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Q1. What is environment?

Ans: Environment comprises our surroundings, the air we breathe, the water that cover the
earth surface, the plant and animals around us and much more. Environment is derived from
the French word “Environ” which means surroundings.

Q2. What are the constitutes of Non-living things?

Ans: Non-Living things are constituted of:

1. Lithosphere: It refers to the outer layer of the earth. It included rocks and soils found
on the surface of the earth.
2. Hydrosphere: It refers to the water bodies found on the surface of the Earth i.e. sea,
river, ocean etc.
3. Biosphere: It refers to that part of environment where life exists.

Q3. What are the different types of Natural Resources? Explain.

Ans: There are two main types of Natural Resources. These are:

1. Renewable Natural Resources: Resources that can be renewed naturally are known as
Renewable Natural Resources i.e. water, soil, wind, etc.
2. Non-renewable Natural Resources: Resources that cannot be naturally renewed are
known as non-renewable resources i.e. coal, petrol, etc.

Q4. What is the green economy?

Ans: An economy is called a green economy when it is based on the principles of sustainable
development. Reduction of environmental risk is the primary goal of the green economy. The
main focus is to ensure economic growth without harming the environment.

Q5. What is the importance of green economy?

Ans: The importance of green economy is:

1. Green economy promotes sustainable development.

2. It promotes effective resource utilization.

Q6. Define green skills.

Ans: Green skills are the knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in,
develop the support for a society which reduces the negative impact of human activities
on the environment.

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