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Remedial Work :

Task One: Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1-He ………………………………………. (to listen) to music while she was doing her homework.

2-While my brother ………………………………….. (to take) photos , I was playing video games.

3-While he ……………………………... (to drive) the car , he ……………………………….(to talk) on the mobile.

4-She …………………………………… (to work) on Facebook while he ………………………..(to watch) a movie.

Task Two: Re-order the following words to get coherent sentences.

1-/ She / was working /while /. /on the computer /he/his mobile /was repairing /


2-/ While/ video games / they /, / were playing / I / on the net /. / was searching/


3-/ was printing / some photos/ He / while / he / to music/ listening / was /


Task Three: Put the following verb in the right tense and join the actions using the
conjunction ‘’While’’

1-a- I (to write) an email

B-He (to chat) on Facebook.


2-a- They (to play) video games

b-She (to listen) to music


3-a-My brother (to make) a phone call

b-I (to watch) TV


4-a-She (to walk)

b-She (to write) a message

5-a-My father (to watch) the news

b-She (to watch) a movie


Task four : Circle the right relative pronoun in brackets.

1- Graham Bell (who – which) invented the telephone died on August 2nd, 1922.

2-The first telephone (which – who) Graham Bell invented was very big and heavy.

3-Albert Einstein (which – who) discovered the Relativity won the Nobel Prize in 1921 in

4-Thomas Edison (who – which) invented the lamp made the first phonograph too.

5- Abdelhamid Ben Badis (which – who) is a famous Algerian scholar was the leader of the
Algerian Muslim Association.

Task five: Join each pair of sentences using the relative pronoun in brackets.

1- a-Steve Jobs was a scientist.

b-He established the Apple Company in 1976.


2-a-The Mona Liza is a picture.

b-Leonardo Di Vinci paint the picture.


3-a- A disk flash is a technology tool.

b- It is used to store data.


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