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Vocabulary Bank

1. Gleaming/Glowing/Sparkling (adjective) - Shining brightly.

2. Whisper/Mutter (verb) - Speak very softly using one's breath without using one's vocal cords.

3. Vivid (adjective) - Producing powerful feelings or clear images in the mind.

4. Gentle (adjective) - Mild, kindly, or soft in action or effect.

5. Silent (adjective) - Quiet, not making any sound.

6. Glimpse (noun) - A momentary or quick view.

7. Swift (adjective) - Happening quickly or promptly.

8. Warm (adjective) - Having or giving off heat; having a feeling of friendliness or affection.

9. Serenity (noun) - The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

10. Dazzling (adjective) - Extremely bright, impressive, or beautiful.

11. Journey (noun) - An act of traveling from one place to another.

12. Cherish (verb) - To hold dear; to treasure or appreciate dearly.

13. Graceful (adjective) - Having or showing elegance or beauty of form, manner, or movement.

14. Tender (adjective) - Showing gentleness, kindness, or affection.

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