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2003학년도 학사편입학시험 영어과목 기출문제

1. 밑줄 친 부분과 같은 뜻을 가진 항을 골라 그 기호를 답지에 쓰시오.(1-10, 각 2점)

1. These ever increasing emissions worry climate experts.
(A) evictions (B) productions (C) increases (D) releases

2. He is worried about a potential pop-quiz tomorrow.

(A) actual (B) providential (C) possible (D) regular

3. The discontented students retaliated by boycotting the school cafeteria.

(A) took revenge (B) vindicated (C) betrayed (D) rewarded

4. Sally was mortified by her date's unprecedented behavior.

(A) eradicated (B) humiliated (C) overjoyed (D) challenged

5. The disinterred mummy was found to be in an advanced stage of disintegration.

(A) glorification (B) saturation (C) decomposition (D) preservation

6. The test site region encompassed a ten-square-mile area.

(A) overlooked (B) owned (C) surveyed (D) encircled

7. After World War Ⅱ, Russia emerged as a world power.

(A) surrendered (B) came forth (C) fought (D) dismissed

8. The soldier rashly agreed to lead the dangerous expedition.

(A) resignedly (B) heroically (C) recklessly (D) reluctantly

9. In the 1970's, many governments' efforts to curb inflation were unsuccessful.

(A) control (B) sustain (C) resist (D) induce

10. The price of gold fluctuates daily.

(A) increases (B) changes (C) stabilizes (D) decreases

Ⅱ. 다음 영문의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적당한 항을 골라 그 기호를 답지에 쓰시오. (11-20, 각 2점)

11. necessary pollution control measures are, many industries hesitate to adopt them.
(A) No matter (B) Although (C) Even if (D) However

12. Last year, Matt earned his brother, who has a better position.
(A) twice as much as (B) twice more than (C) twice as many as (D) twice as more as

13. Only in 1921 .

(A) actually was isolated insulin (B) the actual isolation of insulin
(C) was insulin actually isolated (D) insulin was actually isolated

14. To generate income, magazine publishers must decide whether to increase the subscription price or
(A) to sell advertising (B) if they should sell advertising
(C) selling advertising (D) sold advertising
15. Captain Henry, crept slowly through the underbrush.
(A) being remote from the enemy, (B) attempting to not encounter the enemy,
(C) trying to avoid the enemy, (D) not involving himself in the enemy,

16. Manufacturers often sacrifice quality .

(A) for a larger profit margin (B) in place of to earn more money
(C) to gain more quantities of money (D) and instead earn a bigger amount of profit

17. , the moon is important because it is the nearest to the earth of all heavenly bodies.
(A) A small world is only in space (B) It is only a small world in space
(C) A small world only in space (D) Only a small world in space

18. Playing a major role in the economic life of the United Sates, .
(A) 46 percent of the work force is currently made up of women
(B) the work force is currently made up of 46 percent women
(C) currently women make up 46 percent of the work force
(D) women currently make up 46 percent of the work force

19. The fact that space exploration has increased dramatically in the past thirty years .
(A) is an evidence of us wanting to know more of our solar system
(B) indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system
(C) how we want to learn more about the solar system
(D) is pointing to evidence of our intention to know a lot more about what is called our solar system

20. Thirty-eight national sites are known as parks, another eighty-two as monuments, and .
(A) the another one hundred seventy-eight as historical sites
(B) the other one hundred seventy-eight as historical sites
(C) seventy-eight plus one hundred more as historical sites
(D) as historical sites one hundred seventy-eight

Ⅲ. 다음 영문을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (21-40, 각 3점)

[21-24] Precipitation, commonly referred to as rainfall, is a measure of the quantity of water in the form
of either rain, hail, or snow which reaches the ground. The average annual precipitation over the whole
of the United States is thirty-six inches. It should be understood however, that a foot of snow is not
equal to a foot of precipitation. A general formula for computing the precipitation of snowfall is that
thirty-eight inches of snow is equal to one inch of precipitation. In New York State, for example,
seventy-six inches of snow in one year would be recorded as only two inches of precipitation. Forty
inches of rain would be recorded as forty inches of precipitation. The total annual precipitation would be
recorded as forty-two inches.

21. The term precipitation includes .

(A) only rainfall (B) rain, hail, and humidity
(C) rain, snow, and humidity (D) rain, hail, and snow

22. What is the average annual rainfall in inches in the United States?
(A) Thirty-six inches (B) Thirty-eight inches
(C) Forty inches (D) Forty-two inches
23. If a state has 152 inches of snow in a year, by how much does this increase the annual precipitation?
(A) By two feet (B) By four inches
(C) By four feet (D) By 152 inches

24. Another word which is often used in place of precipitation is .

(A) humidity (B) wetness
(C) rainfall (D) rain-snow

[25-28] Young people today are very different from their predecessors in the 60s. The 1960s were
dominated by activists, long-haired and protesting American intervention in Vietnam. No longer interested
in politics and causes, most of the 32 million people from 13 to 21 are preoccupied with issues closer to
themselves. Their foremost concern is with training for and finding a job that will support them in these
uncertain times. They worry, as do their parents, about the dangers of nuclear destruction. But they
seldom do anything about their worries. Protest marches and the like simply do not appeal to them. They
are much too busy getting on with the business of living their own self-centered lives. Not surprisingly,
excessive drinking among teenagers has become a national concern, with an estimated 5.3 million 14- to
17-year-old problem drinkers.

25. You can infer from this passage that .

(A) teenagers drink to excess because their parents provide a bad example
(B) excessive drinking among teenagers indicates that they are responding to the stresses of their lives
by drinking
(C) present-day teenagers drink because of their more lighthearted approach to life
(D) teenagers have more money to buy alcohol than the youth of the 1960s did

26. Most young people are .

(A) preoccupied with earning a living (B) involves in protest marches
(C) a national concern (D) problem drinkers

27. You can infer that the author's opinion is that people who worry about nuclear destruction .
(A) should keep their worries to themselves
(B) should tell their parents about their worries
(C) should be more like the activists of the 1960s
(D) seldom do anything constructive about their worries

28. What is the main idea of this passage?

(A) Young people in the 1960s were rebellious.
(B) Young people today drink too much.
(C) Young people today are different from and better than the youth of the 1960s.
(D) The youth of today have a different attitude toward life from that of the youth of the 1960s.

[29-32] The United States probably suffers more injury from insects than any other country in the world,
because as people migrated here a large number of insects came with them, but these pests' natural
enemies, by which they would be destroyed, were left behind. In this country alone insects destroy
yearly materials and goods estimated to be worth many millions of dollars. The damage done to our
crops by their activities amounts to even more.
Insects are especially active as disease carriers. The household fly carries numerous diseases and
parasites. Mosquitoes are responsible for malaria, the tick for Rocky Mountain fever. Insects also carry
diseases to many important crops. It is hard to fight insects because they adapt themselves to all sorts of
conditions, and because their size has so often obscured their destructive powers.
This country has gone a long way in its scientific study of insects. France and Italy have shown
themselves keenly alive to the importance of the work, and Great Britain is developing many workers in
her commonwealth. Some insecticide has been developed for almost every injurious insect in the United
States, but the fight calls for more trained workers and a large expenditure of money.

29. The United States is expecially concerned about its insect problem because of its .
(A) vast extent (B) temperate climate
(C) cultivated plants (D) mixed population

30. Insect are hard to fight because they .

(A) live outdoors (B) are so small (C) run so fast (D) hide in the dark

31. What country is said to suffer most from injurious insects?

(A) the United States (B) Italy (C) Great Britain (D) France

32. Foreign insects cause greatest losses in this country because they come .
(A) in large numbers (B) without their native foes
(C) to a temperate climate (D) to a good eating ground

[33-36] Drug abuse is the taking of any substance for any purpose other than the one for which it was
intended and in any way that could damages the user's health. The most generally used drugs are the
most generally abused. Many people treat aspirin, for example, as if it were candy. On the principle that
if two aspirins are recommended to make them feel better, four will give them even more relief, people
exceed the recommended dosage--no more than two tablets every four hours and eight within twenty-four
hours. Without question, aspirin is a widely abused drug.
Cold capsules, laxatives, cough syrups--all the drugs sold in drugstores and supermarkets--are
frequently abused, but their use, when compared to that of other drugs, does not incur the public's
concern. The major source of drug abuse is alcohol, a common and easily acquired drug. A group of
prohibitionists once asked Abraham Lincoln to support their cause. Sagely, he refused, replying that
drunkenness is rooted not in the use of a bad thing, but in the abuse of a good thing.

33. A person who exceeds the recommended dosage of aspirin .

(A) is guilty of drug abuse (B) likes candy
(C) is taking aspirin for a headache (D) is in for a treat

34. If a person takes a dozen aspirins within twenty-four hours, he or she .

(A) is aiding the aspirin manufacturers (B) can relieve the pain
(C) is endangering his or her health (D) is concerned with his or her health

35. The author's reference to Abraham Lincoln .

(A) shows that Lincoln was a wise man
(B) emphasizes the relation between alcohol and alcoholism
(C) indicates that alcohol leads to drunkenness
(D) conveys the idea that alcohol may be harmless

36 Presumably, this selection comes from a .

(A) scientific journal (B) health book
(C) drug company advertisement (D) psychology textbook
[37-40] There can be little doubt that malaria was prevalent in all American colonies during the
seventeenth century. Toward the end of the century and continuing into the eighteenth, a rising incidence
marked parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and other colonies situated in the coastal
plains region, while a corresponding decline characterized New England. The significance of malaria in
colonial history can scarcely be overrated, for it was a major hurdle in the development of the American
colonies. To the newly arrived settlers of "fresh Europeans," it frequently proved fatal, and epidemics of
pernicious malaria took a heavy toll of old and new colonists alike. In endemic regions the regular
succession of spring and fall outbreaks, with the concomitant sickness and disability, deprived the colonies
of much sorely needed labor.

37. Malaria occurred .

(A) only in the spring (B) in almost any season
(C) only in the fall (D) in periodic outbreaks

38. During the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries .

(A) the number of malaria cases in Maryland declined
(B) the number of malaria cases in New England increased
(C) the number of malaria cases in New Jersey increased
(D) the number of malaria cases in the coastal plains region declined

39. The importance of malaria in colonial history .

(A) is difficult to exaggerate (B) was minimal
(C) has never been assessed (D) is difficult to determine

40. Malaria affected .

(A) only "fresh Europeans" (B) only old colonists
(C) only newly arrived settlers (D) both old and new colonists

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