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Numbers 3, l~, 5l' 6 & 7

Tracts By Ellen G~ W&~ite
Issued From Battle Creek9 Michigan -
Beginning J"luy 23., 1895.

Re-printed 1958


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College · vfew, · Nebraska

Feb. 21, 1897.
Dear Br~thern:--
' .
. . ~ P~~CIOPS instruction relating to our time and uork has been placed .. iri_.
my h_~q.s,
and I ~ glad to have the pnvileee of sending it ··_q ut to my
fellow· :iaborers ~ll over the ·world. · ·· · ::. i. '· ·,

. . _ · The General Conference is novJ in session at tl)is place, and in no ..

pi•evio'Us meeting . of . the kind have we been led to ~uch a. · close and prayerful
stR-dY ..of the .i~struction God has giyen us. We ar~ ~so enjoyirig in a large
deBt~~ the _presence of his Spirit iri our midsto Vllii~e pointing out error~ .
in our past· course, the Lord has also -indicated very plainly the right way
for us to"take, and the rich blessings ·which he has in store for those
wpo . ~~ek . him.
-.'-~/ ·i . ~ . . : .·

·.Qrie pf.. ·t he articles· in this · little booklet is addressed directly to .. ~ ·

the .. General. Qqnf.erence assembled, and the !~borers in attendance here hayEf. ...
haCl. the privil~ge of hearing it read; but as it seems to be intended esp~ ·.:
cially for our ministers and other workers, we take this r~eans of bring- ·.'_.·'.
ing it before you-. -- . .
.: ., Yours in _ Chri~t,

0. A. OLSEN.

' ::;.1. ·.

C 0 N'T EN T· S

lnd.iyidual Responsibi lity 0 • .. • • 269•274

The·· General Conference. • • .• • 275-279
..... .·
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 280-283

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-, . •. _1 1SUNNYSIDE, u COORANBONG, N. s. Vf.
' '

March 131 1896.

/ ··, .. ..
In the night season I was listening to one who spoke rdth autli.brity .::· ..· ,
Vlo~s _._ o!. . o.oun.s el in regard to the responsibilities that are to be.- b9rn~
in_. the·= .·sa.·c·r ed.;\r.rork of God v1ere spoken. The··Teacher ·s aid, There shotw.d . ]?,~
no haphazard work. Much of this has been done. · 1:Ien have assumed-a_u thor-
ity, but the people should not depend upon poor, finite, erring men. · · ..
They sho~d P\l,t their entire trust in the wisdom that . finds its strength
in :tb.e .rvd~dom , of God. The in-c onsistency of centering so many .r~spons_ibi-~t~es
ilj- · ~~~tl~ Q;re·_ e k· has been presented many times, but the .counsels have not-:._,·,··:
be~.IA- - ~_qt~d:. · ~p6n.~. ·, The reproofs _a nd ·w arnings from the Lord hav.~ . b:een eva4~ .. ;-.;
anc;l._}h~-~fi:r·e·t;,. ~~. and ·_made void _-b y ~he devices of men.· The~_e >ha;~· _._ be$n c~- - ; ~:
agamst God, and the JUdgment of men has been rec~1.veO... _.·· -~- .. \
· . .··.··· ..
In Battle Creek, and in other places, building has been added to bUild-
ing, _ror tp.e ..,s$~ .of making an imposing di.splay. Hen have suppos~_d . that
thi~,\io'-ll,:d ·:give.. character to'the ·work~ Their own charact.e rs -p.eeded ,:the · .·. ; ; -r
tran~s_tqrini.P,g .~ gra:ce ' of . Chl:-ist$ ., 1Jlich woul4 ,enable them to repres:e.nt: Chr~st •. -:

This·•~on·e is· ·s ufficient to give _.c harac,t er to the· work~ Nothing, can be,- . ; . ·
done ·~dthout his grace. · . _ .. . .

The Lord suffers impediruents t~ _; aris~, .that his wiedom and _power ll'.ay
be hwnbly, earnestly, and perseveringly--sought, and be distinctl:V manifest.
Nothing will' so quickly and decidedly separate the soul from God, and
bring defeat, as for man to lift up his soul unto vanity, and speak proudly
and boastingly1 ·and in a masterly manner to his fellow men, who are the
property of God. 11 Ye are not your o-vm; ye are bought a price, even
the precious blood of the Son of God. 11 ' The Lord alone is to be exalted.
Let every human agen~ keep in his .. plac.e , . and not .seek . to get into the place
where God should be~· There has ··heen ·a ltogether too much trusting in men.

In Battle Creek you have ev~d_ence_ that _men nho have had the most to
say are not walking ·with God. TKei'( :· abunda.nt activity, but not many are
worldng in partnership with Christ, and those who walk apart, and work
.·:: :f;;rom h.~~ ~a,ve b,eep. th_ e most a.ct_i ve ~ pla,nning and ·inaugurating ,tqeir ;m et- · . .
hods. Tf they had that nisdoiri that cometh from the 'S ource· of all wisdom, -
-- :· :·~hey ; w.ou_
l d lll:Ove .co]isid~rp.t~ly, . ap.d. ~ouJ_~ s,t~dy mor.e ,eamest,ly _th~ relation
·of cause· to 'effe~ct'. They would discern 'that a fer-i' nU.nds in Battle Creek ·
: . ~ - -~o:t to be th~ powe~ to mp.nnage, eye,ry:th;ing c_onnection;,vJith our•-work. - .- ·..
• ~ .. <; "' .. • • • ~ • • " .. ., ' ..

· The state conferences must have men at their head YJho love and fear
God,--capable men, Tlho. ..vdll .learn .. in . the.~ ..s.chool .of Christ to be laborers
Tlith him, to wear his yoke, and' lift 'his' burdens~ . They are to be part-
ners ·with Christ in the sacred service of soul-saving. All the members of
the church are to labor interestedly, zealously, not striving, as many have
done,·to see who shall be the greatest, and ·how to secure the highest
wages, but striving to uin souls for Christ, which means being a part of the
firm, in partnership with Christ. Let all try to do their best.

The · matter v1as laid before me, uhich I was trying to present before the
brethren. There is altogether too mucJ:'· responsibility imparted to a few·

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,n1en in Battle Creek, and these men need the transforming po-r~er of .
Holy Spirit, else they will lead God• s heritage ip. .false _paths. · - ~he . con-:- ,·
fe:r'ences 'are watching_ ~V.ery_ moye made at the center of the work. · . Tne _'
different ·c_o~fererices b:ave been led to look to the leading men at Battl~ · ·.
Creek; feeling that no important move · caJ::l, pe made ·without their approval~ ' . ·
This : tendency has been growing stronger, · untii it is a serious hindrance ..-:
to the advancement of the._work. This arrangement should never have been.
The ·. ~ord wo\L\.d have his people . under his jurisdiction. They should look to
Go_d ;· ··. inquirft!g of him .in f _a ith, and follow· on to knOll the r1orking of his .,
providence. ·; · · · ·

The arrangement that all monies must go through Battle Creek and under
th~e control of the few- :n:en in that place is a
vvrong way of managing~ There
are altogether too ro.a:ny vJ~ighty responsibilities given to a few men, and
some do · not make God their counsellor~ Hhat do these men lmow· of the
necessities of ~he_ 1'JOrk in foreign countries? How can tp,ey lmow how to de-
cide the questions r1hich come to them asking for informa~ion? It would
require three months f or those in foreign countries to receive a response
to their ..ques~ions, even if there was no delay in writing.

: .· ;r:n: ·· ~Cl:CP country · a man should be app~inted to work in the general in7_
terests df the cause. He need not be a qreacher, and he must not be a policy ··He should be unseifish, a man :·;ho loves, v1ho honors, and... fears hi~ ·
Go<l~ His · whole time ·s hould be devoted to the work. He should plan un- -- ...
selfishly, and in the i'ear of God. Let him be general agent for that ·
country, and let him be connected nith a council composed of the very best
men," that they .may counsel together, and attend to the ;·Jork r1ithin their
borders, There should be· business men appointed to do the same in the
dif-f erent states in America.

The men who act as p1~es;idents of state conferences should be carefully

selected, Then let these men bear the responsibilities of the conference ·.
in a most thorough, earnest, God-fearing manner. If they are not qualifie:d·.
to do the vvork thoroughly and successfully, do not keep them in that ·
position, · ·
•• J•.t '

A mass of matter ls laid before the General Conference; every burden

is carried to Battle Creek • . This makes the presidents of the state con-
ferences very irre;3pon.sible. -Many are not growing in aptitude and . in . .
judhinent. They make mi.smov~·s, lJhen· they should have advanced . e:?Cpe,rienc~ - ·::"
sufff-c~eht · t9 · en~ble . - _them. to make ' ;right moves, because they ' .s eelf co~.~el . ·: ..
of·- docf:, ;·.;. .1\s''.-pre.s idents_.-:.o f their several conferences, they. ~hould ·'r~aliPr~ · ~that
they milst ' b·-~:· faithftif l.n pdsition~ -~t trust. These conferences are -t·o tie ·
to ~ t:fi'em . a. ' ~·-chooi; ili ·1·vhich .'th?y·'a re :to reveal managing abil1.ty. · .·They are · .
to learn~ l~arn; anct·· educate/ educate~ - They are to do i'irm, . .Chri$tlil,{e .
vvor~·' .bind~ri·g · ~~ off, . so· ·t~~t : it · shall not ravel out, ..
...;·, 'He .whq. is ·s~iected . as the president of the General Confere~ce · · ~ho~l4., t ·
in the fe_a r ' qf GOd~- stand in his lot and pl~ce, . y1itho.u t partiality, and.·. ·
with unselfish ':Lnterests. He should ,be a faithful steward. He should be
a priest and vjise ruler over his o-vm house, He should make manifest that
he understands the TJork of governing his ovm family vdsely, and in the fear
of God, If this is ne~lected, he vdll carry his defects Tlith him into his
work. If any man evidences that. the love and· :('ear· of Gad is kept away
from the· center o.f his being, lest the truth should control his ·life-
pra~ticej v~hile · v10rldly ·things are made ali and in all, he is . .not the man,
even for local· elde_r . · · ·

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Advice is . asked of ·those in Battle Creek regarding matters ·-:ahich co~d
just_ as w.e ll be· settled by .men ·on · the ground~ i f they would ·-seek . the Lord) .··. .
and which ought to have been done ··within -their · own borders. The Lord ae-. · ·
clares ·: lie -·.is. ·-nigh to ·all· that call upon . him vdth a sincere heart. · Said .~
Chri'st,··· :·ltAsk,-.:and ye, shall rec·e ive; seek., and ye· :s hail ·find; knock, and
it shall be opened unto you •.11 -This · promise ·is made · doubly and trebly
sure.- . .::··There '·is ; no · failure with God. men vtho are presidents· of con.:.. :
ferences are less efficient . and strong and able ·than they should be, be- ·:·
cause ~.they place man· where God should · be, and they receive only that· -' ~
man can give themo .· ·

· ~:~:.. . ··Presidents of Conferences, you will be wise if· you will decide to come
to·.:God. .Be4eve in him. He will hear ·your prayers, and come to your ' . ·.
assi&tan~a; .in much less time than the public conveyances could take one, :::
two, thr.e:e , ·or four men from a long distance, at a great ext>ense, to · de- ·.. · ··
cide· qti'estiotis V·lhich the ·God of wisdom can decide far better for you. HE(· ·· ·
has promised, · Hif any man lack vdsdom, let him ask of God, that giveth
to a·ll. ·men.. ·ll:berally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. n If ·· · i.
you will sincerely .hwnble your hearts before him, empty your souls of self
esteem, and put away the natural defects of your character; and overcome
youP- ~ iove of supremacy, and come to God as little children, he v1ill bestaw
-on ·you ·his Holy Spirit. When· t1'10 or three shall agree as touching any-
thing,: and shall ask the Lord, -in .-t he name of Jesus, it shall be done for .:.: ~ :·
them. ··

When it is· deemed expedient to invest m.eans in schr-ol buildings, in

sanitariums, o~ . in homes · for the poor in any country; in order to establish ·
the work there, ·the Lord rrould have those· who are living · in that locality ·
walk humbly before him, and shov-1 that they realize their personal depend- -···
ence · upon hil'!l1 and that they believe in his vdllingness to help them t~ .
plan, · ·to devise, to arrange intelligently for his Tiork, He is as viillmg .
to give. ·wisdom to those '{.·Tho fe.e l the value · of divine grace; Ds to· give ... : :. ~ · -:~
wisdom· ·to some other· mind,. who vJill then, at great expense,. cornmuril.cate: .·· - ~ ;.
the same to you. r!here is your faith? Hill men turn from the God of wis:.. .... ·
dom to seek wisdom from finite men, sending for men from a long distance ··
to come and help them out of perplexity? How does the Lord look .
upon this?

Each one· may entertain the idea that ·he belie,,es in God. You are
\'lorking in one part · of· his great moral vineyard, and he has told you that
i f any man lack wisdom, ne is to ask of· God, who giveth to all men liber-
ally,.. ·and ·upbraideth not. This. world is but a little atom in the vast do- .. ·
main over which God presides, and · yet this little fallen ·world is more
precious · in his sight than the ninety and nine which ·went not astray from · ·
the ·f.old. ·rr we will make him our 'trust, he will not leave us to become
the sport ... of 'Satan's temptations. · God woUld have every soul for nhom
Christ has died become a part· of the vine:, connected with the parent stock~ ·
drawing nourishment from it. Our dependence on God is absolute, and should
keep ·-us :very humble·; and .becuase of our dependence on him, our knm'Jledge
of him .sho+tld be ·greatly increased. God would have us put away every ·· .·
species ·.. of selfishness, and come to him, not as the ovmer of ourselves·{ · ~
but as ·.the Lord's purchased possession~ .
: . Daniel sought· the Lord three times . a · day, in earnest prayer- for vr!sdom ':
and strength and courage to carey forward · the enterprise of reJ>res·eriting• ·
the only. -true God .in nicked Babylon..- · You will often be perplexed to khov.;
Tiha~ . t.o oo next; .but do not . get · pen and paper and write your'perple.xi.t·- ies
to Battle Creek. There may be disagreement upon some points, but:. your · ··

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-~ ·. ··

Qounsellor is nigh. Bow before -him, and tell him of everything you need • ._.:. ~
Can the men in Bat tl~ ~ Creek you light? They cannot understand ·your · ·
necessity. · Because . they are not _on . the:·: ground, they· may say ·11Nou to .....
some · things, uhen, had· you· asked of God, . he would have answered, "Go for~ •
vrard, and ;l will be with you, and give you graceo 11 .
- .
Fo:r many years an education has been given to the people .which ·places
God second, and man first. The people have been taught that everything
rrust be brought before the counsel of a few men in Battle Creeke God
has given you an opportunity to see the we~kness of finite men. Are the~e
not .men in the different states of America who walk right in the sight of
Are there not registered in the books of heaven the nrunes of those
TJho love and serve God? Can not they plan? Have· those in Battle Creek
been given superior reason and ·wisdom that God will not give those in the
churches and state conferences ? "If any man lack ·wisdom, let him ask of
God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be
given .him. 11
The churches .'1ould realize one hundred fold more of the Tlorld.ngs of

the Holy Spirit if ministers ·would educate all to bear in mind that ·they
have ·a God nigh at hand, and not afar off, and that ·they can honor God by
seeking him for help ·and '\o'Jisqom just vJhere they are. · They. will then have
ability which vvill strengthen the General Conference.
There is talent in every place, but it is not always recognized~»
This talent should. be discerned and set to '.'10rke· · Under the operation of
the Spirit of God, talent vlill grow by being used. But ·God is greatly :dis-
honored ·nhen men are placed in the position 1ahere Qod should be. He alone.
can give unerring counselo
l.len have been in council in Battle Creek vvh6 cannot appreciate the
situation of matters in the different localities, as those can'who are
right on the ground; ru1d it _is not wise for men to seek to men, and place ··
such dependence in a few · men at Battle Creek, some of whom have 'lilfalked
apart from God for year$. To accept. the judgment of these men, and to send
for them from a long distance to sit in council has done great dishonor to .
God. By ·t his you snow that you place men, who unsanctifie d in heart,
where God should be.
Suppo~ing ~hat some mistakes are made by those in different plae~s.
They may be of far less consec:uence than the errors made ·by _. those at the .
heart of the worko · Can not ycu go to the great Leader, Yiho . is mi8hty : in
counsel? and cannot he restore? Can not he work in your behalf? Hill ·he ·
not do it if you go to him as little children go to their parents? There
is.· altoge~hel;' . too IU'l..'tC.h · lofty sell-suffici ency -in th~ human agent. G6d.
cannot ·Hork with .su6h an <element of. pride8 If.· this is not laid -down, if,' :-:
self is not hwnbled, GOd cal').not work. Those ·who · send all.·their. perplexitie s
from ·-t he_· dif:t'erent ·:Pa~ts · of the v-1orld to · Battle Creek show the ·wisdom . ..1 _
of . men,_ .and not ·the wisdom of God. • •

Aug. 2, 1$96.
. : ~

- · My -attention has ·been :called to ·t he instruction the Lord .has 'been ·

pleased to give ·.i n 11 Gos:r.;>e.l ·Workers. 11 I have -arisen at three ~ otclock, .a.m.;
and have read the matter in the little book entitled nconference Presid':"' ·


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enta,u. p .. 232. , T~e same things have. been pr~sented. to me: again and again•
Tl:LU ...our·_;brethren· ·take heed ~o ~hese: things?.. Or -will they- turn aside·. from·
the ·light?:.:· The . president of . the ..Genel'al. Confe~ence ·should act upon the <·:
D:..~t given~ · not cont~ary ~~ .thi·s· ~ght.:. lf men ..clo~e·, their eyes· ·to . the:·
testimonies · God has been .pl~as,ed <to· give, .and think'·it w·i sdom to< ,~alk in· ·
the fire of the sparks of their own. kindling, it will spoil the church.
$\l~h: men are not ·C?.ualified to be co~. ~ither ·ministers · or:. presidents· ~ of con-
fer~nces; ~hey have -not· tal~en colll?-~~1 from the Sour.ce· ·of all. wisdom.-··.. ;:. · ·..
• ,~1 • :· :' •

... :He·.· ~vho·. is pl~.c.ed. ·As ·a :Pr~s~d~nt . of ~ c~nfer~nce- ~st learn th'3.t .. the:. . :. ::
h~ : heart ·is wayv1ard, ·Md ~1+«?-t it: pe~ds to . be strictly ~erttinelled by . ·: !·:
watchfUlness and. prayer. As he seeks the Lord -conscientiously and const~
tly 1 he is taught of God to grow into a representative mm1 and can be
trusted as God trusted Abraham. ,He: needs . the ·whole armor of God; for · ·he
has t .6 fight ~.the good fight· of f~ith 1 ·and having ·done. all· that the Spirit<'.·
of . Goci..._ha.s · taught him to d9, to stand. ·. His
enemies may be those of 1rl.s .O''Nn
hous~hold, ..·his ~if~ and·-chi.l dren, :: or they may be his .mm hereditary and' .· ·· ·1
cultivated · tepdencies, rJhich cont-inually. seek for the · mastery• Han is ·:
hwnaii' arid defective in character, and must battle · for the victory. .Every~ ...
one who begins aright must begin at his ovm heart. Let the fervent prayer
go fo~h "from. unfeigned-lips, ucreate in rn~ a ·clean heart, .o. God," and it
wi~):> th!3 . re_sp~nse, "A net"f he~rt will I giv~ th~e~ tt . . • : ·•
,· :. \,.
·.• ..

-:~: ·... ;i:.'e. s..son::t~eed to . be learned by . all t~ho shall step into ·places v1here·< . r •:_
they · · to be proved and tested by God, to see ·whether they shall be 're:..;··· ·
gistered day by day as faithful and true stewards of God's entrusted tal-
ents. .. Have · they sho\·m that they have the fear of· God ·before ·them, ·nhether
they ,ar~. d..e~~)ing with. superiors, infe.r iors, or equals? They need· to~ ·cherish
th.e :'trutn · ~ a. a · ·a n abiding principle, that it may sanctify the soul. Tlje '· ~ .:·.·
c~~a:tirig·,.:. 'transforming power of God's Holy Spirit will make . them copcirtner·s :
witfi' 'J esus dhristo Yoked up with Christ, they can be more· thari conquerors.·.·
through him•

man 1~ho is fully sensibl~. that·. ·. h~ is · in the ser-Vice or Jesus

Chr~st, will aspir~· for the· friendship .of God. ·He will lie low· 'before
God, that he may be nothing, anA God ev~rything. Such a r~ is a co-~rt~
ner :with Christ, fitted to pre$ld.e over a state conference. If · he ''j>rove·s ,
h~elf circumspect, he is prepared for any position,. according his to
experience. ·and ·qualifications. ·Let . the churches understand that such a · : ·
man·· ·is to . be trusted and sustained. They may go to him,. and talk vdth · .·: ···
him. Such a man'will never feel sufficient to carry the work, even of a
sta~e c.onferenc~, Y~ithout th~ constant grace nhieh GOd win·· give. He :~vi~
not c~oose to do the ·work .a~d bear t ,he responsibility· alone. Through..
wise .management, he will have. the tact ·-to recognize talent in others.-
He · V!ill use those· who have this talent, and help them, ··while they ,help to
shar~ his burdens.
~ .
.. . · ·
... t. ; •

It is ·a selfish thing · for men, .. who· feel that they have sonie service · to .: ::.
.' ~O·· . .for . tJ:le ·Naster, to wish to be alone in, .t heir work, ·and to refuse to . ·. con~ ·~·
nect \'i'ith ·:those Who . VlOUld be a .help .. to them, · because they fear · that they .. .. :·
will not .. obtain all the credit for 4oing the good v1ork wl" ··they flatter
themselves they will do. Tnis has greatly hindered the 1:1ork of God. Let
brother lay pold of brother. Link up a Peter and a· John. Let each encour-
age his brot~er to ;tand by his side, doing zealous, interested se~ice 1
as pa.rtner.s in the great work. .Twq o:r. three can pray together, ·: sing the
pr~~~es .C?£.~..904'. together, ~d grow up· into, ,the f-ull stat.rire ·of ·workers to-.. ; ~
gether viith Ood,._< Perfect harmony oe· . ~herished. All must serve the' '

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Lord as little children, feeling'·that ' the·y: are branches in the same parent
Let the presidents of state conferences walk humbly 1vith God, ru1d
they wd..ll no.t ·.have, occasion to ·write to the president of the General Con-
ference to leave his work to settle'little matters for them. Even many
large matters may be carried to God, and G9d.·viill give .c·nunsel._in every'
state conference. The Lord can be approached by all. He is much more
accessible than !the · president of the General ·conference• · · Let the presi-
dent of the General Conference educate the presidents of state conferences
to take care of their portion of the moral vi.ileyard rJhere they are situated
wisely, v~ithout laying their burdens upon him(! Lead these men who have
ability and talent. to look to God, that they may be taught by hilhfj Teach ·"
·them to go to the Fountain head for instruction in righteousness. Search
the Scriptures. ".All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is pro-
fitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correctiortj for instruction .in ·
righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished, un-
to all good. TJorks.u What, then; is your excuse for turning for counsel
from one YJho is infinite in wisdom to finite men, who are as weak as your-
selves? One has suffered for you, the just for the unjust.
' '

How many petty grievances man traces upon paper, and pours into the
soul of his fellow· meno How unwise it is to perpetuate and communicate to
others those things you had better haYe. kept to yourself. Fever trace a
line of discouragement. If you do just as Jesus has told you to do, you
will find help. ucome ·unt.o me, all. ye that labor and are heavy laden, and
I will give you rest. Take mw yoke upon you, and learn of ~~; for I am
meek -and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls.n The
Lo~d God has given abundant evidence of his willingness to carry our burdens~
.As you lift his burdens, he ·l ifts'you; · and· ·-th~ burdens also. He invites
all who labor and are heavy laden, ncome unto meon You are not told that
you must go around the 1:Jorld to tell your troubles and w1load y6ur . bur,
dens to your fellow Ihen. 11Lo I am nith you· alway, n Christ says, neven t ·o .:.
the end of the world. 11 - 11I am a God at hand,-' and not afar off. n

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1 : • .

I JJ.-
nee. .2 7, 1896:•.:
! ' ..

To the·.; General Conference of 1821:- ' . . : ·.~ ..

. ~ .·.
I HAVE .words to. speak to our · brethren nho shall assemble in con$e~ : . ·. · :.
ence- in· 1897. The. present · financial controversy has b~en presented·.·...:
as: one· of ·Satan • s masterpieces for these last da.ys. There is a pm·1er· ,:mo"V:ing
from -beneath, which is after the· '!'lorldng of the · great enemy. .I suppo_secl '=' -:·
our· ovm people would step softly, and move very guardedly, and keep t~1em... :_.
selves aloof' from all these new issues in regard to the circulating currency.
This is not of the devising of God 1 --the changing of the · circulating ·· ·
currency .. ·.. What will it effect ?--It will cause a· state of things that .will ·
bring oppre·s sion to the poor, and create great distress. It is one of; the : ·
"tleiril's ·schemes, and I thought those v~ho believed the · truth r-Joulc;l not be : .d~-:-
ceived :itl. ·the · least degree upon ·this matter. But :within. the year -1816
matters ·have·· been presented to me which have made me tremble f.or our _p eople,.
I have been where I· heard conversations from those in positions of trust ·..·
in our institutions, and there was great warmth in controversy over the
different positions taken. The light given me was, This is the policy
Sat·a n · has arranged .t o bring distress. · .,. .

. : . .Would we know how we may best please the Saviour? It is not ·i n en-·· ·: : ~~- .
gaging "in poli-:tical speeches, either in or out of the pulpit.: It: is . .in .con•
sidering ·w ith fear and trembling every .word we utter.. v'Jhere the . pe~ople.· ·.. ,,
assemble to worship God let riot· a Hord be spoken that shall .divert:Athe m!nd.
·~ ··r-roin: the great central interest,-- Jesus Christ, and him·· crucified• : ~ 1'he· ~:· · · '.
thrid angel• s message ·is to be our burden of warning. · The side issues a,re', ·.
not;.:· ·r .or us .to meddle -rJith. · The burden of the ,..1ork is; Preach the \'Jord • . .f : ·
There: are ·those Yiho· have had ·an experience in preaching and ·l aboring for .-·t he
salvation of souls for -r1hom Christ . has given his precious life. That work .,.-.
is the special enterprise to engross every· one who feeds the flock Of God. ~·;­
It is a time ·no1i~ when voices Tiill be heard, "Hear. This "is the way, walk
in· this path. 11 But the Lord Jesus says, 11 Follow· thou me. They that follow
me, shall not walk in darkness. 11 The saving of souls is to be our personal
work, from r·J hich nothing is of sufficient moment to divert the mind.
Ghrist came to our world to save souls 1 to diffuse light· amid the inoral dark-
ness. A living voice is heard, tti am the way, the truth, and life. 11

·I was surprised as I saw men Tvho claim to believe the ·truth for this
time, a.ll excited in regard to matters--which relate to the Lord Jesus and
eternal interests? No; but they seemed to be wonderfully excited in re-
gard to the cu:crency. Some ministers were distinguishing themselves by
weaving these subjects into their discourses. They were excitably involving
themselves, taking sides in regard to these questions, that the Lord did
not lay upon them the burden to engage in. These persons seemed to have a
large share of self-sufficienc y. But they themselves really did not know
what they were advocating. They knev1 not whether they ·nere defending prin-
ciples that originated in the councils of heaven or in the councils of Satan • .
The voice of one in authority spoke with great decision, Ye know not
what manner of spirit ye are of'. Read the directions given by the only be-·
gotten Son of God when enshrouded in the cloudy pillar. When that voice
is obeyed; ye will not give your voice or influence to any policy to enrich

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· a; few, _
:· to bring oppression and suf:fer:ing- to ~he po0rer . c~~~ . ·of. humanity,. ,., ;·
There·,: i·s ~=in this. e:xcitement jus~·: T~hat those of .t he same~.' • ..··:·
Is thi·s.q~earing the divine credentials? · Beware. See that ..your a~m is · not, .
linked . in ·the. arm of -a personal ~d~_mon~ .. · -He is in appearance as a man:. •.
He is Vf2lking about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, and he
finds them amoung Seventh-day Adventists. He can terrify by his roaring;
but~ ·· when it suits his purposes best, he· has the sweet voice of an a~gel
of: light, and speaks of heavenly thingse Does he. not knovv all about heaven-
ly glory ?

I inquired why those v-1ho could read their Bibles and see the P,erils .·of.
these last days were so ready to snatch up matters they had best let alone?
How can they connect with men lvho are advancing . principles that originated
in the councils of demons? 1'Jhy do they not see that this is no ·rvork the
Lord has set them to do? The answer came, Becaus~ their hearts are lifted
up unto vanity. They are beguiled~ They d6 not knou hov1 weak they a re.
There are many who will be deluded, and who, by pen and voice, will cast
their whole influence to create an evil con:dition of things (a condition
that will exist just the same whatever they may do); but they should not
be bound up ·w ith the evil workers • . All r-1ho _are longing _for some engage-
ment that ·w ill represent Jehu riding furiously will have opportunity enough
to distinguish themselves. Their arm , will be linked ._w ith his rrho rras once ,
an exalted angel, and TJho has not forgotten his manners in the heavE..aly ··
courts~ These manners he nill assume, and in representing persons he will
lure uny whose life is · not hid vdth Christ in God.

Because iniquity abounds, the love of many waxes cold. 1'1hy should .:their
love wax cold? Because they have not humbled their hearts and fled to their
refuge; Jesus C_h rist. They thought. they knev~ so much, that they b~c~e fools,
and allowed themselves to become depraved. Thus many souls Tiill .p e lpst.
/ Worldly plans and de.visings and strange sentiments and principles.· -\,vill be
put forth by the ·prince of .t he power of the air, vJhich are directly ·apposed
to the law of Godo Here we should reserve all our influence to act in up-
holding the truth.

The sentimel)ts brought to the front _b y politicians will be voiced by

some 1:·Jho claim to be Sabhath-keepers. VIhat angels attend these . in_th~ .·Pli:J.~
pit as they ~tand up_to _give the flock poison instead of ..pure, . wh:e~t, .thorO-
ughly v1innowed? Here is the . Yiorking of Satanic 9-genc~s t ,9, .b~ing in c~~~us-
.. j_on, to bewitch the minds of old and young~ Those Y~l:t.o.. hqye· .be.e n walking ~..
humbly ·with God vdll not be engrossed in advo_9atil'~.g e ~ther . _side of th:J;.s ...,
. question. They ·Hill place. themse~ves .under . . his guardj,ans.h ip, . and reveal.
that they are learning les sons from the gre~t· ·Teacher, who .has said, ucome
unto me, · all ye . that labor and· ·are heavy laden; and I will 8ive you r~s-:t.e 1!.

_!· :> ;_ , AU, ; ~;his- ~4ciifement an.d \lUre st is pla,cing the ' mind where ' it wi.l~ .not
• •

dweJiL on the ~~uth. . Do . you suppose tnat the yrorld, t~e .flesh, ang ~_q~ . d~v;il
w ou~d ·, able to ~ink..up.:those sou~s .who are .. humble .and J_mvly -of hea:r:t, \: ~:··_£
and ·.- blind ·theJ.r ~ ·.understanding, so . that they-.caru1.ot .. tell .Ihat sort of . com·< ,:

p&!ion~ th'ey ·:a re . choosing? I f the eyes ~ qf . many· coul9,. be opened~ in tl}eir,, ·
he~less rharc.h, . · tb.,~y . .:16uld see a mighty procession qf .·people Qf .
-. cla~~es,
all kinds, :.Q:ll · nations, ... ·pas_sing: in .. the same ranks, . .classing i;.h~_mselves a.s - .
the ·: ~ol,l1panions of · demo~s, :· f.~pidly moving on in a continually.. swellin~ .pro-
cess:lrQn·· to certa~ ruin, '· · · ·.-~ · . · ., · .. · :.
• . J: • f.. .~ . . .

··vfuat shall I say? The . faith of many, including those wpo : · pr~ach -. th~
word, must be something dif ferent from v·Jhat it is nov.r, else their future
eternal destiny is settled. The vJord of .. God, studied carefully, and obeyed,
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is the only thing that will make man ·p ure, and keep him pure. This alone can
sav~ ··· him from meddling ·v~ith all the iniquities: that prevail'• Christians
ar~. _~o ·bear · t~e · stamp of the King of · k:lng·s• Ali in · our : i'Jorld are-' ·taking ; ·. ·. ·.
side:s . We are· not .to take part·' in. this :Politi'dal money strife-• .. It ·has.- · .
come. into. our... ..ranks.
~ . .. . ..
~ . .. ·
' ::, . •. . • . . : t .

;_ There are those, even · among ·seventh-day Adventists, who are under the
reproof of'the .word of God, because 'o f'the way they ac6,uired ' their property
ari.'d~' use :i.t, ·' actiilgas
if they owned it, · and
created it,- uithout an eye to
the glory of God, and v·d thout earnest prayer to direct them in acquiring : or ·
u_ s~g it. They are grasping_ at a serpent, which \'Jill sting them as an adder •.

:; ~ ; ·., Of God t s people he says,. uner merchandise and her hire shall be holiness
td t_ l)e' Lord'; it shall not be laid up. 11 But · many who profes-s · · to believe · ·:.';·
th~. truth do not want God in their thoughts, any more than did the antedi--:i:
luVians or Sodomites. One sensible thought -6f God; - awak~ned by the Holy · . ....·
Spirit, would spoil all their scnemes. Self, self_, self, has been their.. \ ..:~
god, their alpha and their omega. -·· ....
. ~ ... .: ·.~. ··:
Christians are safe only in acc:uiring money as God directs, ·and :. using :·_'·
it in channels which he' can bless. God permits us to use his goods With an ·
eye single to his glory, to bless ourselves, that we may bless others.
Tlio'a·e who have adopted the world's !bB.xim, and discarded God 1s specifications,
who grasp ail they can obtain of wages or goods, are poor, poor indeed, ·be- =
cause the frown of God is upon ~hem~ "They walk in paths of their own choos~
ing1 and do dishonor to God, to truth, to his goodness, to his mercy, his .. '.
. , c~aracter •
. .. :.. .
:' ··. _ Now, in probationary time, ne are all on test · and trial. Satan is
·viorking 1Jith his deceiving enchantments and ,'bribes; and· soine nill think ·that
by their schemes they have made a ·,~onderful ~speculation. But lo, as they
t _ho1:1_ght ·they ·were risilig ~e:C'urely, and · nere carrying themselves loftily in·
self.~shness, they learnea · that God can scatter faster than they can gather.
. . •. ' ~ .
~~ ~. ' . . ..

I have seen the ~-Jicked in great power, and spreading nimself like :a

green bay tree, yet he passed away, and · lo 1 he ~vas not; yea, I sougllt him,
and·· he could not be found. it He who sees the end from the beginning, and
vi~o . brings order out. ·or' confusion, is doing · all things well. We will view
~other side 9f the picture :·_r "1-:Iark the perfect man and behold the upright;
for· the end ·of that mart . is ·peace." The v.1ord of ·God is offering all the pre.;
paration ·.for -eternal life~ ·our faith must be a faith that norks by- love,
and _p urifies ·the · .sbul~ ~ not defies faith and practice. D6 \;Je believe tlie vtord
of. }iod? Are·'all \vho protess the truth faithful and true, steadfast to
principle? Are we doing inissionary work. in the Spirit of Christ? ··
are men who stand in the pulpits as shepherds, professing to feed
:t.~e_ ·_flock, while the sheep are starving for the bread of life. There are
- 'long drawn out cij.scourses, largely made up of the relation of anecdotes;- ·
. but _·the·· 'hearts of the- hearers are n6t touched. · The feelings of some ..may · -~- .....
be ·moved, they may shed a few tears, but their hearts are not ·broken-~ : The··
1.<?~~- _·J.esus ha·s ·been present lJhen they !1?-ve been presenting that rihich" w~·s ·
:C·a lled ' sermons, but ·their words were -d-e stitute of the deYJ and ram· or <··,--
he~ven. ·.~hey' · eviq.~nced that the anointed ones described by Za:chari'a h -- (se~ -­
chap.- 4) --had not· rninisterd to them, that they might rninister to: others·. ·· -·.
1'Jhen the annointed ones empty themselves through the golden piPes; ·t he . i· - ~ - .
golden oil flows out of themselves into the _golden bow·l s, to glow forth in-
. ,. ... , ...

' ; . ;. :.
' ..' ;. Jt • • ·~. :

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tp . the · lamps, t he churches. · ;r'his is ~ the :w·o rk . of ¢very. true., devote~ .s~r~ j·, ;
vqn.-t,r of the living _-God. . The Lord Go~ of. : h eaven crumot approve much . ,~):l~i{) · ;_:.
:i;$·· .br:-ou;~bt into the pulpit by thos,e 1Nho -ar,e professedly speaking th.~~-, \i.o_:r4'::.:
of _ : the: . ~Lord. They do not' inculcate id~as that 11ill be a blessing -t~ , .t~qse :
v1ho .heP:re~ · .'rhe.r~. is cheap, : v~ry cheap_fodf\e;r . placed before the pe~:"&.Le -~ ;.. ~ _,·_ ;~_ :

When the speaker shall, in a haphazard ·way, st~ike in :anywh~~~; a~ th~

,·.- ·~-- f-ancy
takes· him, r:hen he talks politiQs· to the people, he is the
conunon f ire nith the saqred • . He dishonors , God • . He -has not real evidence
from God that he is snealclng the truth. He does hi~ hearers a grievous
wrong-:~ He may plant seeds v1hich may strike their .fibrous roots deep, and
they spring up ~. and bear poisonous fruit. How ·dar~ men do th~s? Ho\'r ·~ q.a~e :
they · 9-dvance id.e as ·when they do not know certainly v1hence they, _ca_w~, :·:<:>:r: --.- ·
that~ - .th~y. are the truth. · .'..:·. · · · - ·.·.·· ·

'Will our brethren bear in mind that we are living amid the perils of .
the last days? Read Revelation in connectibn vlith Dailiel$ Teach these
things. · Let discourses be short, spiritual, eleyated. Let the preacher be
full of the word of the ~rd. Let every man uno · en~ers the pulpit know .
that he has angels from he~ven . in his audience. hnd nhen these angels erri.pty
·.f.rom th~II.lSelves the golden. oil · o.f truth . into .-t he heart of him who is · ·
;:t.\3aching .· the l·l prd, then the applicatiol'\ of the truth ·nill be a solemn,
: seriotJ.~ ~ matte.r.•; The ant:;el messengers wi~ expel sin from the heart., . un~es_ s
.:the.::· dQP.r. of the· h~art is padlocked and Christ . is refused_admission. -·~· -.chr"i_s .t.
T-Iill - w~ tlWxra.w himself from those ·who persist in refusing the heaven?.Y .;::~· : ·· :.·.
.bl'~-s~ings th.a tf ar.e so freely offered theme, --~··;" :·.-..;·'·' ..
, '·...
·, ~ The Holy Spirit is doing. .its work on t _h e hearts. But if the·ters
-have. not first received th~ir message trom heaven, if they' have · not draWn- ·
their o~-- supplies from the refreshirlg, iife-giving strea,xn, hov1 can they .·;. ·
let that flow forth '~Nhich they have ·n ot received? rlhat a thought,· ·-thaf ~.:.
hungry, t):lir.sty .sol..\+s ~are · sent away empty. A man may lavish all the
treasures of his learning,·he may exhaust the moral energies of his nature,
and yet accomplish nothing, because he himself has not received the golden
oil from the heavenly messengers; therefore it cannot flow forth from him,
imparting spiritual l:Lfe. ~ t.o the needy. The tidings of joy and hope must
come from heaven. Learn, 0 learn of Jesus ·nhat it means to abide in

If the Christian minister receives the' golden oil, he has life; and
Yihere there is life, there is no stagnation, no dr1arfed experience. There ·
is constant grmvth to t he f ull stature of Christ Jesus. If 1~e have a deep;
growing experience in heavenly things, v~e walk 1·1itr1 the Lord, as did Enocho
Instead of consenting to the propositions of Satan, there is most earnest
prayer for the heavenly anointing, that we may distinguish the right, the
heaven-born, from the common.

If we are fighting in'the strength of the mighty One, we are on the

side · that will win at last. In the end we mall conquer. The greatest
workJ the most perilous scenes are before uso The deadly conflict we must
meeto Are we prepared for it? God is still speaking to t he children of
men. He is spealdng in many different ways" Hill they· hear l1is voice?·
Will we place our hands confidingly in his, and say, n1ead me, gu,ide me. n
There is cheap religion in abundru1ce, but there is no such thing as
cheap Christianitye Self may figure largely in a false religion, but it
cannot appear in Christian experience. nye are workers together with God.n


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uvi~-~~out .·me, il .said Gh.r ist, nye can do If We ··earu1.ot be ·shepherd·s · of not!:Wig. I

t}:l~. flock unless we are divested of ' our ·ovm. ·:peculiar · habit:s ,. ' inanners; · and .
customs., and "co~ . into ChriSt Is 'likelless·· . When we ·eat his flesh 'and' drink
his blood,, th~n the element .of . eternal
life ·Will 'be·.' found in the . ministry~
There · will not ·be a fund of · stal:e, ·6 ft-repeated ideas. ''l'here will · be a
~ew,. . of . t~th.
.. .. •· : ·_ '·· . . :_ ... .
. ;: '_·.: Some.~ho startd .. ~ the pulpit make the heavenly messengers in the audience
ashamed of them_. The precious· ·gos.pel, which it has cost so much to· bring ·
to_.: the world, iS. abused~ There is comrrion, cheap tAlk; grotesque attitudss
arid. workings of the features. There is, V!fith some; rapid talking,· .with< ·. ."
others a thick, indistinct utterance• Ever.y one who ministers before the ·
people :should feel it a solemn duty to take himself in hand.· ' He should
first give himself to the · Lord in complete self-renunciation, determined that
ho. will have none of self,·. but all of Jesus •
. ....
· · . : The word is ·the preacher Is light,.· and as the . golden oil flows rr·om :·' ... ·,
.,. . .t .he ·heavenly .olive trees . into the bowl, · l.t make's': the lamp of life flash -'· .;
··. viith a cleamess and pow·e r that all will ·disceni'~ ·~hose who have the · : ·: :
privilege of. .s itting under such a ' ministry, if. their hearts are · susceptible
,-,.:t,o!' the Holy Spirit t s .influence, will fell an inner life. The , fire o.f: :God t s
·->l.ov.e .w:lll. b.e ldndled within them. The Bible, the word of God, i ·s . the ·bread
. of.· life:.:··_He who feeds the flock of God must hilnself·· first eat of the: bread
which·· came down from heaven·. He will see the: truth on every side. · ' He··. ~....
will not venture to come before the people until he has first communed \'lith
. .Go.~. . ,Then he is led to work as Christ worked. He respects the varied
·~nd.s. , that· compose his audience. He has .a word that touches the ease of
a11, .·not. worldly, confusing ideas. He has no right to introduce ·t he world-
ly ·.pe;rpie:rlties.
- ·.. . .
The bread of- life will ·satisfy every
~ .
soul hunger •. .• "

~ .. ~- :.

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nstJNNISIDE, n COORANBONG, N. S. w~:·; .: -:

AUGUST, 1896 •
.. .
Conference - Presidents~ Counsell ors:-

GOD gave to Moses special direction for the management of his work.
He girected Moses to associate men '~th him as ·counsello rs, that his bur-
dens raight be -l ightened • . , Through Jethro the message was given: nHearken ··
noYJ unto my voice, I will,~: give thee counsel, and God shall be with thee:
be thou for the pe~ple to Godward, that thou mayest bring the causes unto
God. And thou shalt teach them ordinance s and laws, and shalt · shew t}leni.
the way in which they mu's t walk, and the work they must do. Moreover thou
shalt · provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of
truth, . hating covetousn ess; and place such over them; to· be rulers of
thousands , and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. .
And .let: them judge· the: people at all seasons; and it shall be, that every · ......
great matter they shall bring unto. thee, but every small· matter they shall. -.
judge: s~ shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear the buraen ·
with thee o If thou shalt do · this thing~· and God ·command thee so, then ·
thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people also shall go to their
place in peace."
This counsel is for us. It should be heeded by our responsib le men.
The president of our General Conferenc e · has been left to gather to h~elf
burdens which God has not laid upon him, and the things that he has tried
to do could not . be done wisely and well~ • • •

·.Moses said, 11 When .t hey have a matter, they come unto me; and I judge
between one .and another, and I do make them knovr the statutes ·of .God and
his laws." Ex. 18:16. This work is still to be done, and if the men who
now bear responsi bilities villl not do it, ·then it must be corrndtted to
others. · The Lord's work must be carried forward without guile, hypocrisy ,
or covet_o uaness.

In ·his instructi on to Moses the Lord very plainly set forth the char- ··
acter of· tho-s e who were to fill important positions · as counsello rs.. They ·
are to be nable men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousn ess. 11 ·
The Lord t s counsel has - been strangely neglected ·~ There are men in places
of -h oly .· trust.· who·, when reproved, have cared naught for it. Some who for_:_:
years have stood as counsello rs, have boldly stated that they would not:,· -.-
receive the testimoni es given. In triumph they have declared that many of
our·:most: responsib le men have lost faith in the message coming from· Sister
White• :. Thus . the · re-jectors of light have been strengthe ned in their unbelief;
feeling that. they .had : quite a strong confedera cyo · Men who have had the·
light have walked contrary to the light. These words · are.. appropria te: ·
11 Truth,- has• fall·e n in the
-streets·,- and equity cannot enter. n: Th~ ·malari.a
of unbe:l ief· has 1• been · diffusing its deathly atmospher e throughou t the ranks,
nigh and afar off. All -this· has heen :stated· plainly~ yet; ·for years matters··
have been left unchanged . Can the Lord's favor be expected under such c~r-
cumstances-?- . ~ • ·, .: --, ·
~ . ..

·• \
,• 1 ~ •

• :,

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As a people we should study Godts plans for conducting his work. Wher-
ever he . ha~,· give~r:·Qil'eotions · in regard ·to any point, we should carefully con-
sider how to regard his expressed_will. This work should have special at-
tention. >I},.:_ is ;: n~t 1ldse to choose one man as president of the General Con-
ference. The work of the General Conference has eA.tended, and some things .
have been made unnecessarily complicated. A want of discernment·. has-.b een...
shown. There should be a division of the field, or some other plan should
be d~~$~d to change the present order of things. • • • -.·,:: · .- -.
• • L. . •
·" .. . ~ •
lit .. •

. ·· The president of th~ General Conference should · have the priVilege of .....
dec~ding who shall ~~~d :· by his side as counsellors. Those who ·. will -keep · ·:
the .~ay of the Lord, who will pr~serve clear,- sharp discernment by . cultiva- ..
ting home religion, are safe counsellors. Of such a one the Searcher of -· ·.
hearts. srlth, · "I ~ow him, that he will . command his children ."arid his house..;. :-
hold after him. ·And they shall keep the way .of the Lord, to do justice and
judgment. n Cqunsellors ·.ot ·the charact·e r that God chose for Moses ·are need~ :
ed by the president of the 'General Conference. ·I t was his privilege at-· ·
least to express his preference as to the ·men who should be his counsellors~
It ~s his privilege t9 .-discern between hlin that serveth God and hini that~ -­
seiTeth .- him not. But a strange blindness was upon him •. There has ·been ··a;.· - ·
leavening influence . upon ·human minds·, and it has been .most painful. For :...... ; ·
years,:.:God · has been dishonored._ • • • · · .,....

I have the word of the Lord for presidents of conferences. They should
shoulder the responsibilitie s involved in the· trusts reposed in the~ In
yo'lilt ·.work, ·do not try to meet a human ·standard, but the standard of God.ts :·, ~·~·
wo:rlt•·< ·If ·you will not ·do this, if you will not · seek the Lord most earnes~ ·-<
ly, if you will not -be burden-bearers,, but choose to· lay your whole weight ··::
of responsibilitie s upon the ' president of the General Conference, then,
week_,·:by· week, month · by month, you are disqualifying yourselves for the work.
You should leave it, · and engage .in common business transactions, which do ·:·
not so decidedly involve eternal resix>nsibilitie s.-
.. .
~' .
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Presidents of Conferences, ·I appeal to you · in the -name of the -'Lord-·:- ·
! .· ..

Jesus: nseek ye the Lord while he may be found, -call ye upon him while he
is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man--his ·
thoughts: and let him return wtto the · Lord, and he ·will have mercy upon
him;·· and to our God, · for he will abundantly pardon. n You are to. be· self~-
deriY:ing missionaries, men of thought 1 men who will pray ·for divine · en- ·· ·
lightenment, . and ·who 'will be faithful and true to responsibilitie s.- Sit.
at the feet 6f · Jesus~ and learn his 'will. There must be zeal6us activity;
on your .part. Teach not your ideas; your plans, your .notions, :.your maxims ·, ..
but··.. 'teach the word' of the Lord. · · ·., :__.

·.··i ·waekly seasons of prayer -will not . qualify any one of you for your. :.:.
great ·and solemn :tesponsibilitie s, ·if, after these· seasons, you feel that>, --·_
your w~k is -done 1 and, haVing looked. into: the great · ~oral looking-glass i. · _· ?
you go>avtay and forget -what manner of man . . yell ··It ·is' not merely one_ :.· ··
day:"~ ·of service · that -will suffice for the:··soul' s need. You · must be constant--..
ly ·coming to the storehouse to · feed ·on the flesh and. blood of the Son of .. :.
God.· ·. Religion · is not to be· cheapened·· in. 1896~ or 1897 • .
.-,. . ' · .~. ~ ·;·
. '( .'

Those who are · partakers of the divine nature are to come out from
worldly influences, from empty festivites, and sit down with Christ, in
heart conmunion with their Redeemer. Cease your unbelieving worry. When
the ancious disciples saw the hungry multitudes beside the sea~ impossi-
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bilities arose in .t heir minds, and they questioned, IIShall we-. go to the
villages and buy, to give them -to eat?n Just so in the several conferences
many now ask, ·s hall we send to Battle Creek for some one to come and hold
meetings with us and -revive us and feed us·? Vfuat said Christ? -No 0 :·He·_ :: ·:.
corrunanq·e cfthe multitude ·to sit down on the grass· in' companies of fifty ~and .
one hundred. They obeyed orders, seating themselves -in .l ong lines on the :
grass. Jesus took the five loaves and two fishes out of the hands of the
lad, and looking up to his Father he asked his blessing upon the meager ..
supply. ·Then he put into the hands of his disciples the food'to be dis-
tributed. The scanty ·provision grew under the hand of Christ, and he had
constantly a fresh supply for his servants to distribute to the hungr.y multi-
tude, ·until all had a sufficiency . Then the word came, "Gather up the-frag-
ments, that nothing be lost. 11 There was a surplus of food gathered up.
This is a lesson to all in their spiritual experience. 1~at an amount
of worry would be saved if men would only trust in Gode The bread of life
is to be given to needy souls. And what a·work is often made of the matter.
There are long councils for devising plans, inventing new methodso There
is a constant effort to get up entertali~ents to draw people to the church·
or the Sabbath-sch ool. Like the disciples, the workers raise the question,
Shall we go unto the villages and buy? What is the ·work to be done? Come
unto Jesuse Humble faith and prayer will accomplish very ruch more than
your long councils. Listen to the Saviour! s invitation. Put your neck
under his yoke. Accept his burdens~ Receive that vmich he bestows. He
says, 11My yoke is easy, and my burden is lightou
This anticipatio n of terrible difficultie s need not be. We must eat
and drink the word of life, which is represented as eating and drinking of
the flesh and blood of Christ$ 7hose who know the truth'must be educated ·
to receive it from their mvn shepherds, and pray over it, and practice ito
Then souls will grow in faith, and in intelligent knowledge. They would
receive the bread of life, and digest it. nThe entrance of thy word giveth
light" It giveth understandi ng to the simple~ 11 The truth needs to enter
into heart and mind. More, rruch more praying, and less long sermonizing ,
will be for the health of the body and soul.
Money has been expended in sending men to Jerusalem, to see the place
where Jesus traveled'an d taught, when we have the precious Saviour nigh us,
his presence-wi th us, and we may have a Jerusalem'i n our own houses and · in
the churcheso We can discern his fresh footsteps, we can eat his words,
and have eternal life~ We need more study, more earnest meditation and
corrmunion with Christ. We need to listen for the still, small voice, and
to rest by faith in the love of Christo We should have a much more health-
ful experience, and become much more vigorous Christians.

We have a superabundance of sermons, but we need to learn to ·receive

the word. All the ·help from abroad caru1ot supply this deficiency. The
home missionary work must be entered into by home missionarie s. God is
not pleased with tne selfish devisings to give so many advantages to those
who know the truth, who had- opportuniti es to understand far more of the
truth than they practice • . Thousands upon thousands are in ignorance,
perishing out of Christ. Yet money and time and labor are devoted to the
class who are ever learning, yet never able to come to the experimenta l
knowledge of the truth, because they will not practice the trutho
Those who are ready to do service are those who feed most on Christ.
Read and study his word, drink in the inspiration of his spirit, and re-

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ceive of h;lsg~ace, t .o. qoa~.d, ·:but to· give ;to qthers. In· order to in-
s~ruct oth~rs, the ,, te~ohers m_ust first.· p~. le_s1rn~r9 of. Chris~. · Th~re are
Marthas :it\.
ev~ry -church, . they are intens.e ly-..~usy ·. ~ ·.: rel.igiQus a~tivities,.
and ~hey do mu_:ch good.t but we .need also Mary.'~. side · pf . qh.arac-ter. · Tqe :: . ·, ·
most zealous~ .wqrker~ need to learn at the . of Jesus. ~ · : ; .

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