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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

Architectural Shape Optimization of Moving Dam on Rain

River Downstream: An Ecosystem Cyclic Intervention

F X T B Samodra1*, J Krisdianto1, F C R Gunawan1, H Alifianto2

Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Department of Engineering Physics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Kampus ITS, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

*Corresponding author:

Abstract. Naturally, the downstream of the rain river experiences periodic floods and droughts.
This process is beneficial for the distribution of dissolved nutrients and minerals. Moving dams
or barrages are generally built to minimize disasters. Even though they can control floods and
droughts, the existence of dams adds new problems to the ecosystem. The barrage limits the
natural flooding process, resulting in an imbalance in the river ecosystem. This imbalance harms
ecosystems, impacting humans who depend on rivers for water sources and livelihoods. From
these problems, the proposed design concept of a sustainable architectural dam through
consideration of the design of the form, facade, aesthetics and the balance of the river ecosystem
and humans on the Sembayat Barrage of Bengawan Solo River, Gresik Regency, Indonesia, as
moving dam case. This concept collaborates the principles of architectural ecology and
architectural biomimicry to produce a dam design that is friendly to the river ecosystem,
including humans. In making it happen, Ansys tools are used to detect potential wind movement,
and Fusion is used to maximize the structure with shape optimization. The design results
obtained are in the form of a redesign of the dam by maximizing the downstream potential of the
river while paying attention to the downstream river ecosystem through an architectural
Keywords: architecture design, barrage, biomimicry architecture, sustainable, tropical

1. Introduction
Rainfall affects the river discharge, which has an impact on drought (drought) and flooding (flood),
which is a characteristic of rainy rivers [1]. Rain river flow, which also comes from springs upstream,
significantly impacts the condition of river discharge in the downstream area [2]. As the largest rain
river in Java, the upstream of the Bengawan Solo River stretches from Central Java Province to
downstream in East Java (Ujung Pangkah, Gresik) with an area of 20,125 km2 or about 12% of the total
area of Java Island [3]. The general characteristics of floods and droughts are necessary for transporting
essential organic nutrients for organisms between floodplains and rivers [3], [4]. However, in the last
ten years, urbanization in some of the cities traversed by the rain river has pushed the development area
towards the floodplain, including Gresik Regency downstream (17001’38”S and 112030’20”E) from the
Bengawan Solo River as a case (Figure 1) [5]. It is not surprising because population growth in this
River area increases by 1.98% yearly. Almost 95.6% of the population lives in the river area [3]. This
condition has resulted in the natural processes of rain rivers in the form of floods and droughts
downstream due to upstream activities getting more attention in tackling disaster risks in river areas.

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

River basins, restoring and retrofitting existing dams if you choose not to destroy existing dams, and
repairing pathways for fish to migrate along the riverside. In terms of protecting and mitigating the
impact of dams on reliable river networks, Thieme et al. [6] provide four solutions in the form of good
initial planning on the banks and rivers sustainably, collaborative use of clean energy from potential
sites, along with energy storage in watersheds. So that the architecture offered is a dam architecture with
an environmental perspective on river borders by considering the four solutions as supporting source
domains. In addition to the previous findings [2], [5], [7]–[11], architecture plays a role in balancing the
dynamic relationship between humans and nature. Sembayat Barrage, as an existing solution to the
downstream disaster, responded architecturally through the concept of a sustainable architectural dam.
This concept results from the transfer of non-architectural objects into architectural ones with the support
f architectural ecology and biomimicry. Thus, barrage can be responded to better as a solution to
flooding and drought disasters downstream of river borders in Bungah District.

Figure 1. Research location of Bendung Gerak (barrage or moving dam) Sembayat as the case.

2. Methodology
The beaver dam method synthesized in Table 1 becomes a design method as an ideal system that has
gone through various stages of evolution into a dam that is acceptable to the river ecosystem [11]. The
design method applied is the biomimicry guild involved in the design as bio-brainstorming to realize a
sustainable architectural dam through nature-inspired design. The essential points of the beaver dam
design method as an ecosystem engineer were then adapted to the biomimicry guild method by Peters
[12]. Thus, the existing data on the Sembayat Barrage was analyzed (Figure 2) to produce a redesign
decision, as shown in Figure 3.

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

Figure 2. Existing condition of the dam and the redesign of the moving dam.

Figure 3. Conditions and existing characteristics of Sembayat Barrage.

The natural cycle of Downstream rivers is related to floods and droughts. The design algorithm is
used to explain the condition of the design object, including its site, in response to the natural cycle
conditions of the Bengawan Solo River in the form of flood and drought events. The room type has
changed along with the kind of change in the detail of the design algorithm (Figure 4). For the spatial
programming, the proposed design is a redesign concept so that there is an existing dam building. The
existing maintained spaces are then analyzed for changes vertically (upwards) and horizontally
(sideways), as shown in Table 2. For zoning and space organization, the existing zoning design divides
the room into several facilities such as dams, fish farms, agriculture, commercial, educational-
recreational, and worship areas (Table 3). These six things are grouped into several degrees of privacy
in the form of public, semi-public/private, private, and service areas. This division is intended to

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

facilitate the designer in determining the space program that suits the needs of the site and building.
Meanwhile, the spatial organization that is formed, as visualized in Figure 5 in the diagram, shows a
hierarchy of spatial proximity and connections between public, semi-public, private, and serviced
spaces. The proposed bubble diagram represents the impact of the two seasons in question as the dry
and rainy seasons.
The Ansys analysis is used to detect potential wind movement into the design, and the simulation of
Fusion is used to optimize the structure with architectural shape design. This optimization generated
from simulation collaborates the principles of architectural ecology and biomimicry approach to create
an environmentally friendly dam design for the river ecosystem and its primary users, the human beings.

Table 1. Design attribute of biomimicry guild in beaver dam.

Aspek Biomimicry Guild The attribute in Beaver Dam
Evolve to Survive Replication and adaptation of formal and spatial forms of
beaver dam
Be Resource Efficient Multifunctional dam, structural and material efficiency,
effective formal & spatial form
Adapt to Changing Conditions Biodiversity and adaptive
Integrate Development with Growth Self-organize with river ecosystem and combine modular
system that accommodates various activities
Be Locally Attuned & Responsive Seasonal events (floods and droughts) and natural cyclic
processes of rivers
Use Life-friendly Chemistry Water and wind as the solvent

Figure 4. Design algorithm.

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

Table 2. Spatial program shift based on the redesign and seasonal impact.
Room Name Status Space Change Seasons Impact Space Change Area
Front Rinse E Vertical D-R Shrink-Width
Top Rinse E Vertical D-R Shrink-Width
Retrieval E Vertical D-R Shrink-Width
Dam Area
Hoist Room E Horizontal D-R Shrink-Width
Bridge E Horizontal X Shrink
Adm Room N Horizontal X Width
Bridge N D-R X
Adm Room N Horizontal D X
Fish Farm
Fish Ladder E Horizontal R Shrink
Shrimp Net N Horizontal X X
Fish Net N Horizontal X X
Feeding Storage E Horizontal D-R Shrink-Width
Fish Warehouse N Horizontal D-R X
Agriculture N Horizontal X X
N Horizontal X X
Exhibition N D-R X
Horizontal Educational
Meeting Area N Horizontal D-R Shrink-Width -
Market N Horizontal X Shrink-Width Commercial
Food Court N Horizontal X X
Kitchen N Horizontal X X
Dishes Room N Horizontal X X
Praying Room N Horizontal X X
Ablution N Horizontal X X
Men Toilet N Horizontal X X
Women Toilet N Horizontal X X
Janitor N Horizontal X X
CCTV/Security N Horizontal X X
Guard House N Horizontal X X Support
Car Park N Horizontal X X Facilities
Bike Park N X X
Utility Room N D-R X
Status: E = Existing, N = New. Season Impact: D= Dry, R=Rain

Table 3. Zoning program.

No. Facility Public Semi-Private Private Service
1 Moving Dam Connecting Bridge Administration Warehouse
Deck View Office Toilet
Street Area Utility Room
2 Fish Farm Connecting Bridge Administration Fishery
Office Warehouse
Landscape Utility Room
Fish Cultivation

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

No. Facility Public Semi-Private Private Service

3 Agriculture Connecting Bridge Administration Warehouse
Deck View Office Toilet
Landscape Utility Room
Agriculture Area
4 Commercial Landscape/Sitting Area Retails Toilet

Connecting Bridge Food court Janitor Room

Plaza Utility Room
5 Educational- Park Exhibition Area Meeting Toilet
Street Area Room Utility Room
6 Praying Park Praying Room Ablution Toilet
Street Area Area Janitor Room
Utility Room

Figure 5. Spatial organization diagram.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Formal and Spatial Design Concept

Continuing the preceding inline research [7], [8], the functional aesthetic is generated as evidence and
effort for architectural intervention for building technology. The formal exploration of the design is
based on the design of the biomimicry guild as a method that takes inspiration from the beaver as an

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

ecosystem engineer [13], [14]. The intended form of collaboration is that every aspect of the design that
is decided will simultaneously consider the design criteria and the biomimicry of the guild. As a building
plan with existing buildings, the connectivity between the design criteria also collaborates with the
biomimicry guild aspect as a direct design method. Meanwhile, the design criteria to be achieved are
dam architecture that can adapt to natural conditions downstream of the rain river (A), able to function
on an existing basis (B), has a recreational-educational function (C), and is based on a nature-inspired
design (D). The intended visualization is shown in Table 4.
Wind data and Ansys simulation result for seasonal cycle respect for the ecosystem sustainability
(Figure 6). The explorative and evaluative thinking design of the architecture process recommends the
open acceleration of the building of the dominant wind direction from East or West yearly for both rainy
and dry seasons. It enhances the survival nature aspect of landscape design of the existing related to the
animal movement.

Figure 6. Wind data and Ansys simulation result for the seasonal cycle.

3.2. Site and Building Design

The design of the proposed site and the building is decided based on the analysis of the relationship
between the design criteria, site and environmental studies, and the biomimicry guild as a design method.
The site and building design are an inseparable collaboration between formal and spatial. The
association is marked by naming it based on the alphabet with 'S', which stands for 'Spatial', and 'F' as
'Formal', as shown in Figure 7. The design that considers the site and building formally and spatially
results in the consideration of two central concepts, namely site and buildings, as follows:
If traced for a long time before the construction of the dam and the barrier dam was erected in 2011
[15], the flood overflow area tends to be massive and extends to touch residential areas. As visualized
in Figure 8 quoted from [3], the side of the river border is designed to have a flood area due to the natural
contours of the river. This difference in flood overflow is caused by the characteristics of the contour on
the East side, which has a lower contour height than the west side. Geographically, the area in question
is more inclined towards the sea (impacting the spread of flooding).

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

Figure 7. Site and building planning.

Figure 8. Contour patterns and maximum inundation limits in certain seasons.

The proposed building design is a redesign of the existing dam building. The design criteria described
in the previous explanation help the designer make design decisions. These preserved forms (Figure 9)
do not necessarily take the same form. As a maintained aspect, some parts are optimized to the
maximum. The dam foundation changes shape due to shape optimization. This optimization aims to
help support some parts of the floor above it. The tools used are Autodesk Fusion software which helps
to determine the formal shape of the optimized existing dam structure. This optimized structure extends
the existing dam foundation structure (Figure 10). The dam door system used is a vertical movement
door. This form is inefficient [9] because dam doors require space to move vertically. In addition, the

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

massive shape of the hoist room increases the inefficiency of the dam system. So that a new dam door
system is proposed that uses a radial type of door. In response to the seasons, some areas can change
function from one function to another as a spatial expression of the building.

Figure 9. Redesign concept.

Figure 10. Structure form optimization.

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

When planning the rain river area, space is essential to consider the sun and water flow as the impact
of seasonal changes [16]. The transition of this area and function can occur both interior and exterior.
Therefore, the site design and building plans relate to the dry and rainy seasons as the natural conditions
of the rainy river. In summary, the area undergoing spatial changes is shown in Figure 11. Ecosystem
considerations are also part of the design. The presence of local animals and local vegetation is also
endeavored to be empowered at the site. Local animals as a consideration in the design that stops at the
site include birds and fish. The most dominant local birds in the design are divided into transit birds and
migratory birds. According to Swastikaningrum [17], migratory birds include Trinil (Tringa), Dara
(Columbidae), and Sand plover (Charadrius leschenaultii).

Figure 11. Seasonal changes in sites and plans.

Meanwhile, the birds that settled include egrets (Ardeidae), herons (Ardea cinerea), and grouse
(Dendrocygna). The presence of these birds influenced the design form (Figure 12) so that passageways
were planned for migratory birds and temporary settlement areas for stopover birds. This division is
based on the types of local birds that inhabit the lower reaches of the Bengawan Solo River. The design
can be realized following the downstream ecosystem of the Bengawan Solo River.
Meanwhile, as described by Aziza [10], local aquatic animals have two characteristics, namely those
that migrate and do not migrate. Migrating fish such as Milkfish (Chanos chanos), Belanak (Mugil
cephalus), Kutuk (Channa striata), Catfish (Clarias batrachus), and Sepat (Trichogaster trichopterus)
can pass through the fishway passage to assist the migration process to breed. Meanwhile, non-migrating

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

fish such as Bendol (Barbichthys laevis), Betutu (Oxyeleotris marmora, a), Jambal (Pangasius nasutus),
Lemper (Notopterus notopterus), Lumbet (Cryptopterus spp), Seren (Cyclocheilichthys sp), Sili
(Macrognathus aculeatus). Bill (Mystus mumurus), and Wagal (Pangasius polyuranodon) can live
better along the river. Some local crustaceans such as the Vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) that
live on the lower bank of the Bengawan Solo River can be given an area to live and breed with other
aquatic animals on the slope area of the building as visualized in (Figure 13). Taking the natural order
of ecosystems as the downstream of the rain river, this sloped area is composed of vegetation that can
be changed according to the season. Likewise, different local animals inhabit the slope according to the
water level. This also applies to the slopes on the east and west river sides.

Figure 12. Design applications for local birds.

Figure 13. Design applications for local fish and vegetation.

The material used in the optimized structure tends to use metal coated with anti-rust material. This
structure is made using a metal 3D printing machine to provide a result that matches the simulation
results that have been applied. Meanwhile, rod beam steel is used in curved structures to produce shape
patterns. For other materials that support the addition of new buildings above, lightweight materials such
as lightweight concrete are chosen for the slope structure of the bu ilding and other structural parts that
are not the main support structure. For other structures, concrete is used, for example, in structural slabs
and building walls (Figure 14).

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (2023) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1157/1/012003

Figure 14. Materials used in design.

4. Conclusion
The biomimicry guild method that takes inspiration from beavers as river engineering is applied in river
interventions. The inspiration from the beaver is mainly in the formal and spatial arrangement of the
structure and program of space. Thus, the previously proposed approach can be realized as nature
naturally intervenes in the river. The technical aspect of the integration of the column and the foundation
of the barrage that accommodates the door of the dam is a plus point in the design that helps redesign
the existing shape according to its needs. Likewise, various formal decisions taken are interrelated
between spatial and utility reasons. Thus, the design that has been made can help balance the ecosystem
by providing a functional dam design and attractive recreational-educational.

This research is part of Penelitian Keilmuan - Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember No.
1638/PKS/ITS/2022. The authors gratefully acknowledge this financial and technical support.

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