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Para la Evaluación Trimestral de SCIENCE, los estudiantes deberán

exponer un pequeño concepto sobre el tema que elijan (el que
sea su agrado).
Posteriormente, realizar un cartel con imágenes o dibujos
relacionados al tema elegido, así como texto para guiarse.
Aquí se calificará primordialmente la pequeña exposición y
también el material de apoyo.


1. MAMMALS: Mammals have fur, breathe using lungs, and
give birth to babies. For example: Dogs, Cats, Elephants, and
2. BIRDS: Birds have feathers and wings; they lay eggs and have
beaks. For example: Robins, Penguins, Eagles, and
3. REPTILES: Reptiles are cold-blooded, have scaly skin, lay eggs,
and breathe using lungs. For example: Turtles, Snakes, Lizards,
and Crocodiles.
4. AMPHIBIANS: Amphibians live both in water and land, they
start as eggs and go through metamorphosis. For example:
Frogs, Salamanders, Newts, and Toads.
5. FISH: Fish live in water, have gills, fins, and scales to protect
them, and lay eggs. For example: Goldfish, Clownfish,
Seahorse, and Angelfish.

1. INSECTS: Insects have three body parts: a head, thorax, and
abdomen, some also have lots of legs and two antennae.
For example: Butterflies, Ladybugs, Bees, and Ants.
2. ARACHNIDS: Arachnids have two main body parts: a
cephalothorax and an abdomen, they have four pairs of
legs and multiple pair of eyes. For example: Spiders,
Scorpions, Ticks and Harvestmen.
3. CRUSTACEANS: Crustaceans live in water, have a hard
exoskeleton, and have multiple pair of jointed legs and
antennae. For example: Crabs, Lobsters, Shrimp, and
4. MOLLUSKS: Mollusks live in water have soft bodies and a hard
outer shell, and different shapes, sizes, and colors. For
example: Snails, Clams, Squids, and Octopuses.
5. WORMS: Worms have long, slender bodies and no legs, with
soft cylindrical bodies. For examples: Earthworms, Flatworms,
Marine Worms, and Leeches.

Reminder: Solo deben escoger UN tema, ya que la exposición no

debe pasar de 2 minutos.

Adjuntaré la rubrica para esta exposición.

CATEGORY 5 4 3 2
Speaks Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often mumbles
Clearly and distinctly all and distinctly and distinctly or cannot be
(100-95%) the all (100-95%) most (94-85%) understood OR
time, and the time, but of the time. mispronounces
mispronounces no mispronounces Mispronounces most of the
words. one word. a few words. words.
CATEGORY 3 2.5 2 1
Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does
completely pretty a bit not seem at all
prepared and has prepared but prepared, but prepared to
obviously might have it is clear that present.
rehearsed. needed a rehearsal was
couple more lacking.
CATEGORY 2 1.5 1 0.5
Props Student uses the Student shows Students The student
needed and a prop with barely made does not use
specific prop, considerable an effort on the indicated
shows dedication creativity and the prop and prop.
and creativity makes the does not stand
which makes the presentation out.
presentation better.

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