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Agenda: Discussing the ramifications of the militarisation of space

Greetings, honorable EB and Esteemed Delegates.

Space is neither a place to war, to start a war, or to support a war.

Space is a vast expanse which is to be explored, utilized and understood

peacefully without fighting or struggling. But, still, many countries are trying
to militarize and take control of space.

China, who claims to use space for peaceful means, but recognizes space as a
new place for conflicts and its importance for the rules of warfare. The USA,
who states that an arms race does not exist yet in space, and it is unnecessary
to take action on the issue.
Russia, who articulates that space has been a crucial part of US military
success, intensifying the need for counter-space weapons.

The Federative Republic of Brazil, a country with its space agency

prominently focusing on peaceful uses of outer space, believes that both state
and non-state actors must not be allowed to weaponize or exploit satellites for
militarization. Especially hostile non-state actors, as their budgets are not
under the control of any government.

We also believe that we must strengthen the international space law and
establish treaties that prevent the weaponization of space. This includes
prohibiting the development and deployment of space weapons, encouraging
peaceful uses of space and prevention of an arms race, whether these
countries like it, or not.
In conclusion, The Federal Republic of Brazil believes development and use
of destructive space-related technologies is a threat to international peace and
security and we believe in building a cooperative way for developing our
reach in space.

Thank you all.

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