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I. Look at the pictures and write your thoughts about each picture. Use
the expressions: I believe … or I think …


I believe that the picture implies that many children don’t have a father or
a mother to rely on.

2.___I think that the media now only show violence___

3.___I think the girl in bive has more likes for showing off her physique than for her art___
4.___4. I think that the image reflects the sacrifice that our parents make so that their children
have a better future than they had________.

5.__5. I believe that the image wants to show us the damage that we ourselves do to the world
with so much pollution gar bage___.
6.___I think based on the image how stressful it is to drive a car, especially if there is traffic
and a lot of noise___.

7.____I think they are wasting a great opportunity.______.

8.I think about how much parents love their children and the effort they make so that they do
not suffer

II. Haga su nube léxica de 20 palabras que descubrió durante la lectura y redacción que hizo
en este documento. Pegue el link abajo.

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