compared to other students in the following classes.

3. Understanding student behavior and improving classroom interaction
This is another tip to improve student performance in class. As a teacher you should ensure that each
student has the freedom to ask questions. Let them be involved with the lessons thereby feeling more
engaged and interested.

4. Home works and Assignments

Never put off doing your homework or assignments. In other words, doing so would be one of the reasons
your student performs below the level of other students. As per the education department, reports highlight
that homework fosters a child’s sense of responsibility which is an added advantage. Students who are
assigned with home works can develop good study habits. Moreover, depending on a student’s age,
homework has different effects on academic performance. So focus on assigning more of the homework
tasks that are proven to be more successful.

5. Allocating Time for Revision

Often the reason why students don’t score well in their exams is that they don’t allocate enough time for
revision. Students often overlook the importance of revision but it must be clarified here that revision
holds huge importance during exams. While revising, students get to know more about areas they need to
focus on that would help them in achieving better grades and give them a confidence boost.

6. Try to Enhance Memory

For most students remembering all they have learned is also an issue. This significantly brings their grades
down. With so many facts to remember, it is a task for students to mug up everything. Hence, to improve
their academic performance, students must also work on their memory skills to facilitate better learning
and grades.

7. Utilize a Learning Style that Suits You

When students do not perform well academically, it is often because they haven’t found a learning style
that suits them correctly. Every student adapts a different mode of learning that suits their style and yields
the best possible results academically. So, to improve academic performance, students must also know
that finding a suitable learning style for them is of utmost importance.

8. Giving extra attention

Giving extra attention can help these students to improve individual performance and eventually boost
overall pass percentage of campus.

2.5 Theoretical frame work
Diagram 1 theoretical frame work

Source: Class room observation (2022/23)

3. Data analysis, conclusion and recommendation
3.1 General Back ground of participants
In this part general back ground of the participant is displayed; it includes sex and first term result of
sample students from grade 7 A up to D.
Table 1 back ground of participants.

No of sample population Result b/n 69 – 60 Result b/n 60 – 50 Less than 50

Female Male F M F M F M
11 20 6 8 4 12 1 -
35% 65% 19% 26% 13% 39% 3% 0%
Source: Class room observation (2022̸23)
The above table indicated that the back ground of participants student. 65 percent and 35 percent are male
and female respectively. 35% of students (6 F and 8 M) are scored b/n 69 – 60 point out of 100, 52 % of
students (4 F and 12 M) are scored b/n 60 – 59 point out of 100 and 3% of student students (1 F and 0 M)
are scored less than 50. This analysis implies that 65 percent of low achiever students are male and 35
percent of low achiever students are female.
3.2 Solution applying by researcher
The researcher used to apply different methods to improve the participation of passive students. The
researcher is used the following methods
1. Giving encouragement and motivation; when I’m facilitating the class during discussion time, I
encourage and motivate them before and after whatever they say for their participation
2. Giving appreciations: appreciation is very important to boost the participation of passive students.
3. Giving more time: giving more time to answer the discussion, to do practical exam and
presentation in front of students.
4. Continuous follow up: continuously follow the progress of passive students and giving advices.
5. Giving studying schedules: Giving studying sheet and show how to developed studying hard.
6. Provide opportunities to work active participant: students can be asked to comment on what
another student has said. A question can be asked and students can be invited to discuss
possible answers with each other before the class discussion.

3.3 The progress of passive students

The following table 2 indicated the progress of low achievers students after serious measurements to
improve their result. The table contains all term results of selected sample students. The 1 st term column

shows result contains before starting this action research and the 2 nd and the 3rd term result column
contains results after action.

3.4 Result Analysis

NO Name Grade 1st term result 2nd term result 3rd term result Remark
1. Adonias Bekele 7A 64 67 77 Improved
2. Arsema Essayas 7A 67 73 92 Improved
3. Henon Aklilu Admasu 7A 65 82 65
4. Kaleb Bemnet 7A 44 55 36
5. Markan G/tensae 7A 42 68 67
6. Nathan Abenet 7A 59 71 46
7. Rihanna Michael 7A 56 67 88 Improved
8. Abel Yared 7B 67 69 54
9. Abigiya Tewodros 7B 64 56 45
10. Azaria Alem Asefaw 7B 52 72 66
11. Bekansi Yilma Terefe 7B 49 61 45
12. Gelila Fiker Bezabih 7B 61 77 70 Improved
13. Hamedu Herrie 7B 46 55 41
14. Hashim Essam 7B 57 63 55
15. Christian Kiflom 7C 53 66 41
16. Christian Tefera 7C 54 67 55
17. Elda Goshwesen 7C 63 59 58
18. Filimon Addisu 7C 46 48 35
19. Kebron Tewodros 7C 64 81 96 Improved
20. Naod Fasil Dagnew 7C 61 74 53
21. Robam Solomon 7C 63 68 58
22. Yonas Zemichael 7C 54 68 62
23. Abeam Shewatatek 7D 54 64 47
24. Amen Mekonnen 7D 64 79 85 Improved
25. Kidus Getachew 7D 67 70 73 Improved
26. Kirubel Mengesha 7D 59 68 75 Improved
27. Kuledi Ademe Kedir 7D 57 66 52
28. Lulady Yohannes 7D 65 66 71 Improved
29. Nebiy Samson 7D 68 64 47
30. Noha Daniel 7D 54 52 65
31. Selihom Azaria 7D 55 71 55

Source: Class room observation (2022̸23)

4. Conclusion
The above table indicated that 1st, 2nd and 3rd term result of low achiever students, after applying this action
research 93 percent of them are continuously improved their result and from 93 percent 35 percent of them
improve the bench mark of the school from term 1 result. And the remaining 7 percent of low achiever
students can’t their average result. And the 3 rd term result indicated that 36 percent of students
continuously improve their result.
In general almost 75 percent of sample students are shown immeasurable significant improvement. The
lower achiever student, confidently presented in front of their friends on the class room, and the
participation of them improved. And they developed good studding habits.
Overall, the implications of our study offered great insight into improving student active participation and
good achievement. It would appear that the combination of pedagogical practices, reward systems, and
student support created a student-centered learning environment in our classrooms.
5. Recommendation
The researcher recommends the following points
 For the school: - If the school should monitor the student who is scored below 7o percent as soon as
possible and provide them with studding time at school during lunch time and give reading check list.
 For parent: - Follow the progress of their child; check their exercise book and communication book
daily. And try to communicate with teachers and the school administrators, when we call you for
 Teacher: - If teachers give study form for lower achievers and make sure they study regularly. And
give incentive to a student who has studied hard, finally there can be improved.


 https://
 https://
 https://
 JL Herman 2010 content across class room and school p. 11
 Dr. Heena Rachh Jan 2, 2023 Factors Affecting Academic Performance p 27-30
 Bissex 2004. A Classroom Perspective on the Principle of Moderate Challenge in Mathematics.
Journal of Educational Research 97(6): p.331. Jul 2004.
 Christine Rees 1994. Sheltered Content Instruction: Teaching English Language Learners with
Diverse Disabilities.
 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Continuous studding check list


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