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Analysing Stanley’s Character

Your Task: Create a creative venn diagram or spider diagram that displays the
differences between Stanley’s character at the beginning of the novel versus
the end. Be sure to also include characteristics that have stayed the same
(these would be in the middle of your diagram). For each characteristic that
you include on your diagram, find evidence from your book that helps to
support your answer. You DO NOT have to include the exact quotation, but
provide the information that the book gives you and the PAGE NUMBER that
you found it on. Be sure to use the correct format for an in-text citation. Create
your diagram using whatever technology works best for you. You may draw
your diagram or create it digitally, I encourage you to be creative with your

HINT: Canva has a variety of different diagram templates that may help you!

Example Characteristic:

“At the beginning of the story, Stanley was overweight (PAGE #).”

Remember: A venn diagram is characterised by two circles. Refer to the

example below:

A spider diagram is the same concept, but it looks like this:

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