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I am going to travel to Guadalajara because it is my favorite place to visit

during this time of the year.

I have been there five times. I went to this city last summer. I enjoyed it! I
went sightseeing and visited a lot of tourist places. Therefore, I could
recommend some places to go, and some activities to do there. For
example, you should go to the Mariachi Plaza to listen to some Mexican
music. Also, you should visit the Museum of Tequila and Mezcal, and do not
forget to try those drinks! If you like hiking, you could go to Cerro de la
Reina which is a beautiful park to watch the city.
As I told you before, I am going to go to Guadalajara with my family. We are
going to travel by plane. Guess what? We have already bought the tickets!
My mom bought them last weekend. Consequently, we are going to board
our plane at Angel Albino Corzo airport on June 2nd at 5 p.m. We should be
at the airport two hours before to check-in. The trip will probably last 2
hours, so I think I will read a book during the flight.
We are going to stay in a house that we have already rented by Airbnb, and
we are going to stay a week.
Regarding our itinerary, we haven't planned everything, but we have
already booked some activities. On June 3rd, we are going to attend a
Lucha Libre match. Next few days, we are going to visit Tlaquepaque, the
Cathedral, and Zapopan.
Regarding food, we are going to eat Tortas ahogadas and drink Tejuino.
There are a lot of places to visit and activities to do. I am sure that we are
going to have a great time! Thanks for your attention, and do not forget to
visit Guadalajara next time!

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