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Management Plan

Taylor Danylchuk

It is important to create a classroom community where students feel valued and
supported. Classrooms need to have structure and expectations that students are well aware of
that I will ensure I stick to, in order to keep consistency. Having a classroom management plan
is important as it will guide me to understand the classroom set-up, expectations, routines, and
management strategies that are already in place in my practicum class. My classroom
management plan will stay consistent with the routines already established in the classroom.
The students in this classroom have great relationships with each other and are a very
welcoming group. I will use this information while creating lesson plans to continue to build
these relationships and collaboration skills.

Classroom Set Up

This classroom consists of 17 students, 1 teacher, and an educational assistant for the
majority of the day. In the classroom there is a storage room, two white boards, a coat room, a
large carpet area, and tables where students have assigned seats. This classroom is also
equipped with 2 sinks, and its own bathroom. At the back of the classroom there are 4 very
large windows, and two of them open for fresh air. Beside the windows is an exterior door that
is typically left open throughout the day.

Instructional time typically takes place in two areas, the first space being the carpet at the back
of the classroom where the calendar area is, and the other being at the tables where the
students have name tags and assigned seats. At the front of the classroom there is a projector
that can be set up with the computer, or as a screen with a camera to display materials for
students to follow along instruction with. The classroom spends equal instructional time on the
carpet and in their seats, and there is assigned spots for both.

Materials are stored in various locations throughout the classroom that are easily accessible to
the teacher as well as the students. Where the students’ materials are stored has been changed
a couple of times this year due to covid-19 regulations. Currently, the students have their
individual supplies in white bins that are located at the back of the classroom underneath the
window. There is a large storage room on the side of the classroom that stores most of the
teacher’s supplies. There is designated locations for play centers as well as literacy centers, and
these are well established routines.


The mornings start by the students entering in through the exterior door at the back of
the classroom, whoever is dropping the child off at school waits until the students are in the
building, this creates opportunity to check in with families in the morning. Next the students
will enter and hang up their coats and backpacks, wash their hands and grab their planners.
There is a soft start at the beginning of the day while waiting for the announcements to begin,
at this time students can do an activity from their white bins. These activities will include
playdough, colouring or white boards. After the announcements the class follows along to do
planner as a group. After these routines, the day begins, there is a shape of the day located at
the front of the classroom.

At lunch time all students go out for recess before they eat, recess is from 11:45pm-12:20pm,
at this point is when the teachers have lunch. When the students come in they wash their
hands and grab their lunch, during lunch time the teacher will either read a story or play an
educational video related to the days learning. After lunch there is a short block of 30 minutes
where theme work takes place, then at 1:20 there is short recess. During recess times, the
education assistants do supervision.

Every afternoon after short recess is the same routine. It is center time, where the students are
able to pick their centers for the block. The students know that they need to stay at the center
they have chosen for the duration of the center block. After centers, students will clean up and
join each other on the carpet to do ‘word works’, which is directed by the teacher. At the end of
the day, the students are dismissed one by one to ensure they are going to a safe adult, this
also provides time for the teachers to check in with parents or guardians about anything that
may have come up during the school day. This is also a great time to remind parents of anything
that is upcoming.

Physical education and library are taught by separate teachers, this is a time for the classroom
teacher to have prep time. Library is once a week and P.E is twice a week, all three are 40
minute blocks.


My main expectation is that the students are respectful and kind, to myself, my sponsor
teacher, as well as each other. Being respectful and kind during lessons means that the students
are showing me full body listening, raising their hands for questions and comments, and not
talking over me or other students. During discussions I want students to feel that they can share
what they are thinking and know that their opinions are valued. It will be expected that
students will be kind towards each other and listen when others are speaking. Discussions will
have to be guided, and students will be asked to use raise their hands or told that it is okay to
discuss with the other students around them. For exploration type lessons, I expect that
students will work nicely together and share materials, and that the noise level stays low so
students can focus on their work. During seat work, it is expected that students will work within
their own space and only talk with their table pods when necessary. For group work, it will be
expected for students to collaborate with each other at a respectful noise level for others.
Students will also be expected to stay in their work areas and not wonder around the
classroom. This group of students are incredibly supportive of each other, and it is encouraged
for students to support each other in their learning.

Management Strategies

Overall, this class has well established routines and is a group of very respectful and
supportive students. If noise levels are getting too loud, or I need to get the attention of the
students I will use a variety of management techniques that I observed being used, as well as
some that I have seen used in other environments. These techniques include a patterned clap
that the students will repeat back, “Freeze and Squeeze”, “1,2,3 eyes on me!” “1,2 eyes on
you!”, countdowns, a chime noise, and “if you can hear me, do this ____!”, there is also a door
bell button in two locations of the classroom that are often used to gains students attention.
During my time with the classroom, I observed some of these being used and they were
successful in getting the students attention.

Transitions seem to run quite smoothly in this class. To support those students that find
transitions to be a bit of a stretch, I will ensure that I include lots of notice that we will be
transitioning to a new activity and provide time notices. When giving students transitioning
instructions, I will keep the instructions limited to only 2 or 3 at a time so students do not feel
overwhelmed with upcoming tasks and can remember what is being asked of them.

When a behaviour or a conflict occur, I will use my best judgment to decide on the appropriate
course of action for correcting the disruptive behaviour or resolving the conflict. If a student is
disrupting a group lesson, I will remind the student to be respectful of the class learning, and
possibly suggest moving to a new space that might be more successful. I will also remind the
student to make a good choice for their learning and let them make the decision of what that
will look like. If conflict arises between two students, I will make sure that both students have
the opportunity to share their thoughts and their side, and then work with the students to
come to a conclusion of what has happened and what we could do to resolve the conflict, so all
individuals involved are satisfied.


In conclusion, I know that it is important to have well established routines and

expectations for a successful learning environment. I will continue to use the management
strategies that my sponsor teacher has already implemented in the classroom and add in my
own personality and teaching style where applicable. This classroom has strong positive
relationships and a very welcoming and inclusive classroom environment. I will be sure that I
foster these values into all my lessons I plan, as these are values, I hold as well. These students
are very willing to help each other and offer support to their classmates when needed. I think
that it is important that these students have lots of opportunity for collaboration and
supporting each other to continue to build relationships. Recognizing and implementing the
routines and expectations above, will ensure that there is successful classroom management to
create a safe, productive, and fun learning environment.

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