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description and other possible details. A successful roll (under the acter’s percentage the roll is successful.

ful. Any roll above means the

character’s percentage) reveals that the beast is mostly likely a skill is unsuccessful; it failed, or had no result.
Flame Wing Dragon, provided Carly is describing it accurately. Here are the skills in action:
This skill is relevant because a dragon is a creature of magic. A Detect Ambush: This is the best skill to use in this circum-
second successful roll could enable the character to remember stance. A successful roll means the player character recognizes
more details about this type of dragon, such as its ability to meta- likely ambush sites and has a good idea that they are about to be
morphosis, fly, breathe fire, and cast magic. It is good to have info attacked. Moreover, it if the character keeps a careful eye on the
like this as it makes planning ahead easier especially if the player location or moves in quietly for a closer look, he may see the blind
group knows what they are facing. A failed roll means that the used by the bandits, or see suspicious movement, hear a telltale
character(s) is unsure what kind of creature she is talking about. sound or even see one or two of the villains; any of which gives
Lore: Demons and Monsters: A dragon is specifically a crea- away their position and reveals the ambush.
ture of magic, but to many it is also a monster. While this skill may Since this is an adventure for presumably new players, the
not exactly pertain to what a dragon is and can do, it can be used heroes are likely to be low level (first or second), so the Detect
to eliminate other possibilities. For example, the description does Ambush skill percentage is going to be low, so I would provide a
not fit certain monsters like Brodkil or a Rhino–Buffalo. So call bonus to the skill roll. The bonus represents how bad the ambush
it a process of elimination. The character with this skill who rolls is and how easy it is to spot. Furthermore, we can assume the ban-
successfully could deduce that it could be some kind of a dragon dits are cocky and careless, so our heroes see light glinting off the
or Elemental, but not know more beyond this. That is where Lore: armor and guns of the bandits. I would give the player group a 10%
Faeries and Creatures of Magic, above, comes into play. Assuming or 20% bonus. You don’t need to tell the players about the bonus.
one of the player characters has that skill. Just let them roll the dice and you will know if they made the roll
Land Navigation: All characters who have this skill might or failed, then describe the outcome.
want to give a roll. A successful roll means that the character(s) On a failed roll the player characters are oblivious to the am-
have a good idea where the village is and how to get there, as well bush, including the Cyber-Knight. As far as they are concerned,
as a good idea of what the terrain is like. For those that fail, are a the way ahead is clear.
bit lost and don’t have a good sense of the land, they’ll need to fol- On a successful roll (with secret bonus), they see the ambush
low someone else, like farmer Jessup or Sir Cross. and can avoid it/go around it, or attack first.
You could also use a Perception Roll here to see if one or more

First Encounter of the characters, probably the two in the lead, and maybe the
NPC, Sir Cross, notice anything suspicious. I’d give this novice
Unless you, the Game Master, want to have a side adventure, group a 50/50 chance on the roll of a D20, so on a roll of 1-10 they
fast forward to our heroes making their way to the town of River don’t notice anything, and on a roll of 11-20 they realize bandits
Side. This encounter happens a few hours after the characters and are waiting in ambush. But how many? They can probably only see
Sir Cross have left town. a few and may decide they can still take these ruffians and attack,
Bandits are common in the area, so being on guard is always a rather than avoid them. It is the player characters’ call.
good idea. As it so happens, there are some bandits that are keep- Using other skills. While some skills are better and the obvious
ing a watch on anyone who approaches River Side. They have set choice. As the Game Master, you want to give your players every
up a simple blind on a hill where they can watch anyone coming opportunity to use their characters to the fullest. This means using
down the road or nearby fields. The bandits are cocky because their other skills that may not be best suited to the situation, but are still
leader is wielding a suit of powered armor. So while the player applicable in some way. In this ambush scenario, the player char-
characters led by a Cyber-Knight may seem imposing, the bandits acters who have the following other skills can give it a roll. You
are sure they can take just about anyone out, especially if they get can also provide a bonus to the rolls for the same reason above, or
the jump on them. a similar 10-20% penalty because the skills are not truly suited for
To be fair to the player group, the Game Master may want to the job; your call.
give their characters a warning about this potential ambush. After Detect Concealment: This skill, if successfully rolled would
all, you don’t want to kill the heroes when the adventure has just enable a player character to recognize a hunting blind or other de-
begun. The point is to go forward with the story and have fun. So liberate type of camouflage for the purpose of concealment. By
this is where the G.M. may want to let the players make a few skill spotting the hunting blind, the character can may deduce that it
or Perception rolls. The skills that come immediately to mind are could be a possible ambush site. Or just a hunting blind or some-
Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Camouflage and Tracking. thing that somebody is trying to hide. While these two observa-
Here is how the skills can be used. Have each player roll once tions may not shout “ambush, watch out,” they may be cause for
under the appropriate skill. A successful roll yields various details further, careful investigation that might reveal the bandits and their
and pieces of information that you, the Game Master, are going to intended skullduggery.
provide. I then let the players make up their minds based on the Camouflage: This skill is used to cover and hide/conceal ve-
available data. Do not just come out and say, yep, it is an ambush. hicles, weapon caches, scout positions, etc., so a successful roll
By allowing the players to do their own analysis, and perhaps fur- may reveal that several small trees in the area have been cut down
ther, careful investigation, they come to their own conclusions. and are being used to block or cover a particular position or area.
This allows the player group to become fully engrossed in their This suggests somebody is trying to hide or cover up something
characters and to enjoy the experience even more. (same as above) and invite further, careful investigation. While
Remember, skills are rolled using percentile dice, 2D10. One this skill does not pinpoint the exact position of whatever is being
number is the tens position and the other is the ones. So a roll of concealed, it does create suspicion and cause for concern. Proceed
5 and a roll of 4 would be 54%. If it is equal to or under the char- with caution with the player characters on guard.

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