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Isopod Kit

What are isopods?

Detrivores - consume dead organic materials
Important part of ecosystem.
It means "Equal Foot" in Greek's terms
Closely related to Lobsters & crabs, Not insects.
no Sticky legs

Habitat: Dead Organic Matters
Vegetables scraps & peels
Moist or damp environment Protein source
A place to hide - security Fish flakes
Dog/cat food
No cleaning needs
Dead animals
Room temperature, do not Calcium
keep in direct sunlight Limestones
Cooling & ventilated Cuttlefish bones
Dried egg shells

Step by step
1.Soil / Substrate - Potting Mix (2cm thick)
2. Establish a wet & dry area
3. Wet the Sphagnum Moss as the wet area
4. Decorate the dry area with wood, stones,
cork bark
5. Add in the isopods

How to care for the habitat

Spraying the tank 3 times a week at the wet area
to keep it moist, do not overwater.
Feed the isopods once every 2-3 days
Be consistent and remove any moldy leftovers
Enjoy & watch the population grows!

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