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1. What is another name of Hijaz?

2. What is purpose of human life?

3. The first nation who did polytheism and deviation from correct tawhid was .....
4. “Sock can not be wiped while doing ablution”, whose opinion is this?
5. Being beyond the age of discernment is one of ...... of the Complete washing.
6. If a person has a broken bone or wound and he will harm himself by washing it, what
should he do?
7. What is the ruling If a person wipes over the shoes that cover the area that must be
washed, then he takes them off when he is still in a state of purity?
8. Mention 3 deviations in human life
9. What is:
- Leather sandals
- Martyr
- Apostate
- Continuation
- Inviolable state
- Tawassul
- Rukhsah

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