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The legalization of divorce bill is to provide a legal framework that allows couples to end their marriages
in a fair and equitable manner, ensuring the protection of their rights and interests.One of the primary
arguments in favor of legalizing divorce is the promotion of individual autonomy and freedom. In a society
that values personal independence and self-determination, individuals should have the right to make
choices about their own lives, including the decision to end a marriage that is no longer fulfilling or
sustainable. By legalizing divorce, individuals are empowered to take control of their own happiness and
well-being, rather than being trapped in unhappy relationships. It provides an opportunity for couples to
separate amicably, minimizing the emotional and psychological trauma often associated with contentious
divorces.It allows for the establishment for issues such as child custody, visitation rights, and financial
arrangements, ensuring that the best interests of children and other family members are protected.
Opponents argue that marriage is a sacred institution that should be preserved and protected, and that
allowing divorce sends the message that marriage is disposable and can be easily dissolved.

Introduce the topic:

In the legal sense, divorce refers to the dissolution of a marriage. Despite the fact that divorce is not yet
legal in the Philippines, the country is one of the few in the world that does not allow it. Legalization of
divorce has long been a contentious issue in the Philippines, and there has been much debate about it
over the years. The legalization of divorce is that it can have a negative impact on children. Divorce can be
a traumatic experience for children, and legalizing divorce may make it easier for parents to separate,
potentially leading to more broken families and unstable living situations for children. And opponents
argue that the legal framework for divorce may not adequately protect the interests of children,
particularly in cases where one parent may be abusive or neglectful.It is important to note that these
counterarguments are not universally accepted and that there are many perspectives and opinions on the
issue of the legalization of divorce.

Counter argument:
One of the argument against the legalization of divorce in the Philippines is that it goes against the
country's cultural and religious values. The Philippines is predominantly Catholic, and the Church strongly
opposes divorce. Therefore, some argue that legalizing divorce would undermine the traditional family
structure and lead to moral decay.

This can affect the children of divorced parents often experience emotional and psychological problems,
such as anxiety, depression, and behavioral issues. Therefore, opponents of divorce argue that it is better
for children to grow up in a stable household with both parents, even if the parents are unhappy in their
They argue that if divorce is made easier, then people may be more likely to give up on their marriages
when faced with challenges, rather than working through their problem.
There are already legal alternatives available for couples who wish to separate, such as legal separation
and annulment.

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