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27 / / 5 / / 2026

Culture council

This is the brave warrior who is

covering every headline

Humans attacking

Today a fierce warrior was hungry and

needed a snack and went off to the no
mans land and alomost got himself
killed. He got hung by a “human” we
have not seen one of those for ages he
succesfuly made it out alive using a We will have this man hung in a cage for years to come.
piece of snapped bone to pick the lock
and being able to flee the scene and

From the warriors view

bringing home a guest.

HERE WE HAVE A CHAT WITH THE So lets talk about the escape. Whiel our warrior
WARRIOR was trying to get himself some food he fell into a
trap and was hung upside down in chains. When
This young boy is now all over the headlines. Weget the guard came around the warrior snapped the
to chat with him today and hear exclusive insights bone the guard was holding. Later that day when
about wht heppened. A quote from the wrrior is “ I the guard wasn’t paying attetion he quickly
This cage was the only thing that kept picked h elock with the bone and ran the guard
the warrior alive. was stuck in those chains but I got out using my
brains and anything is possible when you think about noticed him leave and chased after him.The
it.” Theres some advice from a expert. He will now warrior was grabbed by the guard and was lucky
tell us how he got out. “well luck for me when the enough to have a flash camera near him so he got
guard came around he had a meat bone in his hand that and blinded the guard and he ran again. He
and shook it in my face I snapped it and when the went throught the bars of a cage which then the
All rights reserved Culture Council guard trapped himself in the cage nd was taken
guard wasn’t looking picked the lock and ran off.” So
that is it from him today and we will talk mote about back home with the warrior and was hung up
this human situation and we will end this soon. high in his cage. This human will not see his
hometown ever again. Get ready for next
newspaper and lets see who makes the hedline
next time.


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