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NCM 109

Reviewer 2
3-Genitourinary Infection o Symptomatic Bacteriuria – bacteriuria accompanied
by physical signs of UTI (s/sx manifestations)
Urinary Tract Infection
o Recurrent UTI – repeated episode of bacteriuria or
 The short urethra (4.8-5.1 cm in length) provides a ready
pathway for invasion of organisms. The closure of the symptomatic UTI
o Persistent UTI – persistence of bacteriuria despite
urethra at the end of micturition may return
contaminated urine (bacteria) to the bladder. If left antibiotic treatment
o Febrile UTI – bacteriuria accompanied by fever and
untreated, it can cause PTL (Preterm Labor); Sexual
Activity > UTI other physical signs of UTI; with seizures, high grade
 The single most important HOST factor is URINARY
o Cystitis – inflammation of the bladder (dysuria,
STASIS (stopping urine)
urgency, frequency, low grade fever); also known as
 Urinary retention = multiplication of bacteria = UTI
honeymoonitis/honeymoon cystitis (term often
 Caused by:
o E. Coli (Pathogenic; found in lower intestines; used when you get cystitis after sex); upper portion
caused by poor hygiene) of bladder is affected; severe infection
o Klebsiella (Gram negative bacteria; found o Urethritis – inflammation of the urethra
o Pyelonephritis – inflammation of the upper urinary
everywhere; spread thru person-to-person contact)
o Proteus (Found in the human digestive system; tract and kidneys (chills, fever, flank pain, dysuria,
spread thru contact with infected person or any low UO, elev. BP, N/V)
o Urosepsis – febrile UTI coexisting with systemic
contaminated object/surface; can move easily to
the affected area) signs of bacterial illness; blood culture reveals
presence of urinary pathogen; affects nearby organs
 Dx Test:
o U/A (+Bacteria in urine cx)  Preventive Measures:
o Perineal hygiene
 Mid-stream urine collection means you don't
collect the first or last part of urine that comes  Females: q4h change of sanitary pads, Vaginal
out; to reduce the risk of the sample being wash q8h, daily bath
contaminated with bacteria  More moisture = more bacterial load
o Avoid tight clothing or diapers (wear cotton panties,
 Normal urinalysis (U/A) result: No bacteria
present in the urine, WBC is ≤2-5 WBCs/hpf, rather than nylon)
o Avoid 'holding' urine; encourage to void frequently
Color – Yellow (light/pale to dark/deep amber)
o Empty bladder completely with each void
 Abnormal U/A result: Concentrated urine, tea-
o Avoid straining during defecation and avoid
constipation (simple exercise to defecate faster)
 Presence of WBC indicates infection; infection
o Encourage generous fluid intake (8-12 glasses/day)
= inflamed /contaminated bladder
 Urine Culture (cx): Detects the specific bacteria
that caused the UTI (flouroquinolone); small risk for birth defects;
helpful to the mother has UTI in 1st Trimester
 NOTE: Filipinos are at risk for antibiotic
o UTI can increase risk of PTL
resistance therefore, it is imperative to comply
to this test to determine the specific bacteria
and administer the RIGHT ANTIBIOTICS Sexually Transmitted Diseases
 S/Sx:  Monilial Vaginal Infection (Candidiasis, Monilia, or
o Dysuria, suprapubic discomfort, scanty urine output Vaginal Yeast Infection)
o Caused by an overgrowth of a fungus that naturally
(<400 mL/day--lack of urine production because of
the inflammation), urinary frequency, hematuria (if lives in the vagina called Candida albicans
o S/Sx:
WBC count is elevated, it will irritate bladder
resulting to blood in urine), fever  Thick white curdy discharge, severe itching,
dysuria, vaginal itching, pain with sex, redness
 What to do:
o Avoid straining; do not delay urination around the vagina
o Dx Test:
 Classifications:
o Bacteriuria – presence of bacteria in urine  Wet Mount (Vaginal smear or wet prep)
o Asymptomatic Bacteriuria – significant bacteriuria  Test to detect an infection of the vagina
 To determine what fungus caused the
(more than 100,000 colony-forming units) with no
evidence of clinical infection infection

Stepanie Bryn Agustero

NCM 109
Reviewer 2
 Wear PPE to avoid contamination of the
sample or cross-contamination bet.  Trichomoniasis/Trich (Trichomonas Vaginalis)
sample and the examiner o A very common STD/STI caused by protozoan
 Test result: Hyphae (fungal growth) Budding parasite Trichomonas Vaginalis
yeast o S/Sx:
o Risk Factors:  70% of the infected population don’t have sx
 HIV, DM, Pregnancy, Stress; and when infected
 Antibiotic Treatment – can cause an imbalance  When Sx occur, they typically begin after 5-28
in the natural vaginal flora (lactic acid ---> days after exposure
inhibits the growth of fungus)  Thin-greenish-yellow foamy or frothy foul-
o Treatment: smelling vaginal discharge in women and no
 Antifungal suppository (Miconazole) @HS for symptoms in men, itching in the genital area,
1 week burning with urination, pain with sex
 Oral antifungal Fluconazole (Diflucan) o Dx Test:
o Health Teaching:  Microbiological culture or microbial culture
 Yogurt in diet (Has lactobacillus content;  Method of multiplying the
antimicrobial property) microorganisms by letting the collected
 No douching (Douching is washing or cleaning sample reproduce in a predetermined
out the inside of the vagina with water or culture or medium; to detect the specific
other mixtures of fluids) causative agent
 Cotton underwear (for free flow of air; no o Treatment:
moisture)  Metronidazole (Safe in pregnancy)
 Teach the couple, not only the infected o Risk for PTL and PROM
partner  Chlamydia
o NOTE: Fetus may contact thrush during o The most common STD
delivery/treatment of baby with oral Nystatin 1cc o Caused by Bacterium Chlamydia Trachomatis
q6h o Can be transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex;
 Bacterial Vaginosis (BV, Gardnerella Vaginalis, Vaginitis) can be transmitted to infected mother to newborn
o Overgrowth of bacteria naturally found in the during childbirth; the greater the number of sex
vagina (normal vaginal flora); Transmitted thru partners, the greater the risk of infection
sexual contact; loss of protective lactobacilli o Can cause PID and infertility by blocking the tubes
bacteria o Hydrosalpinx – blocked fallopian tubes that may
o Risk Factors: make it difficult for you to become pregnant
 Douching, new or multiple sex partners, o If there's an infection;
antibiotics, using an intrauterine device (e.g.  Greater risk for infertility
IUD, tampons)  they can also develop scar formations
o S/Sx: surrounding the fallopian tube that makes it
 Thin-watery vaginal discharge with fishy odor difficult to pick up eggs during ovulation
(vaginal pH>5)  Risk for Ectopic pregnancy (occurs when a
 Normal vaginal pH: 4.5 fertilized egg implants and grows outside the
o Dx Test: main cavity of the uterus) or tubal pregnancy
 Whiff Test (most common ectopic pregnancy that occurs
 Performed by adding a small amount of in the fallopian tube)
potassium hydroxide to a microscopic o S/Sx:
slide containing the vaginal discharge  Often asymptomatic; often appears within 1-3
o Treatment: weeks after exposure
 Flagyl (Metronidazole 500 mg BID x 7days)  thin-purulent discharge; burning and
(oral or IV) frequency with urination; lower Abd'l. pain
 Causative agent will resist if you will not o Dx Test:
complete or continue the medication regimen  Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT)
(antibiotic resistance)  technique used to detect a particular
o Risk for PTL and PROM nucleic acid sequence

Stepanie Bryn Agustero

NCM 109
Reviewer 2
 detects and identifies a particular species  Gonorrhea
or sub-species of an organism o A bacterial STI caused Neisseria Gonorrhea
 oftentimes, virus or bacteria are the o Can lead to PID > infertility
pathogens present in the blood, tissues, o Often asymptomatic in females with green-frothy
and urine discharge; males have burning sensation with
 Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) urination and penile discharges (sira)
 A serologic test (identifies the specific o Dx Test:
antibody present in the serum)  Vaginal or urine cx (DOH notifies partners)
 Enzyme is linked to a specific antibody to o Treatment:
detect the presence of protein; if protein  Rocephin IM (Ceftriaxone)
is present in the sample, it is definitive  Buttocks for faster absorption and effect
that chlamydia is positive  Zithromax (Azithromycin) 1g SD
o Treatment: o S/Sx:
 Azithromycin 1g single dose (Safe in  Patient manifests cramping, fever, chills,
pregnancy) purulent discharge (heavy discharge and pus
 Potent medication formation), N/V, uterine swelling, adnexal and
 Function is to clear the infection by cervical tenderness (when performing IPPA)
preventing bacteria from producing the  Severe manifestations compared to other STDs
protein that is essential for the bacteria o NOTE: Multiple sex partners with no condoms
to survive; prevents the causative agent should also be treated
to multiply  Drugs of Choice (DOC): Doxycycline P.O. (for
 Both the couple should be treated; they non-pregnant)
should be instructed to abstain from  DOC: Rocephin IM, Clindamycin, Gentamycin
sexual intercourse until they have (for pregnant)
completed the treatment (re-infection if  May need hospitalization
they will not abstain or not complete the  Herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus)
regimen) o Viral infection
 Having multiple infection increases the o HSV 1 – oral outer lesion (Cold Sore)
risk for infertility o HSV 2 – genital (painful, open lesions)
 More infection or re-infection -> more o S/Sx:
scarring -> more chance to block the FT ->  Blisters that break open and form small ulcers
female cant ovulate well = infertility  Small pocket of body fluids or pus/blood
 Doxycycline 2 caps a day for 1 week formation
o Complications:  Appearance small bubbles bet. the layer
 NB Conjunctivitis (Erythromycin ointment) of the skin that contains water /blood
 Also known as Pink Eye  Caused by infection
 Inflammation of outer eye of the  Fever, swollen lymph nodes (vesicles rupture
newborn & appear right after exposure or within 20
 Blocked tear duct; eyelids becomes puffy days), burning sensation with urination (1st
with lots of rheum (muta); drainage from sign)
canthus (either corner of the eye where  Tingling sensation occurs before new outbreak
the upper and lower eyelids meet) excess (outbreak several times/year)
tears can develop pus ( thick yellowish or o Dx Test:
greenish opaque liquid that oozes out of  Viral culture test
the infected tissue)  NAAT of a sample skin, crust, or fluid from a le
 Can develop 1 day-2 weeks after birth sion
 Neonatal Pneumonia o Treatment:
 Cause: NB ingests bacteria during birth; if  Anti-viral Meds: Acyclovir or Valtrex 500 mg
left untreated, whole respiratory can be OD; during pregnancy, reduces viral load
affected leading to distress of NB enough to deliver vaginally
 PTL/Fetal death  Hygiene is important
o NOTE: Perinatal transmission occurs in 50% infants  Syphilis (Treponema Pallidum - Spirochete)
where mom is infected @ time of delivery

Stepanie Bryn Agustero

NCM 109
Reviewer 2
o Bacterial STI: causative agent is Treponema  DOC: Ceftriaxone (1st Trimester)
Pallidum  40% chance of stillbirth or death; infant may
o Also known as great imitator because it imitates be born with congenital syphilis or
similar symptoms of other diseases; can't be easily Ophthalmia neonatorum that causes
detected without aid of Dx test blindness (appears as Conjunctivitis in NB)
o Stages:  Give baby Penicillin (PCN) everyday x 10 days
 Primary Stage:  Genital Warts
 Small painless sores (chancre/skin ulcer) o Condyloma, Condylomata Acuminata, Venereal
1-2cm in diameter, approx. 2-3 weeks Warts, Anal warts, Anogenital Warts
initial exposure o STI caused by certain types of Human
 fever Papillomavirus (HPV)
 malaise o Spread thru direct skin-to-skin contact, usually
 Secondary Stage: during oral, genital, or anal sex with infected
 6 weeks-6 months partner
 A diffuse rash occurs, which frequently o Contact occurs during vaginal birth (infant may have
involves the palm of the hands and soles laryngeal warts)
of the feet, there may also be sores in the o Sx:
mouth or vagina  Skin lesion that is generally pink and project
 Latent Stage: outward
 Can last for years  Usual onset: 1-8 months ff. exposure
 Few or no symptoms o Dx Method:
 Tertiary Stage:  Based on symptoms, can be confirmed by
 Gumma – a soft, tumor-like growth of the biopsy (obtain sample, the warts itself)
tissues (granuloma) that occurs in people remove small amount of tissue and will be
with syphilis examined under the microscope
 Infection ascends from genital area to the  Gynecologic examination using speculum to
point of affecting the CNS magnify the internal organ
 Neurological problems --> Neurosyphilis  Colposcopy – a procedure to closely examine
 Heart symptoms your cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of
o Congenital Syphilis disease; use of lighted speculum to view the
 Transmitted during pregnancy or during birth gynecologic organ
 Enlargement of the liver and spleen o Prevention:
(hepatosplenomegaly: life threatening), rash,  HPV Vaccine
fever, neurosyphilis, and lung inflammation  40 types of HPV that can affect the
 Enlargement of liver – hepatomegaly genital area
 Enlargement of spleen – splenomegaly  Usually, 3 doses
o Dx Test:  1st dose: on or before 15th birthday
 Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)  2nd dose: 1-2 months from 1st dose
 Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) Tests  3rd dose: 6 months from 1st dose
o Treatment:  Done via routine vaccination if 13-26 y/o
 Syphilis is curable with the right (sexually active young adults bracket)
antibiotic/right medication regimen  Most effective not yet sexually active at 9
 Can be cured but the damage in the genital y/o
will not be totally repaired  Condoms
 <1yr. 2.4 million units Benzathine Penicillin x 1 o Treatment:
dose  Cryotherapy – medical therapy using extreme
 IM, right & left buttocks (2 doses) cold to freeze and remove abnormal tissue;
 1 vial = 600 000 units (4 vials in total is cryoablation (A procedure in which an
needed) extremely cold liquid or an instrument called a
 2 vials for each side of buttocks cryoprobe is used to freeze and destroy
 >1yr. Same medication 1x/week for 3 weeks abnormal tissue)
 Treat both the couple  Trichloroacetic Acid – act by inflicting burn to
o NOTE: Sexual partners screened and treated the warts

Stepanie Bryn Agustero

NCM 109
Reviewer 2
 Gardasil Vaccine (3 doses) – The HPV vaccine; incompetent cervix, exposure to radiation, &
Initial dose at age ≥ 15 years: A 3-dose series is infection)
given at 0, 1 to 2 months, and 6 months  If exposed to radiation, wear protective suits;
loose-fitting apparel (e.g. satin or silk) can be
Preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases effective to protect the person since it reflects
(STDs) the radiation
 Consider that not having sex is the only sure way to  Types of Abortion:
prevent STD (abstain from all intimate contact) o Missed Abortion
 Only have sex within a mutually monogamous  Retention of all products of conception after
relationship the death of the fetus in the uterus
 Make all sex safer sex by use of condom  No FHT
 Consider vaccination  Signs of pregnancy disappear
o Inevitable Abortion
Bleeding Disorders of Pregnancy  The loss of the products of conception cannot
 Bleeding d/o according to: be prevented
o 1st Trimester Bleeding  Moderate to profuse bleeding, moderate to
 Abortion severe uterine cramping
 Ectopic Pregnancy  Open cervix – can't hold the developing fetus
o 2nd Trimester Bleeding  Rupture of Membrane
 Hydatidiform Mole o Septic Abortion
 Incompetent Cervix  Abortion complicated by infection
o 3rd Trimester Bleeding  Foul smelling vaginal discharge
 Placenta Previa  Uterine cramping
 Abruptio Placenta  Fever in relation to the infection
 Common Terms: o Habitual Abortion
o Abortion – most common bleeding d/o of early  Abortion occurring in 3 or more successive
pregnancy; termination of pregnancy before pregnancies
viability (before 20 weeks)  Most common cause is a significant genetic
o Abortus – a fetus that is aborted before it is 500g in abnormality of the conceptus (fertilized egg)
weight (23 week of pregnancy); Fetus normally o Threatened Abortion
reaches 3500-3800g (41-42 weeks)  Possible loss of product of conception
o Blighted Ovum – a small macerated fetus,  If there is threatened abortion, the OB-GYN
sometimes there is no fetus surrounded by a fluid will prescribe tocolytic agents (designed to
inside the sac inhibit contractions to avoid miscarriage; e.g.
o Maceration – a dead fetus undergoing necrosis Magnesium Sulfate, Terbutaline, Nifedipine
(decay); change in the skin of the fetus due to the which are calcium ion antagonists)
loss of vernix caseosa, skin will peel off  Light vaginal bleeding
o Early Abortion – termination of pregnancy before 16  None to mild uterine cramping
weeks (avocado-sized: 4.6 inches)  Vaginal exam at this stage usually reveals a
o Late abortion – abortion that occurs between 16-20 closed cervix (25%-50% results in loss of
weeks pregnancies)
 Fetal Causes of Abortion:  Complete bed rest, provide commode
o Most common cause of early spontaneous abortion o Incomplete Abortion
is abnormal development of zygote, embryo, and  Expulsion of some parts & retention of other
fetus parts of conceptus in uterus
o These abnormalities are incompatible with life and  Needs a dilation and curettage procedure, also
would have resulted to severe congenital called a D&C to expel retained body parts
anomalies if pregnancy has not been aborted  Medications: Misoprostol & Mifepristone via
 Maternal Causes of Abortion: vagina
o Congenital or acquired conditions of the mother &  Heavy vaginal bleeding
environmental factor that had adversely affected  Severe uterine cramping
the pregnancy outcome & led to abortion (e.g. DM,  Open cervix
 Passage of tissue

Stepanie Bryn Agustero

NCM 109
Reviewer 2
o Complete Abortion
 Spontaneous expulsion of the products of  Risk Factors:
conception after the fetus has died in the o Increasing maternal age (30-35 y/o)
utero  30 is the ideal maternal age since it is the time
 Light bleeding, mild uterine cramping, passage when egg production is good quality
of tissue, closed cervix o Increasing parity (5 gravida onwards)
 Close watch: risk for excess bleeding o Nutritional factors
 Development of Abortion  Increased CHON, Folic Acid, Iron, Low-Fat Low-
o Pituitary gonadotropin
o Infertility therapy
 30-35 eggs/day for adults
 AMA – 100 to 150/year
o Assisted reproductive therapy
o Genetic, hereditary
o Race, b>w
 Caucasians have higher chance of multiple
 Dizygotic Twins
o Heteropaternal superfecundation – Phenomenon of
 Nursing Responsibilities
having two different fathers for twins
o Save all tissue passed (histopathology
o Results from fertilization of two ova, most likely
rupture from two distinct graafian follicles usually
o Strict Bed Rest (SBR), provide bedside
the same or one from each ovary, by two sperms
commode, & monitor bleeding q4h to check
during single ovarian cycle
if there's an active bleeding or not o There are two placentae either completely
o Increased oral fluid or IV solution as
separated or more commonly fused at the margin
ordered o Each fetus is surrounded by a separate amnion and
 Excessive bleeding: Plain LR
(isotonic solution, same o Sex of the fetus may differ
concentration of our bodily fluids) o Genetic features, blood group, finger prints also
o Prepare client for surgical intervention (D&C
or suction evacuation) if needed o The earlier splitting of the single zygote occurs, the
o Maternal Sepsis if procedure is not
more independently the twins will develop
performed o Most common; represents 2/3 of cases
o Fertilization of more than one egg by more than one
4-Multiple Pregnancy sperm
Definition of Terms o Nonidentical, may be of different sex
 Multiple pregnancy – occurs when more than one fetus o Two chorion, two amnion
simultaneously develop in the uterus o Fetus Papyraceous – is when intrauterine fetal
 Twin pregnancy – simultaneous development of two demise of a twin occurs early in pregnancy
fetuses  Monozygotic Twins
 Although rare, development of three fetus (triplets), four o The twinning may occur at different periods after
(quadruplets), five (quintuplets), six (sextuplets) may fertilization
also occur o Constant incidence of 1:250 births
o Not affected by heredity
Twin Pregnancy o Not related to induction of ovulation
 Most common variety of multiple pregnancy o Constitutes 1/3 of twins
 Two types: o 70% are Diamniotic monochorionic
o Dizygotic Twins (80%) – results from fertilization of o 30% are Diamniotic dichorionic
two ova leading to fraternal twin o Division of fertilized egg:
o Monozygotic Twins (20%) – results from fertilization  0-72 hrs –> Diamniotic dichorionic
of one ova leading to identical twin  4-8 days –> Diamniotic monochorionic

Stepanie Bryn Agustero

NCM 109
Reviewer 2
 9-12 days –> Monoamniotic monochorionic  Increased minor disorders of pregnancy
 >12 days –> Conjoined Twins (e.g. back ache, leg pain, inability to walk
o Conjoint Twins properly, hemorrhoids, palpitations,
 Anterior (Thoracopagus) dyspnea, and varicosities)
 Posterior (Pygopagus)  Anemia and placenta previa
 Cephalic (Craniopagus)  Preterm Labor and delivery (PTL)
 Caudal (Ischiopagus)  Risk of hypertensive disease
 Diagnosis of Twins Pregnancy  Antepartum Hemorrhage (APH)
o History:  During Labor:
 History of ovulation inducing drugs  PROM
 ART and FD  Cord prolapse – when the umbilical cord
 Family history of twinning (maternal side) comes out of the uterus with or before
o Sx: the presenting part of the baby
 Minor ailments of normal pregnancy are  Prolonged Labor
often exaggerated. Some of the symptoms are  Increased OP Interference
related to the undue enlargement of uterus  Bleeding (intrapartum) – IPH
 Increased N/V in early months  PPH
 HCG – hormone  During Puerperium:
that triggers N/V  Subinvolution – a medical condition in
and cravings which after childbirth, the uterus does
 Cardiorespiratory embarrassment not return to its normal size
(palpitations and shortness of breath)  Increased risks of infections
 Tendency of swelling legs, varicose veins,  Lactation failure
and hemorrhoids is greater o Fetus
 Unusual rate of abdominal enlargement  Stillbirth/neonatal death
and excessive fetal movement may be  Abortion
noticed  Single fetal death in twin pregnancy
o General Examination:  Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
 Increased prevalence of anemia  Small for Gestational Age (SGA)
 Check capillary refill  Higher risks of congenital anomalies
 Pale conjunctiva and lips  Death of one Fetus
 Unusual weight gain not explained by  Prognosis of the surviving twin depends
preeclampsia or obesity on the gestational age at the time of the
 Evidence of preeclampsia is a common demise, the chorionicity, and the length
association of time between the demise and delivery
o Abdominal Examination: of surviving twin
 Elongated shape of normal pregnant uterus is  Early demise such as vanishing twin does
changed to a more barrel shape and the not appear to increase the risk of death in
abdomen is unduly enlarged the surviving fetus after the first
 Height of the uterus is more than the gestation trimester
age  Management
 Fetal bulk seems disproportionally larger in o Antenatal Management
relation to the size of fetal head  Diet about 350 kcal/day
 Palpation of too many fetal parts  Increased rest at home and early cessation of
 Finding two fetal heads work
 Two distinct fetal heart sounds at separate  Increased number of antenatal visit
spots with a silent area in between  Supplementally therapy Fe increase 100-
 Complications of Twin Pregnancy 200mg/day, vitamins, calcium, and folic acids
o Maternal o During Labor
 During Pregnancy:  Vaginal delivery – both or at least one baby in
 Exaggerated early symptoms vertex presentation
 Increased miscarriage risk  Bed rest – prevent early rupture of membrane
 Malpresentation  Electronic Fetal monitoring

Stepanie Bryn Agustero

NCM 109
Reviewer 2
 Internal examination should be done soon anesthesiologist skilled in providing anesthesia
after the rupture of membrane to exclude cord to effectively relax the uterus for vaginal
prolapse delivery of an noncephalic second twin to
 Ringer’s Lactate and 1 unit for BT ready obtain a favorable outcome.
 Delivery of Twin Fetuses o Interval Between First and Second Twins
o Vertex-vertex (50%) – vaginal delivery, interval  The American college of obstetricians and
between twins not to exceed 20 minutes gynecologist (1998) has determine that the
o Vertex-Breech (20%) – vaginal delivery by senior interval between delivery of twins is not
obstetrician critical in determining the outcome of the twin
o Breech-Vertex (20%) – safer to deliver by CS to delivered second.
avoid the rare interlocking twins (1:1000 twins)  Cesarean Delivery
o Breech-Breech (10%) – usually by CS o The American College of Obstetricians and
 Vaginal Delivery Gynecologists (1998) has concluded that in general,
o When the first twin is cephalic, delivery can usually CS delivery is the method of choice when the first
be accomplished spontaneously or with forceps twin is noncephalic.
o As in singletons, when the first fetus presents as o It is important to place the patients in a left lateral
breech, major problems are most likely to develop tilt so as to deflect the uterine weight off the aorta
if: to avoid hypotension
 Fetus is unusually large and the aftercoming o The uterine incision should be large enough to allow
head is larger than the capacity of the birth a traumatic delivery of both fetuses
canal o It is important that the uterus remain well
 Fetus is sufficiently small so that the contracted during completion of the cesarean
extremities and trunk are delivered through a delivery and thereafter
cervix inadequately effaced and dilated to o Remarkable blood loss may be concealed within the
allow the head to escape easily uterus and vagina and beneath the drapes during
 Umbilical cord prolapses the time taken to close the incisions
 VD of Second Twin o Delivery of the First Baby
o If the fetal head of the breech is fixed in the birth:  Babies are small – pose less difficulties
 Moderate fundal pressure is applied and  Forceps delivery – if necessary, should be
membranes are ruptured. under Pudendal block anesthesia, avoid
 Digital examination of the cervix is repeated general anesthesia as the 2nd baby may be
to exclude prolapse of the cord. subjected effect of prolong anesthesia
 Labor is allowed to resume, and the fetal heart  Don’t give Ergometrine
rate is monitored.  Leave 8-10 cm of the cord for admin of any
 With reestablishment of labor there is no need drugs or transfusion
to hasten delivery unless a non-reassuring o Delivery of Second Baby
fetal heart rate or bleeding develops.  After delivery of the first; the lie, presentation,
 If contractions do not resume within and size of the 2nd baby is ascertained
approximately 10 minutes, dilute oxytocin be through abdominal examination
used to stimulate contractions  Perform vaginal exam to exclude cord prolapse
o If the occiput or the breech presents immediately and ascertain membrane status
over the pelvic inlet but is not fixed in the birth  Delivery of the second baby as required
 Presenting part can often be guided into the Additional Info
pelvis by one hand in the vagina while a  After the onset of the menstrual cycle, women release
second hand on the uterine fundus exerts about 1,000 immature eggs per month, about 30-35 per
moderate pressure caudally day.
 Alternatively, an assistant can maneuver the
presenting part into the pelvis using
ultrasonography for guidance and to monitor
heart rate.
 It is essential to have an obstetrician skilled in
intrauterine fetal manipulation and an

Stepanie Bryn Agustero

NCM 109
Reviewer 2
5-Bleeding during Pregnancy o Management:
First Trimester Bleeding  If not yet ruptured, Therapeutic Abortion is
 Ectopic Pregnancy
o Sites:  If ruptured, removal or repair of ruptured
tube (many physician choose to remove the
ruptured tube because the presence of scar
if the tube is repaired and left, can lead to
another tubal pregnancy)
 Prevent and treat hemorrhage which is the
main danger of EP
 Prevent infection – loss of too much blood is
susceptible to infection
 Prep client for surgery
 Institute measures to control and treat shock
if hemorrhage is severe and continue to
monitor post-op
 Allow client to express feelings about loss of
 Most frequent site is in the fallopian tube, so
pregnancy and concern about future
rupture of the site usually occurs before 12
o The Classic Symptom Triad:
Second Trimester Bleeding
 Amenorrhea  Hydatidiform Mole (H. Mole)
 Vaginal Bleeding o Also known as Molar Pregnancy, Gestational
 Abdominal Pain Trophoblastic Disease
o Assessment Findings o It is the growth of an abnormal fertilized egg or an
 History of missed periods & Symptoms of overgrowth of tissue from the placenta (women
Early Pregnancy appears to be pregnant) and uterus enlarges much
 Abdominal pain, may be localized on one more rapidly much more than a normal pregnancy
side o It is an alteration of early embryonic growth
 Rigid. Tender abdomen; sometimes causing placental disruption, rapid proliferation of
abnormal pelvic mass abnormal cells, and destruction of the embryo .
 Bleeding: If severe may lead to shock o Types:
 Low Hgb & Hct, rising WBC count  Complete Mole – the chromosomes are
o Signs of Hemorrhage: either 46XX or 46XY but are contributed by
 Cullen's sign – bluish discoloration of the only one parent and the chromosome
umbilicus due to the presence of blood in the material duplicated. This type usually leads
peritoneal cavity to choriocarcinoma.
 Hard rigid board like abdomen due to  Partial Mole – has 69 chromosomes. There
presence of blood in the peritoneal cavity are three chromosomes for every pair
 Signs of shock: cyanosis, pallor, cold clammy instead of two. This type of mole rarely leads
skin, rapid pulse, decreased BP to choriocarcinoma.
o Etiology:
 Unknown
o Pathophysiology
 A hydatidiform mole is a placental tumor
that develops after pregnancy has occurred;
it may be benign or malignant. The risk of
malignancy is greater with a complete mole.
 The embryo dies and the trophoblastic cells
continue to grow, forming an invasive
 It is characterized by proliferation of
placental tissues that become edematous

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NCM 109
Reviewer 2
and form grapelike clusters. The fluid-filled recommended because they suppress
vesicles grow rapidly, causing the uterus to pituitary luteinizing hormone, which
be larger than expected for the duration of may interfere with serum hCG
pregnancy. measurement
 Blood Vessels are absent (no fetal skeleton)  Describe and emphasize s/sx that must
o S/Sx: be reported (e.g., irregular vaginal
 Vaginal bleeding (may contain some of the bleeding, persistent secretion from the
edematous villi or tissues) breast, hemoptysis, and severe
 Uterus larger than expected for the duration persistent headaches). These may
of the pregnancy indicate spread of the disease to other
 Abdominal cramping from uterine distention organs
 Signs and symptoms of preeclampsia before  Address emotional and psychosocial needs
20 weeks gestation  Hyperemesis Gravidarum
 Severe nausea and vomiting o Is intractable vomiting
o Is severe N/V during pregnancy, which leads to
o Dx: electrolyte, metabolic, and nutritional imbalances
 UTZ – reveals: no fetal skeleton, in the absence of medical problems
characteristics appearance of molar growth o It occurs in 1 of every 1000 pregnancies
 hCG serum levels are abnormally high o Causative Factors:
o Management:  High levels of hCG in early pregnancy
 D&C to remove the mole  Metabolic or nutritional deficiencies
 If the woman is >40, hysterectomy since she  More common on first pregnancies
has a higher chance of developing  Ambivalence toward the pregnancy or family-
choriocarcinoma related stress
 Anticancer drug prescribed to the woman  Thyroid dysfunction (hyperthyroidism –
for one year to prevent development of overactive thyroid)
malignant or cancer cells in the uterus o Pathophysiology
o Nursing Responsibilities/Management:  Continued vomiting results in dehydration and
 Ensure physical well-being of the client ultimately decreases the amount of blood and
through accurate assessment and nutrients circulated to the developing fetus
interventions  Hospitalization may be required for severe
 Review pertinent history and history of symptoms when the client needs IV hydration
this pregnancy and correction of metabolic imbalance
 Provide pre-operative care for o Assessment Findings:
evacuation of uterus (usually suction  S/Sx occur during the first 16 weeks of
curettage) pregnancy and are intractable
 Induction of labor with oxytocic agents o Clinical Manifestations:
or prostaglandins is not recommended  Unremitting N/V (>3 episodes of vomiting/day)
because of the increased risk of  Vomitus initially containing undigested food,
hemorrhage bile, and mucus; later containing blood and
 Administer IV fluid as prescribed material that resembles coffee grounds
 Provide client and family teaching  Loss of weight (LOW) 5% or 3kg has occurred
 Ensure appropriate follow-up and self-  ketones are present in the uterine
care by explaining that frequent o S/Sx:
possibility of recurrence of the problem  Pale, dry skin
or progression to choriocarcinoma;  Rapid pulse
explain that hCG levels should be  Fetid, fruity breath odor from acidosis
monitored for 1 year  CNS effects such as confusion, delirium,
 Discuss the need to prevent pregnancy headache, lethargy, stupor, or coma
for at least 1 year after diagnosis and  N/V –> dehydration –> nutritional deficiency –>
treatment fluid-electrolyte imbalance
 Inform the client that oral (and
injectable) birth control agents are not

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NCM 109
Reviewer 2
 Symptoms often get better after the 20th week
of pregnancy; there are also instances that it
may last the entire pregnancy
o Risk Factors:
 First preg., Multiple preg., obesity, hx of an
eating d/o
o Nursing Management:
 Promote resolution of the complication.
 Make sure that the client is NPO until
cessation of vomiting.
 Administer intravenous fluids as
 Measure and record fluid intake and o Etiology (Predisposing Factors)
output.  Multiparity (80% of affected clients are
 Encourage small frequent meals and snacks multiparous)
once vomiting has subsided.  Multiple pregnancy
 Medical: replacement of fluids,  Advance Maternal Age (over 35 y/o in 33% of
electrolytes, and vitamins, along with cases)
tranquilizer or antiemetic. Administer  Smoking
antiemetics for pregnancy as prescribed.  Previous cesarean section and abortion
 Prochlorperazine (Compazine)  Uterine incision
 Trimethobenzamide (Tigan)  Prior PP (incidence is 12 times greater in women
 NPO for 48 hours; after condition improves, 6 with previous PP)
small feedings are alternated with liquid o Pathophysiology
nourishment in small amount every 1-2 hors  Pathologic process seems to be related to the
 If vomiting recurs, NPO status is resumed and conditions that alter the normal function of the
administration of IV is restarted uterine decidua and its vascularization
 Address emotional and psychosocial needs.  Bleeding, which results from tearing of the
Maintain a non-judgmental atmosphere in which placenta villi from the uterine wall as the lower
the client and family can express concerns and uterine segment contracts and dilates, can be
resolve some of their fears. slight of profuse
o Assessment Findings:
Third Trimester Bleeding  Associated Findings:
 Placenta Previa (PP)  In cases of suspected PP, a vaginal
o It is the most common bleeding disorder of the 3rd examination is delayed until UTZ results are
trimester available and the client is moved to the
o The placenta implants in the lower uterine segment, operating room (OR) for what is termed a
near the cervical os. double set-up procedure. The OR is needed
o The degree to which it covers the os leads to three because the examination can cause further
different classifications: tearing of the villi and hemorrhage, which
 Total PP – occurs when the placenta completely can be fatal to the client and fetus
covers the internal os  Common Clinical Manifestations (S/Sx):
 Partial PP – occurs when the placenta partially  Bright red, painless vaginal bleeding
covers the internal os  Soft, nontender abdomen, relaxes between
 Low-lying or low implantation PP – occurs when contractions, if present
the placenta partially covers the placental  FHR stable and within normal limits
border  Laboratory and Diagnostic Study Findings
 Transabdominal utz confirms suspicion of
o Placenta Previa Care
 Painless bright red bleeding
 Replace blood loss
 Evident in lower segment

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Reviewer 2
 Vitals indicated shock  Watchful waiting – delay delivery until fetus is
 Inspect FHR mature enough
 Avoid Vaginal Exam  No IE is performed in diagnosed PP
o Nursing Management:  Abruptio Placenta (AP)
 Ensure the physiologic well-being of the client o Is premature separation of a normally implanted
and fetus placenta after the 20th week of pregnancy, typically
 Take and record v/s, assess bleeding, and with severe hemorrhage.
maintain a perineal pad count; weigh o Usually occurs after 20 weeks of gestation and before
perineal pads before and after use to delivery of the fetus
estimate blood loss
 Observe for shock, which is characterized
by a rapid pulse, pallor, cold moist skin,
and a drop in BP
 Monitor the FHR
 Enforce strict bed rest to minimize risk to
the fetus
 Observe for additional bleeding episodes
 Maintain sterile conditions for any invasive
 Make provisions for emergency cesarean
 Continue to monitor maternal/fetal vital o Etiology: unknown
signs o Risk Factors:
 Provide client and family teaching  Uterine anomalies
 Explain the condition and management  Multiparity
options. To ensure an adequate blood  Preeclampsia
supply to the mother and fetus, place the  Previous cesarean delivery
woman at bed rest in a side-lying position  Renal or vascular disease
 Anticipate the order for a sonogram to  Trauma to the abdomen
localize the placenta. If the condition of the  Previous 3rd trimester bleeding
mother or fetus deteriorates, a cesarean  Abnormally large placenta
birth will be required  Short umbilical cord
 Prepare the client for ambulation and  Maternal hypertension
discharge (may be within 48 hours of last  Advance Maternal Age
bleeding episode)  Trauma to the uterus
 Discuss the need to have transportation to  Cigarette smoking and cocaine abuse
the hospital available at times o Pathophysiology:
 Instruct the client to return to the hospital  The placenta detaches in a whole or in part from
if bleeding recurs and to avoid intercourse the implantation site. This occurs in the area of
until after birth the deciduas basalis
 Instruct client proper handwashing and o Assessment Findings:
toileting to prevent infection  Associated Findings:
 Address Emotional and Psychosocial Needs  Severe abruption placentae may produce
 Offer emotional support to facilitate the complications such as:
grieving process if need  Renal failure
 After birth of the newborn, provide  Disseminated intravascular coagulation
frequent visits with the new born that  Maternal and Fetal death
mother can be certain of the infants  Common Clinical Manifestations:
condition  Intense, localized uterine pain, with or
o Management: without vaginal bleeding
 Cesarian is the delivery of choice for all kinds of  Concealed or external dark red bleeding
placenta previa  Uterus firm to board-like, with severe
 Manage bleeding episodes continuous pain
Stepanie Bryn Agustero
NCM 109
Reviewer 2
 Uterine contractions  Vaginal delivery if there is no sign of fetal
 Uterine outline possibly enlarged or distress, CS if bleeding is severe and fetus can't
changing shape be delivered with vaginal method
 FHR present or absent
 Fetal presenting part may be engaged
 Board-like abdomen caused by
accumulation of blood behind the
placenta with fetal parts hard to
 Sharp pain over the fundus as the
placenta separates
 Signs of shock and fetal distress if
bleeding is severe
 Laboratory and Diagnostic Study Findings:
 UTZ may be able to identify the extent
of abruption. However, the absence of
an utz finding doesn't rule out the Additional Info
presence of abruption  Medical Terms:
o o Lavage – washing out of a body cavity, such as the
Nursing Intervention:
 Continuously evaluate maternal and fetal colon or stomach with water or a medicated solution
o Gavage – the administration of food or drugs by
physiologic status, particularly:
 Vital signs force, especially to an animal, typically through a tube
 Bleeding leading down the throat to the stomach
 Electronic fetal and maternal monitoring  An hCG level of less than 5 mIU/mL is considered
tracings negative for pregnancy, and anything above 25 mIU/mL
 Signs of shock-rapid pulse, pallor, cold and is considered positive for pregnancy. An hCG level
most skin, decrease in blood pressure between 6 and 24 mIU/mL is considered a grey area,
 Decreasing urine output and you'll likely need to be retested to see if your levels
 Never perform a vaginal or rectal examination rise to confirm a pregnancy.
or take any action that would stimulate uterine  Consume PRBC w/in 4 hours
activity.  Tramadol Ketorolac infused in D5W (?)
 Ensure bed rest  BP Reading:
o 130/80 is borderline for hypertension
 Assess the need for immediate delivery. If the
o If 1st reading 130/80, rest for 30 mins. then take 2nd
client is in active labor and bleeding cannot be
stopped with bed rest, emergency cesarean reading
o If after 2nd reading is still high, pt is considered
delivery may be indicated.
 Provide appropriate management. hypertensive
 On admission, place the woman on bed  Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone (CTZ) – A zone in the
rest in a lateral position to prevent medulla that is sensitive to certain chemical stimuli.
pressure on the vena cava. Stimulation of this zone may produce n/v.
 Insert a large gauge IV cath. into a large  Lactated Ringer's and Normal Saline Solution – used for
vein for fluid replacement. Obtain a blood fluid resuscitation in hemorrhagic shock
sample for fibrinogen level.  Lactated Ringer IV Fluid if active labor
 Monitor the FHR externally and measure  Methergine (methylergometrine) is a vasoconstrictor
maternal vital signs every 5 to 15 minutes. and often used in obstetrics to control bleeding after a
Administer oxygen to the mother by mask. delivery or spontaneous or induced abortion.
 Prepare for cesarean section, which is the  Pudendal Block – is anesthesia given in the second stage
method of choice for the birth. of labor and is used to relieve pain in the perineum area.
 Provide client and family teaching.
 Address emotional and psychosocial needs.
Outcome for the mother and fetus depends on
the extent of the separation, amount of fetal
hypoxia, and amount of bleeding.

Stepanie Bryn Agustero


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