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When designing the classroom blueprint, I aimed to create a space that felt

welcoming for all students. I want my students to feel safe and welcome in my
classroom and do what I can to provide that. My classroom was designed for
elementary school, ideally, grades 1-2. My seating arrangement was made in a way
where students could be engaged and involved with one another, while also keeping
in mind the different needs of each of my students. Being in elementary I need to be
able to provide spaces where each student in my classroom can work and still be
able to learn, therefore I have a range of seating options for my students to utilize. I
have my tables in the middle set in pods for students to be able to connect and
communicate with their peers, while still being able to see the board. I have two
adjustable stand-up desks at the back of my classroom to allow students to stand
and have a bit more freedom if it is needed to help with their learning. Some other
seating options I have included are a smaller group table for those who may need a
little bit more help, I have a table with wobble chairs for those who need to move
around, as well as a cozy corner for those who may need to desensitize themselves.
Having different areas for students still allows the individualization that some
students require and it will allow them to feel more comfortable within the learning
environment. With all the different seating I have kept in mind the concept of open
space to allow students to move around freely with less clutter throughout. Within
my blueprint, I have created a space where I have placed a wheelchair and someone
who would require a service dog. This was put in place as a way for me to reflect and
think about the way the classroom would be set up for students to get around, as
well as ways in which they could be placed to still be included with their peers.

As a physical education major, I want to promote students' health and

well-being in all learning environments. In my classroom blueprint, I have included
stationary bikes. This will allow my students to be moving and active while learning,
rather then feeling as if they need to be glued into their chairs. I believe this is a great
resource to have in my classroom and would not only promote just my major but
also help to increase the student's focus on other learning that takes place. With
this, I would love to include posters that promote mental and physical well-being. I
would have these to grade level and they would include things like quick and small
exercises the students could partake in, different nutritional food options, and some
mental health and wellness techniques they could partake in (breathing, stretching,
etc.). This information is beneficial for all students at any age and can make an
impact, and I believe exposing children at a younger age is important. As someone
who looks at my mental health and well-being, I have included a cozy corner where
students can go to destress and just take the time they need for themselves. This
could be a place where they go to just hang out for a few minutes, read, stretch, etc.
I encourage my students to feel themselves and encourage them to do what they
need to do to feel that way. With this in mind, I think it would be important to learn
about each of your students and their strengths/needs and provide things in the
classroom that I may not have thought of that could be beneficial.

Some things included in my classroom:

● Bulletin boards - these will be used to post up projects of my students so we
can celebrate the diversity in each person's works
● Cozy corner - this is an area where students can go to take a moment to
themselves, and also just be in a different space
● Carpet - I have included a carpet at the front of my class as a space for us to
gather in the morning to go over the plans for each day.
● Stationary bikes - to encourage my students to participate in active and
healthy well-being and have it as an option for those who need to move
● Stand-up desks: I have included desks at the back for students who need to
be moving and standing rather then being “stuck” to their seat
● Desk pods: this will allow my students to collaborate and work together,
creating a sense of community and togetherness
● Wobble chairs: this is another space students can go or they can grab the
chair and take turns with them.
● Sink: to encourage proper hygiene and have kids wash their hands before
eating and just throughout the day
● Water jug: this will allow students to refill their water bottles
● Alphabet poster: for students to rely on if needed
● Snack/ necessities cupboard: This is essential in my classroom not only for
myself but for students who need it too. It will include snacks, cups for water,
extra clothing, cutlery, hygiene kits, etc.
● A wheelchair user & service dog: I have included these as a reminder for myself
about some of the considerations that need to take place when designing the
layout of your classroom
● Open space: this allows students to be able to get around and I have provided
places in which students can store their things to keep the room free of
● Windows: I love the idea of windows. Natural light is wonderful and if I could, I
would like to use natural light over the lights within my classroom

Some things I would include in my classroom:

● A pet fish: I think this is a great way to help students learn the importance of
taking care of things and it’s fun (I can have students help me each day to
feet and take care of it)
● More storage along the wall: I would love to have a space to have bins for the
student's extra supplies, word games, supplies, resources, headphones, etc.
● Sign language posters: I think this is a great resource to learn and as
someone who grew up with it, I just think it a fun and different resource to use
● A number line above the smartboard: I would love to have a row of numbers
1-20 for my students to be able to look at as a resource
● Agenda: This would be placed on the whiteboard and have both written and
visuals for students to look at for the daily plan
● Calendar: this would be placed on the whiteboard and would include things like
the day, month, year, and weather.
● Sight words: I would have these placed at the front of the classroom on ring
hooks for students to be able to access.
● Posters: This can include a variety of things (anything that the students
would be able to look at and get support/help from
● Pride flag: I think this is just an easy way to provide inclusion for both
students and families within the classroom
● Indigenous symbol: This is a way to invite diversity and inclusion within the
● String lights: this would allow us to have lights throughout the classroom that
weren’t so bright but would still allow students who need them the chance.
● Health & Wellness posters: As stated above I would love to promote and
expose students at a young age to things that will help them throughout their
● Storage in the hallway: I was unsure how to create a hallway on this, but
ideally I would love to have hooks and shelves outside of the classroom for
students to leave their wet boots and clothes and have storage inside the
classroom for backpacks and indoor shoes.
○ With this, I would also love to have a bulletin board to display work from
my class for others to enjoy
○ Potentially having a table and chair outside the classroom for students
who may be working one-on-one with an aid or for someone who
needs to just go take a few minutes for themselves

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