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 What Is a Database?
 A database is a shared collection of related data used to
support the activities of a particular organization. A database
can be viewed as a repository of data that is defined once and
then accessed by various users

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Fundamental Data Concept

 A conceptual framework of several levels of data has been

devised that differentiates amongdifferent groupings, or
elements, of data. Thus, data may be logically organized into
 characters, fields, records, files,and databases,just as writing can be
organized into letters, words,sentences, paragraphs, and

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 Character
 The most basic logical data element is thecharacter,
 which consists of a single alphabetic,numeric, or other
symbol. A character is the most basic element of data that
can be observed and manipulated.
 Field - A field is a grouping of characters that describes an
attribute of and entity

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 Record
 A record represents a collection of attributes that describe a
single instance of anentity.
 Anexample is a person’s payroll record, which consists of
data fields describing attributes such as the person’s name,
Social Security number, and rate of pay.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

 File - A group of related records is a file or commonly
known as a table. Tables are classified by levels of permanence
 transaction - daily sales or production
 master - employee_master, item_master
 history - usually backups
 Database – a collection of logically related data elements

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 Database Structure
 A database is an organized collection of data. Instead of
having all the data in a list with a random order, a database
provides a structure to organize the data. One of the most
common data structures is a database table. A database
table consists of rows and columns.

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Database Models/Structures
 A database model is the method of organizing data and represents
the logical relationships among data elements in the database. The
most popular database models are:
1. Hierarchical model
2. Network model
3. Relational model.
4. Object-Oriented database models

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Hierarchical Model
 A hierarchical database model is a data model in which the
data is organized into a tree-like structure. The data is stored as
records which are connected to one another through links. A
record is a collection of fields, with each field containing only
one value. The entity type of a record defines which fields the
record contains.
 The advantage of hierarchical databases is that they can be
accessed and updated rapidly because the tree-like structure and
the relationships between records are defined in advance.
 The disadvantages of this this type of database structure is that
each child in the tree may have only one parent, and relationships
or linkages between children are not permitted, even if they
make sense from a logical standpoint.
Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
Network Model
 In the network model, each record in the database can have
multiple parents i.e. the relationships among data elements can
have a many to many relationship. The figure below shows a
network model for an inventory system.
 For example, departmental records can be related to more than
one employee record, and employee records can be related to
more than one project record.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
Relational Model
 The relational model for database management is a database
model based on first-order predicate logic, first formulated and
proposed in 1969 by Edgar F. Codd. In the relational model of a
database, all data is represented in terms of tuples, grouped into
relations. A database organized in terms of the relational model is
a relational database.

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Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
object-oriented database model
 An object database (also object-oriented database
management system, OODBMS) is a database management
system in which information is represented in the form of
objects as used in object-oriented programming. Object
databases are different from relational databases which are table-
oriented. Object-relational databases are a hybrid of both
 Object databases have been considered since the early 1980s

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Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
What is a Database Development?
 Database Development is the name of a
sophisticated process of developing and analyzing
requirements and objectives in the form of raw
data. It takes a lot of effort and experience to design
and develop data operations within the system of a
 Steps for developing a database are simple and
consist of four stages namely, requirements
elicitation, conceptual modeling, logical modeling,
and physical modeling.

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Types of Databases to be Developed

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1. Operational Database
 The type of database which creates and updates the database
in real-time. It is basically designed for executing and
handling the daily data operations in several businesses. For
example, An organization uses operational databases for
managing per day transactions.
2. Centralised Database
 The information(data) is stored at a centralized location and
the users from different locations can access this data. This
type of database contains application procedures that help the
users to access the data even from a remote location.

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3.Distributed Database
 Just opposite of the centralized database concept, the
distributed database has contributions from the common
database as well as the information captured by local
computers also. The data is not at one place and is distributed
at various sites of an organization. These sites are connected
to each other with the help of communication links which
helps them to access the distributed data easily.

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4.Personal Database
 Data is collected and stored on personal computers which is small
and easily manageable. The data is generally used by the same
department of an organization and is accessed by a small group of
5.End User Database
 The end user is usually not concerned about the transaction or
operations done at various levels and is only aware of the product
which may be a software or an application. Therefore, this is a
shared database which is specifically designed for the end user, just
like different levels’ managers. Summary of whole information is
collected in this database.

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6.Commercial Database
 These are the paid versions of the huge databases designed
uniquely for the users who want to access the information for
help. These databases are subject specific, and one cannot
afford to maintain such a huge information. Access to such
databases is provided through commercial links.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

7. Enterprise Database
 Large organizations or enterprises use this database for
managing a massive amount of data. It helps organizations to
increase and improve their efficiency. Such a database allows
simultaneous access to users.
8 Personal Database
 Collecting and storing data on the user's system defines a
Personal Database. This database is basically designed for a
single user.

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9.NoSQL Database
 These are used for large sets of distributed data. There are
some big data performance issues which are effectively
handled by relational databases, such kind of issues are easily
managed by NoSQL databases. There are very efficient in
analyzing large size unstructured data that may be stored at
multiple virtual servers of the cloud.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

 10. Relational Databases
 These databases are categorized by a set of tables where data
gets fit into a pre-defined category. The table consists of rows
and columns where the column has an entry for data for a
specific category and rows contains instance for that data
defined according to the category. The Structured Query
Language (SQL) is the standard user and application program
interface for a relational database.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
Technical Foundation of Database
 Data resources must be organized in a logical manner. This
allows for easy access, efficient processing, quick retrieval of
data Multiple structures.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Data Warehouse:

 A Data Warehouse refers to a place where data can be

stored for useful mining. It is like a quick computer system
with exceptionally huge data storage capacity. Data from the
various organization's systems are copied to the Warehouse,
where it can be fetched and conformed to delete errors.
Here, advanced requests can be made against the warehouse
storage of data.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
Important Features of Data Warehouse

The Important features of Data Warehouse are given below:

1. Subject Oriented
 A data warehouse is subject-oriented. It provides useful data about a
subject instead of the company's ongoing operations, and these subjects
can be customers, suppliers, marketing, product, promotion, etc.
2. Time-Variant:
 The different data present in the data warehouse provides information
for a specific period.
3. Integrated
 A data warehouse is built by joining data from heterogeneous sources,
such as social databases, level documents, etc.
4. Non-Volatile It means, once data entered into the warehouse cannot
be change.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Advantages of Data Warehouse:

 More accurate data access

 Improved productivity and performance
 Cost-efficient
 Consistent and quality data

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Overall architecture
 The general data warehouse architecture is based on a relational
database management system server that functions as the central
repository for informational data. In the data warehouse
architecture, operational data and processing is completely
separate from data warehouse processing. This central
information repository is surrounded by a number of key
components designed to make the entire environment functional,
manageable, and accessible by both the operational systems that
source data into the warehouse and by end-user query and
analysis tools. Figure 15.1 depicts such a general architecture.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
 Typically, the source data for the warehouse is coming from the
operational applications (or an operational data store ODS). As
the data enters the data warehouse, it is transformed into an
integrated structure and format. The transformation process may
involve conversion, summarization, filtering, and condensation of

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Data Mining:

 Data mining refers to the analysis of data. It is the computer-

supported process of analyzing huge sets of data that have
either been compiled by computer systems or have been
downloaded into the computer. In the data mining process,
the computer analyzes the data and extract useful
information from it. It looks for hidden patterns within the
data set and try to predict future behavior. Data mining is
primarily used to discover and indicate relationships among
the data sets.

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 Data mining aims to enable business organizations to view
business behaviors, trends relationships that allow the
business to make data-driven decisions. It is also known as
knowledge Discover in Database (KDD).
 Data mining tools utilize AI, statistics, databases, and
machine learning systems to discover the relationship
between the data. Data mining tools can support business-
related questions that traditionally time-consuming to resolve
any issue.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Important features of Data Mining:

 The important features of Data Mining are given below:

1. It utilizes the Automated discovery of patterns.
2. It predicts the expected results.
3. It focuses on large data sets and databases
4. It creates actionable information.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Advantages of Data Mining:

 i. Market Analysis:
 Data Mining can predict the market that helps the business to
make the decision. For example, it predicts who is keen to
purchase what type of products.
 ii. Fraud detection:
 Data Mining methods can help to find which cellular phone
calls, insurance claims, credit, or debit card purchases are
going to be fraudulent.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

 iii. Financial Market Analysis:
 Data Mining techniques are widely used to help Model
Financial Market
 iv. Trend Analysis:
 Analyzing the current existing trend in the marketplace is a
strategic benefit because it helps in cost reduction and
manufacturing process as per market demand.

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Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
 Decision making is one of the most significant and implement
activities in business.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Type of decisions
 There are two types of decision:
 Structured Decision: involves processing a certain kind of
information in a specified way so that you will always get the
right answer
 Non-Structured decision: is one for which there may be
several “right” answers and there is no precise way to get a right
answer. No rules or criteria exist that guarantee you a good

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Decision Support Systems:

 Decision support systems are a major category of management

information systems. They are computer-based information
systems that provide interactive information support to
managers during the decision-making process. Decision
support systems use:
 1. Analytical models
 2. Specialized databases
 3. Decision makers’ own insights and judgements

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 4. Interactive, computer-based modelling processes to
support the making of semistructured and unstructured
decisions by individual managers.
 DSS are designed to be ad-hoc, quick-response systems that are
initiated and controlled by managerial end users. Decision
support systems are thus able to directly support the specific
types of decisions and the personal decision-making styles and
needs of individual managers.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Components of DSS

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Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
1. Data Management Sub-System -

 Data management sub-system comprises of a database that

contains appropriate data related to the situation and is
managed by the database management system (DBMS)
software. The data management sub-system can be connected
to this corporate data warehouse.
 The element of data management sub-system are as follows :
 i) Database management system
 ii) Query facility
 iii) DSS database
 iv) Data directory

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2. User interface management/sub
 The user interface management components allows you to
communicate with the DSS. It consists of the user interface and
the user interface management system. This is the components
that allow you to continue your knowledge with the user and
processing capabilities of the computer.
The user interface is the part of the system you see through it
when enter information, commands, and models. This is the
only component of the system with which you have direct

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

3. Model Management Sub-System -

 Model management sub-system includes modelling languages

that are used for building custom models. It can be related to
corporate or external storage of models. Model base
management system refers to a software package that
includes statistical, financial, management science or other
quantitative models that offer the analytical capabilities of
system and suitable software management. It can be related
to corporate or external storage models. MBMS solution is
implemented and run on application servers.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

 Few commonly used models are:
a. What-IF analysis model?
b. Optimization Model
c. Goal seeking model
d. Statistical model
e. Sensitivity analysis model

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

4. Knowledge Based Management Sub-System -

 This sub-system easily integrates with the other DSS

components. Knowledge based management sub-system can
act as a independent component or can provide support to
any other sub-system. It enhances the decision-makers
intelligence. The knowledge is provided via web browsers. It
can be inter-related with the organisation knowledge base
which is a part of the knowledge management system.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Functions / Activities of Decision Support Systems -

1. Model Building -
 DSS aids in the decision-making process by identifying the
most appropriate model for solving problems. It considers
the input variables, inter relationship among the variables,
problem assumption and constraints to design a suitable
 For example : A television manufacturing company has given
the responsibility to its marketing manager to develop a sales
forecasting model is for colour TV sets.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

2. Risk Analysis -
 DSS especially helpful while taking medium or high risks
decision. Decision can be low, medium or high risks. DSS helps in
assessment of risks of various alternatives by managers in a
business enterprise which helps in making decisions.
3. Goal Oriented -
 This activity refers to the procedure of determining the value of
input that is required to succeed a particular goal.
 For example : While deciding to buy a house, a person first
calculate the equated monthly installments that she or he can
afford and for how long.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

4. Graphical Analysis -
 It provides large volume of data in graphical format to
visualise it easily and quickly. Managers can also view the
impact of various courses of action. The use of graph is
recommended when :
i) Forecasting
ii) Detecting Trends over time
iii) A quick summary of data is required
iv) Composing points and patterns at different variables

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

5. What-if Analysis -
 If this activity, an end user will make changes to variables or
relationship among them to notice the resulting changes in
other variables.
 For example : If advertising cost is cut by 10% what would
be the corresponding impact on sales ?

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Characteristics of Decision Support Systems -

 1. Performs Complex, Sophisticated Analysis and

Comparisons Using Advanced Software Packages -
 There are several programs (part of DSS) used by various
methods that analyse the raw data.
 For example : A market research survey can be analysed by
different standalone analytical programs associated with DSS.
It is DSS which then integrates these programs to come up
with comparative studies.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

2. Provides Report and Presentation Flexibility -
 This information gathered with the help of DSS may be
displayed on the computer screen or can be printed
according to the need of the decision makers. Managers get
access to different kinds of reports in formats that fit to their
3. Provides Rapid Access to Information -
 Continuous and Rapid access of information is offered by
 For example : The metres on the dashboard of a vehicle are
used to keep a watch on how the vehicle is running.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

4. Supports Drill-Down Analysis -
 DSS helps the manager in going through details of the project
by drilling down through data.
 For example : When reviewing the total project cost, the
manager can easily break it down to estimate the cost for
each phase, activity or task.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

5. Handles Large Amounts of Data from Different Sources -
 DSS has the ability to accumulated data from different databases which
are stored on different computer systems or networks. It can also
source data from the internet.
6. Offers both Textual and Graphical Orientation -
 DSS can produce information in a wide variety of text and graphics
such as plain texts, tables, Pie Charts, Trends Lines, line drawings etc.
All of these provide a better understanding of a situation to managers
and help them to communicate the same to others.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Advantages of Decision Support Systems -

1. Facilitating Communication -
 DSS helps in indicating when a particular action should be
adopted in future or why a particular action was acceptable
in the past. The DSS facilitates interpersonal communication
and hence it is used as a tool for benefit of business.
2. Increasing Organisational Control -
 DSS control this information, which is in turn used by the
managers in assessing the productivity of an individual in the
quantity and quality of their decision making ability. Some
DSS can evaluate the individual's decision making skills.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

3. Improving Personal Efficiency -
 DSS aids in improving personal efficiency. Although it does
not do any work in actual but it aids in doing any work a bit
faster and with greater efficiency.
 For example : Budgets where earlier prepared manually
before spread sheets software was discovered but DSS helps
to make work faster with less changes of error.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

4. Promoting Learning or Training -
 DSS helps people to learn more about computer and
software packages that are present in it. Although, this was
never the motive of DSS but it promotes learning as well.
5. Improving Problem Solving -
 DSS helps a personal or a group of people in solving problem
at a much faster pace with accuracy. When probably applied,
it increases the efficiency of a task. It aids in solving the
problem as a whole.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Disadvantages of Decision Support Systems -

1. Limited Storage Capability -

 DSS has computation limitations because of its small memory and limited
storage capacities.
2. Difficult -
 It is difficult to understand inter-dependency of functions within the system.
Monitoring of consequences of DSS function usage in relation to decision
scenerio and integrity of database is complex.
3. Slow -
 The speed of DSS is much slower than large mainframes.
4. Limited Information Sharing -
 Decision support system's are mostly designed for individual use but when they
are designed for multiple accesses by several computers, DSS provides only
limited sharing of it's information.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

5. Translation Problems -
 The translation problems can occur at the time when users interact with DSS
databases because these databases in turn are made up to different data models,
which may face translation problems while interfacing with one another.
6. Confliction -
 As users have to constantly work on several decision scenarios at the same time,
they have to simultaneously monitor the decisions taken.
7. Require Extensive Knowledge -
 There are applications which need extensive technical knowledge.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Trends in Decision Support and
Business Intelligence
 Systems supporting management decision making originated in the
early 1960s as early MIS that created fixed, inflexible paper-based
reports and distributed them to managers on a routine schedule. In
the 1970s, the first DSS emerged as standalone applications with
limited data and a few analytic models. ESS emerged during the
1980s to give senior managers an overview of corporate
operations. Early ESS were expensive, based on custom technology,
and suffered from limited data and flexibility.

The rise of client/server computing, the Internet, and Web

technologies has made a major impact on systems that support
decision making. Many decision-support applications are now
delivered over corporate intranets. We see six major trends:

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

1. Detailed enterprise-wide data. Enterprise systems create an explosion in
firmwide, current, and relatively accurate information, supplying end users at
their desktops with powerful analytic tools for analyzing and visualizing data.
2. Broadening decision rights and responsibilities. As information becomes
more widespread throughout the corporation, it is possible to reduce levels of
hierarchy and grant more decision-making authority to lower-level employees.
3. Intranets and portals. Intranet technologies create global, company-wide
networks that ease the flow of information across divisions and regions and
delivery of near real-time data to management and employee desktops.
4. Personalization and customization of information. Web portal technologies
provide great flexibility in determining what data each employee and manager
sees on his or her desktop. Personalization of decision information can speed
up decision making by enabling users to filter out irrelevant information.
5. Extranets and collaborative commerce. Internet and Web technologies permit
suppliers and logistics partners to access firm enterprise data and decision-
support tools and work collaboratively with the firm.
6. Team support tools. Web-based collaboration and meeting tools enable project
teams, task forces, and small groups to meet online using corporate intranets or
extranets. These new collaboration tools borrow from earlier GDSS and are
used for both brainstorming and decision sessions.
Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
Using Decision Support Systems:

 Using a decision support system involves an interactive

analytical modelling process. Typically, a manager uses a DSS
software package at his workstation to make inquires, responses
and to issue commands. This differs from the demand responses
of information reporting systems, since managers are not
demanding prespecified information. Rather, they are exploring
possible alternatives. They do not have to specify their
information needs in advance. Instead they use the DSS to find
the information they need to help them make a decision.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

 Using a DSS involves four basic types of analytical modelling activities:
 What-If Analysis: - In what-if-analysis, an end user makes changes to variables, or
relationships among variables, and observes the resulting changes in the
values of other variables.
 Sensitivity Analysis: - Is a special case of what-if analysis. Typically, the value of
only one variable is changed repeatedly, and the resulting changes on other
variables are observed. So sensitivity analysis is really a case of what-if analysis
involving repeated changes to only one variable at a time. Typically, sensitivity
analysis is used when decision makers are uncertain about the assumptions made
in estimating the value of certain key variables.
 Goal Seeking Analysis: - Reverses the direction of the analysis done in what-if and
sensitivity analysis. Instead of observing how changes in a variable affect
other variables, goal seeking analysis sets a target value for a variable and then
repeatedly changes other variables until the target value is achieved.
 Optimization Analysis: - Is a more complex extension of goal seeking analysis.
Instead of setting a specific target value for a variable, the goal is to find the
optimum value for one or more target variables, given certain constraints. Then
one or more other variables are changed repeatedly, subject to the specified
constraints, until the best values for the target variables are discovered.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

What is a Database Management System

 Database Management System (DBMS) is a collection

of programs that enable its users to access databases,
manipulate data, report, and represent data. It also helps to
control access to the database. Database Management
Systems are not a new concept and, as such, had been first
implemented in the 1960s.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Advantages of DBMS

1. DBMS offers a variety of techniques to store & retrieve

2. DBMS serves as an efficient handler to balance the needs of
multiple applications using the same data.
3. Uniform administration procedures for data.
4. Application programmers never exposed to details of data
representation and storage.
5. A DBMS uses various powerful functions to store and
retrieve data efficiently.
6. Offers Data Integrity and Security.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Disadvantage of DBMS

1. DBMS may offer plenty of advantages but, it has certain

2. Cost of Hardware and Software of a DBMS is quite high
which increases the budget of your organization.
3. Most database management systems are often complex
systems, so the training for users to use the DBMS is
4. In some organizations, all data is integrated into a single
database which can be damaged because of electric failure
or database is corrupted on the storage media.
5. Use of the same program at a time by many users
sometimes lead to the loss of some data.
6. DBMS can’t perform sophisticated calculations.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Components of DBMS
 A database management system has mainly two components.
They are:
1. Data Dictionary system(DDS)
2. Data base Management Language(DBML)
a) Data Definition Language(DDL)
b) Data Manipulation Language(DML)
c) Database Inquiry Language(DBIL)

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Data Dictionary System(DDS)
 The data dictionary system is an encyclopedia of information
concerning each data element. It describes the data and its
characteristics, such as location, size and data type. It also
identifies the origin, use, ownership and also the methods of data
access and data security. When it exists in a file, special software
is necessary to create it, maintain it and make it available for use.

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Database Management
 We have three type of database management language, which is
used to define the data, manipulation of data and help to query
the data with certain criteria.

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Data definition language (DDL):
 A data definition language (DDL) is a computer language used to
create and modify the structure of database objects in a database.
These database objects include views, schemas, tables, indexes,
 Data Definition Language (DDL) is a standard for commands that
define the different structures in a database. DDL statements
create, modify, and remove database objects such as tables,
indexes, and users. Common DDL statements are CREATE,

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 CREATE- to create objects in the database.
 ALTER- alters the structure of the database.
 DROP- delete objects from the database
 TRUNCATE- remove all records from a table, including all
spaces allocated for the records are removed.
 COMMENT- add comments to the data dictionary.
 RENAME- rename an object.

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Data Manipulation Language(DML)
 A data manipulation language is a language that processes and
manipulate the data in the database. It also allows the user to
query the database and receive summary reports and/or
customized reports.
 DML enables the user to access, update, replace ,delete and
protect database records from unauthorized access.
 SELECT-retrieve data from the database.
 INSERT- insert data into a table.
 UPDATE- updates existing data within a table.
 DELETE- deletes all records from a table, the space for the
records remain
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Data control language
 A data control language (DCL) is a syntax similar to a
computer programming language used to control access to data
stored in a database (Authorization). In particular, it is a
component of Structured Query Language (SQL).
 Examples of DCL commands include:
 GRANT to allow specified users to perform specified tasks.
 REVOKE to cancel previously granted or denied permissions.

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Database inquiry language (DBIL)
 It is used for query the database and receives the filtered data for
different application. It can be used for the filtering and
extracting the data according to certain criteria. For example if
we want to update and delete the record we have to search it by
using certain key field and can work as the DML for report

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Online Analytical Processing(OLAP)
 OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing Server. It is
a software technology that allows users to analyze
information from multiple database systems at the same
time. It is based on multidimensional data model and allows
the user to query on multi-dimensional data. OLAP databases
are divided into one or more cubes and these cubes are
known as Hyper-cubes.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

 OLAP operations:
 There are five basic analytical operations that can be
performed on an OLAP cube:

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1) Roll-up:
 Roll-up is also known as "consolidation" or "aggregation." The
Roll-up operation can be performed in 2 ways
 Reducing dimensions
 Climbing up concept hierarchy. Concept hierarchy is a system of
grouping things based on their order or level.
 Consider the following diagram

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 In this example, cities New jersey and Lost Angles and rolled up
into country USA
 The sales figure of New Jersey and Los Angeles are 440 and 1560
respectively. They become 2000 after roll-up
 In this aggregation process, data is location hierarchy moves up
from city to the country.
 In the roll-up process at least one or more dimensions need to be
removed. In this example, Quater dimension is removed.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

 2) Drill-down
 In drill-down data is fragmented into smaller parts. It is the
opposite of the rollup process. It can be done via
 Moving down the concept hierarchy
 Increasing a dimension

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 Consider the diagram above
 Quater Q1 is drilled down to months January, February, and
March. Corresponding sales are also registers.
 In this example, dimension months are added.

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 3) Slice:
 Here, one dimension is selected, and a new sub-cube is created.
 Following diagram explain how slice operation performed:

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 Dimension Time is Sliced with Q1 as the filter.
 A new cube is created altogether.

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 Dice:
 This operation is similar to a slice. The difference in dice is you
select 2 or more dimensions that result in the creation of a sub-

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

 4) Pivot
 In Pivot, you rotate the data axes to provide a substitute
presentation of data.
 In the following example, the pivot is based on item types.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Advantages of OLAP
1. OLAP is a platform for all type of business includes
planning, budgeting, reporting, and analysis.
2. Information and calculations are consistent in an OLAP
cube. This is a crucial benefit.
3. Quickly create and analyze "What if" scenarios
4. Easily search OLAP database for broad or specific terms.
5. OLAP provides the building blocks for business modeling
tools, Data mining tools, performance reporting tools.
6. Allows users to do slice and dice cube data all by various
dimensions, measures, and filters.
7. It is good for analyzing time series.

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Disadvantages of OLAP
1. OLAP requires organizing data into a star or snowflake
schema. These schemas are complicated to implement
and administer
2. You cannot have large number of dimensions in a single
OLAP cube
3. Transactional data cannot be accessed with OLAP system.
4. Any modification in an OLAP cube needs a full update of
the cube. This is a time-consuming process

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College
Lecturer Suraj Pandey CCT College

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