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8/10/23, 9:29 AM View Details


Reference No. :- INC23CPB033991

1. Business Incubator Vishav Kapoor


2. Business Incubator

Email Id

3. Business Incubator 9888144156

Mobile Number


5. HI/BI Name DAV Institute Of Engineering Technology

6. Idea Sector Agriculture, Rivers & Ocean Produce based industries, fertilizers, Agricultural Implements & Agro
processing and any related sub-sector

7. Title of proposed Bold and Bright Mushrooms


8. Briefly explain 1- Using of Automated water sprinkler for maintaining moisture and watering mushroom compost- The
newness/uniqueness of project is basically based of a uniqueness to create a mechanism to sprinkle water over the mushroom
the innovation compost in bags by using a sprinkler technology by using water pump and plastic sprinklers connected
with the pipes and to create it automatic and labour free automated sprinkler timer module will be installed
with the water pump, which will automatically after a passage of time (which will be set after studying the
behaviour of moisture in the compost) will sprinkle water using the water pump this will reduce the need of
labour in the plant and will reduce the cost of the labour from the project. 2- Using of Bamboo along with
iron racks to make the project environmental friendly- As the project is based on Environmental Protection
the main aim is to utilize the bamboo in the formation of racks to place compost bags for growing which
will be environmental friendly, low budget and will be easy to handle as compared to iron racks. 3-Creation
of Manure from Waste Compost - The project is aimed at creating and converting the waster compost into
manure be using earthworms and cow dung in a tank which will made along with construction of shed and
this will create a preserve the environment from the hazards of the compost due to the chemicals or the
fertilizers used in the compost.

9. Concept & Objective Concept-Production of mushrooms, especially of the white button mushrooms, in India has gone up during
recent years creating marketing problems. The market for processed foods has yet to develop in the
country and basically fresh fruits and vegetables are preferred. Per capita consumption of mushrooms in
India is hardly 5 g. as against over a kg. in developed countries. There has not been any serious effort to
promote the product and to strengthen and expand the market in order to increase consumption. The
marginal increase in demand is for fresh mushrooms instead of dried/preserved mushrooms. Fresh
mushrooms have very short shelf-life and therefore cannot be transported to long distances without
refrigerated transport facility. They are sold in the markets in and around the production areas. Objective -
The objective of the project is to basically cater the demand rise for mushroom in the Indian market and to
promote the Make in India. The project aims at providing healthy and high quality of mushrooms even in
the off seasons and to cover the maximum market with increased production every year. The project also
aims at creating a Production plant of mushroom with controlled ttempratures, so as the production of
mushrooms can be done even in off seasons. 1/2
8/10/23, 9:29 AM View Details

10. Specify the Mushrooms have a variety of applications in agriculture, biotechnology, and environmental management.
potential areas of In agriculture, mushrooms can be grown as a cash crop or as a companion crop to improve soil health.
application in Mushrooms are a great source of nutrients and are low in calories. They contain compounds like beta-
industry/market in brief glucans and ergothioneine that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds
make mushrooms useful in treating diseases like cancer, Alzheimers, and Parkinsons. In biotechnology,
mushrooms are used to produce enzymes, biofuels, and antibiotics. For example, the enzyme laccase,
which is produced by certain species of mushrooms, is used to break down lignin in plant material, making
it easier to process into biofuels. Additionally, mushrooms are used to produce antibiotics like penicillin and
cephalosporin. Finally, in environmental management, mushrooms are used for bioremediation to clean up
oil spills and heavy metal contamination. Certain species of mushrooms are able to break down
environmental pollutants like oil and heavy metals, making them useful for cleaning up contaminated soil
and water. In conclusion, the mushroom industry has a variety of potential applications in agriculture,
biotechnology, and environmental management. From growing mushrooms as a cash crop to using them
for bioremediation, mushrooms have a wide range of uses that make them an important part of many

11. Briefly provide the The mushroom market in India has been growing steadily in recent years due to increasing demand for
market potential of mushrooms as a healthy and nutritious food source. The market size is estimated to be around INR 15-20
idea/innovation billion (approximately US200-270 million) and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 15-20 in the coming
years.The growth of the mushroom market in India can be attributed to several factors. One of the main
factors is the increasing awareness of the health benefits of mushrooms. Mushrooms are low in calories
and high in nutrients, making them a healthy food choice. Another factor contributing to the growth of the
mushroom market in India is the increasing popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets. Mushrooms are a
great source of protein and can be used as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan dishes. The
mushroom market in India is dominated by button mushrooms, which account for around 80 of the market
share. Other varieties of mushrooms like oyster, shiitake, and milky mushrooms are also gaining popularity
in the market. In conclusion, the mushroom market in India is growing rapidly due to increasing demand
for healthy and nutritious food, as well as the popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets. With the market
projected to grow at a CAGR of 15-20 in the coming years, there are many opportunities for businesses
and entrepreneurs in the mushroom industry in India.

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