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The Unit tasks are based around a single scenario of a coastal oil storage
terminal of strategic national importance. You must apply the assignment to
your country or a country you are familiar with – the specific layout of the site
should remain as it is presented in the assignment.
Detail and Scenario
Work is underway to move fuel storage facilities from their current location in
Bala to a new site in Colo (image left), where the government is aiming to
concentrate oil storage to create an energy hub as part of its critical
infrastructure plan. Construction is at an advanced stage and the new site is
expected to be fully operational within 2 years. It is now time to put in place
the final perimeter fence and associated elements.
You have been asked to propose a design concept for the 2,500m perimeter to
replace the current temporary fence. This should include appropriate elements
of deterrence, detection, delays, surveillance, illumination and response.
Current Site Security
As the site is currently under construction the perimeter comprises a temporary wall/fence which will be dismantled progressively as your proposed design
concept is installed. A large contingent of contract guards protect the construction site currently. Upon commissioning this will be replaced with a smaller,
dedicated guard force.
Environmental Concerns
Residents in surrounding villages have expressed serious reservations and have held protests about the government’s initiative to concentrate potentially
hazardous industries in the same location. There have also been protests over the loss of coastal fishing grounds. Concerns have been exacerbated following an
incident in which a tanker hit a jetty near the site. You will need to take this into consideration in your risk analysis, although most of the risk you will analyse will
relate to the typical risks of your chosen country setting.
North is at the top of the image. The sea is to the south.
Your Assignment
You are required to produce a design concept for the perimeter of the new site in Colo. This concept will take the form of a risk analysis, design description and
supporting drawings. Your design concept should evidence comprehensive understanding and proficient application of the Unit 6 Textbook, so it is essential that
this is first read cover to cover and that you seek coaching if there are any areas of the textbook that require clarification.
Specifically, your assignment will include:
• A security risk analysis identifying and analysing the top 6 risks that you assess the site will face once in operation. These risks will be tailored to the
country setting you have chosen.
• Two example basis of design models evidencing your understanding of models to analyse adversary characteristics and tactics.
• A perimeter design concept to include deterrence, detection, delays, surveillance, illumination and response.
• Cross-sectional and plan drawings to support the design concept. You are required to superimpose the plan design onto the provided satellite or map site
plan image. You should use either of the plan satellite images, provided below. The maps/images are also to be found in the Online Library.
• Validation of your proposed solution through quantified analysis.
You must provide all of the above information in the templates in this workbook.

In the past some students have commenced the task late, or have allocated disproportionate time to individual sections, resulting in an underdeveloped design
concept and weak drawings (See Background Briefing Note 6.3). Do be sure to allocate your time accordingly, aim to submit a full draft of the design concept by
the draft deadline and make full use of support mechanisms such as coaching calls.

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