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**************Focus on Reading and Writing **********

Point 1
Instant messaging
Talking style casual short form like LOL BRB Emoji and stickers
Don’t care about any grammar rules leads to negative impacts in students
When we typing , the technologies will help us accurate the words even type for us
(using voice to text tools) in this case people don’t care the spelling leads to the
decline of Writing skills.
Have a bigger impacts on new English learners
Reference : Ross the use of predictive text input is associated with more spelling
errors in text messages among school-aged children and adolescents.

Point 2
Formal writing skills


Formal writing
Topic sentence references explanations Logic flow examples Conclusion sentence

Instants messaging
Casual do not need to prove and example 零碎 跳脱

When people get used to instant messaging they don’t know how to write a formal
writing like business email or essay don’t know how to find reference
Don’t have the awareness of proving something after a point

Bad formal writing skills

Reference: Mensah, Atuahene, and Nti-Adarkwah (2021)

the use of text messaging language, including abbreviations and shortened forms,
had a negative impact on the academic writing of pre-service teachers, indicating a
broader trend of declining formal writing skills due to the influence of text

Decline of attention
Don’t want to look at the meaningful and valuable reading (most of it are so long and
boring )
Instant messaging ‘s talking style are casual
Usually just talking about daily life and gossips

In long term
no meaningful communication only daily life and gossips
the abilities of logic thinking and reading are decline

not every people just talking daily life and gossips when using instant messaging
it can be meaningful like share fun facts to your frds
some knowledges can be simplify to short sentences it is more suitable for young
people who don’t like reading

They just know the conclusion of a knowledge
Lack of the processing of thinking and proving

Is like just listen some people tell the story line of a movie to you or just watch the
movie trailer

It is hard for those people truly understand the meaning behind the knowledge

Reference: Verheijen (2013) discusses how the fast-paced and fragmented nature of
instant messaging communication can contribute to a decrease in attention span and
depth of knowledge acquisition

individuals try to read more meaningful readings
education organizations promote more about the importance of formal writing and
tech more formal writing skills

hope have a balance between instant messaging and formal writing and reading.

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