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Applications of gradient, divergence

and curl in engineering and other



Assignment - 01

Name : H.M.P.M.B.Jayathilaka
Student Number : SC / 2022 /13002

A diagram that displays the direction and magnitude of vectors in

various spatial locations is called a vector field. It depicts the area of a
plane or space that has a collection of vectors that fulfil a function. Every
point in space receives a vector from the vector field.

1.2 Gradient, divergence and curl.

● Gradient, divergent and curl are fundamentals In vector calculus.

● The Gradient operator, when operated on a scale field, produces a

vector field.

● If a divergence operator operates on a vector field,It produces a

scalar field.

● But the curl of a vector field is a vector field.

1.2.1 Gradient.

Let be a function of two variables then gradient of

can denoted by grad f or .

To define the gradient vector field we used a vector differential

operator called del operator. It can be denoted by,
So can denoted by,

1.2.2 Divergence.

Let be a Differentiable Vector field.

It is denoted by or

= =

1.2.3 Curl.

The curl of a vector field Is defined as the vector field,

And it is denoted by or .

1.3 Applications of gradient, divergence and curl in

engineering and other sciences

1.3.1 Applications of gradient.

1.Electrical engineering

The electric field in Electrical engineering is determined by the

gradient of the electric potential.

Comprehension of electric fields

affect the movement of electric
charges in circuits and in space
requires a comprehension of the
gradient's direction,which points
in the direction of highest
potential growth.

This is a foundational concept in designing capacitors and

electrical devices and in many more electrical analysis.
Obtained magnitude of electric field gradient between electrodes.

2.Mechanical engineering-

In mechanical engineering, the idea of

temperature gradient is important for heat transfer.Temperature
gradients are using in many engineering applications.To determine how
much heat moves through each materials.

The pressure gradient force, which is crucial for understanding

phenomena like wind patterns in metrology,drives fluid movement in the
presence of pressure gradients in fluid mechanics.

3. Civil engineering

In civil engineering gradient is used for calculate the seepage of

water through soils. It it is very crucial for the stability of civil engineering

4.Biomedical engineering

Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) technique is a crucial and

modern technology which uses the gradient concept of vectors.
Gradients in the magnetic field are used to encode spatial information
from nuclear spins within the body in magnetic resonance imaging

1.3.2 Applications of divergence.

1.Electrical and electronics engineering.

Divergence doing a crucial role in Electrical and Electronics

engineering to understand the distribution of charge within a region.

The electric fields divergence is proposal to the charge density. It

was stated by Gauss's law. Divergences very usual idea for to understand
behaviour of electrical parts such as actuators and sensors.

2. Mechanical and aerospace engineering

Divergence is playing a main part in fluid dynamics. In the fluid

dynamics we use divergence to describe the expansion or a compression
of fluid elements.

As below figure we can see If a fluid goes out from a point,then

divergence should be greater than zero.And also we can see.If some
fluid.Going through some point then divergence should be less than 0.
So this is practically important and crucial for aerodynamics
around the aircraft and military areas. So the aircraft designers Hardly
consider the aerodynamic shape of each aircraft.

3.Computer graphics

Directions is playing a Exceptional role in computer graphics.

Because it is very important for animate behaviour of fluids.

In above figure is showing a 3D representation of divergence. Some

scenarios visualise 2D Vector field plotting a colour mapped image on
the divergence of vector field. So the divergence is playing a crucial role
for development of graphical designing.


There are many patterns and flows in their nature. Moving wind
flow, water flow are some of them. So the divergence concept is helpful
for study the behaviour of those nature flows such as weather patterns.
We can predict the weather by using the divergence theorem.

Low pressure systems occur where air diverges at the surface,

which may result in the creation of crowds and possibly rain.On the other
hand,convergence may cause clouds to disperse and the weather to
become clear.

5.Quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a very interesting area in physics. The

divergence operator involves formulating some quantum mechanics

For example in a stationary state of quantum mechanics,the

divergence of the probability current must be equal to 0 as a result of the
conservation of probability.
1.3.3 Applications of curl.

1.Electrical engineering

In electrical engineering, magnetic fields are very useful and important


In about figure we can see the curl of the magnetic field. According
to Maxwell's equation, the current density and the rate of change of the
electric field is directly related to the magnetic field.

So this relation is called electromagnetic induction. There are some

electric devices using this relation. So that devices have the ability to
predict the effects of electromagnetic fields.

2. Mechanical engineering

Curll also have a relation with fluid dynamics as mentioned, as

diverges above. Becauses curl is associated with velocity, Which
measures a spinning motion of the fluid.

The knowledge of mechanical engineering with curl can be applied

to efficient movie systems Such as making aerodynamically perfect
aircraft and vehicles. Not only that, but also curl can be used to predict
the divergence.


The Earth have a magnetic field.It Can be study by using curl. So

this is really interesting thing.Because this can be help to understand
phenomena like the Earth's dynamo effect.

4.Oceanography and metrology

Oceanic and atmospheric circulation patterns can be study by

using knowledge of curl.A wind move along the ocean surface, for
instance, can cause an upwelling which raises nutrient rich waters to the
surface and supports marine life.

The curl aids in the comprehension of cyclonic system formation in

meteorology,which has implications for climate models and weather

This wind patterns are affecting

all climate changes in the
world.So the curl of this wind
patterns are play Important role
to analyse this climate
5. Renewable energy

There are some renewable energy systems using wind as a resource

to generate energy in the systems usually we use wind turbines. To get
efficient and optimised energy,we have to understand the curl of wind
field.Then we can make the placement of wind turbines more efficiently.

Engineers can maximise energy production by analysing

air flow.

6.Naval engineering

The study of behaviour of water is crucial in naval engineering such

as designing the ship. So the curl of water flow around these structures
are affected to the stability of those structures.Getting understanding
about this effect allows for the optimization of designing ships.

Conclusion about applications of gradient, divergent and


There are more applications of gradient, divergence and curl

across various fields of sciences as well as above applications.

So the gradient divergence and curl are vital to the study,

comprehension and technological utilisation of natural events like
weather.In all these applications, we can see the beauty and power of

Mathematical modelling and predictions

These mathematical operators can predict climate patterns,

efficient aerospace vehicles and analyse electromagnetic fields ect.
Those operators are foundational tools in modelling complex systems.

Contribution of education and research

Having understanding and knowledge about this mathematical

operators are very important for students and professionals. Because
there may be several types to approach scientific problems by this
gradient divergence curl operators.

Enhancement of analytical capabilities

This mathematical theories and concepts can enhance our

analytical capabilities.So having deeper understanding about physical
phenomena of these concepts are crucial.Because this concepts can use
to analyse many complex subjects such as static electromagnetism,
electrostatistics and gas dynamics.

● “Vector calculus” by jerrold E.Marsden and Anthoy Ttomba.

● “Div,Grad,Curl all That : An informal Text on vector Calculuc” by

H.M schey.

● “Introduction to Electrodynamics” by David J. Griffiths.

● “Fundamentals of fluid mechanics” by Bruce R .Munson,Theodore

H.Okishi, and Wade W.Huebsch.

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