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MULACH:bry!—bryan…I’ve already re-stocked our store inventory



MULACH: and I’ve updated the bank loans as well

DINGDONG:Okay—so…next, we’ll work on the renovations



DINGDONG: It’s nothing

(Mulach’s wife stomach suddenly hurt)

MULACH:what happen?

MULACH’S WIFE:the baby is kicking

MULACH: It’s moving…calm down—you’re making mama’s uncomfortable

DINGDONG:Wow…that’s you’re fourth already—how do you manage? Isn’t it difficult?

MULACH:it is…but it’s fulfilling

MULACH’S WIFE: absolutely right..

(Mulach’s wife stomach is hurting again)

MULACH:oh,what now?...

MULACH’S WIFE: I need to go to the cr

MULACH: Yna!help your mother,she needs to go the toilet.

:you see…atleast we’ve got helping hands


MULACH:the perks..

TATAY: Yehey! You’re favorite,TINOLA!

DINGDONG:dad,let me help you—you shouldn’t strain yourself dad….something different about you?it
seems like…. Lately you’re so full of life—it is cause your happy?

TATAY:ah…yes—ofcourse, because I’m with my family

DINGDONG:but you should be resting

TATAY: it’s not a big deal

DINGDONG:what else do you need?

JUN: I’ll do it

DINGDONG: I’llgo with you—Dad, I’m just going to the kitchen…

MGA APO:Tatay Lolo!

CHRISTINE:hi,hello—hi dad

TATAY:too bad,we would be complete if you’re husband is here—when he is returning?so we can all eat

CHRISTINE:am…his employer extended his contract,so it’ll be a while

ENRIQUE: he’s still abroad?


ENRIQUE:Are you sure?

CHRISTINE:yes why?

CHRISTINE DAUGHTER:mommy where’s my pillow?

CHRISTINE:oh,I forgot, I’llget it from the car…

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