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Report Summery

New issues 7

Fixed 0

Not Fixed 0
Prepared by - Kazi Ryan Imam
Tested by - Kazi Ryan Imam

Issues Status Priority SS / SV Comment

Matches for you - When a new user creates an account and logs into the application, the
High Screenshot
"Matches for You" section is displaying an error message
Sign up - An alert message should display when a user attempts to input a mobile number
containing fewer than 11 digits. Currently, the app is accepting mobile numbers with less than High
11 digits
OTP verification - Users can submit the form without entering the OTP code, an alert should
clearly notify the user that the OTP field cannot be left blank
OTP verification - Users are able to submit the form with any random OTP code entered into
the verification field. If the entered OTP does not match the OTP received via SMS, an alert High
message should notify the user that the entered OTP is incorrect
OTP verificaiton - Implement a time limit for the OTP verification process. The entered OTP
should expire after a specific duration
OTP verificaiton - The "Resend" button for OTP verification is non-functional. Users should
be able to request a new OTP by clicking the "Resend" button
Forget Password - The number validation page is incomplete and non-functional High

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