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Q.1) The element present in second period and group 18 is

a) Helium b) Neon c) Argon d) Xenon
Q.2) Which of following is the correct electronic configuration of potassium
a) 2,8,9 b) 8,2,9 c) 2,8,8,1 d) 1,8,8,2
Q.3) The mass number of an atom whose unipostive ion has 10 electrons and 12 neutrons is
a) 23 b) 22 c) 20 d) 21
Q.4) The chemical formula of lead sulphate is
a) Pb2So4 b) PbSo4 c) Pb(SO4)2 d) None of these
Q.5) Colour of residue obtained on heating copper nitrate is
a) Yellow b) Black c) Green d) Dirty White
Q.6) A colourless, odourless gas which turns lime water milky but has no effect on potassium permanganate
solution is
a) Sulphur dioxide b) Ammonia c) Carbon dioxide d) Hydrogen sulphide
Q.7) The gas evolved when dilute sulphuric acid is added to zinc sulphide
a) Hydrogen b) Carbon dioxide c) Hydrogen sulphide d) Sulphur dioxide
Q.8) The gas evolved when dilute sulphuric acid is added to Sodium sulphite
a) Hydrogen b) Carbon dioxide d) Sulphur dioxide d) Hydrogen sulphide
Q.9) Violet solid which on strong heating sublimates to form violet vapours
a) Iodine b) Zinc nitrate c) Lead nitrate d) Copper carbonate
Q.10) Blue crystals on strong heating produces dirty white residue
a) Copper sulphate (CuSo4.5H2o) b) Zinc nitrate (Zn(No3)2) c) Lead Nitrate (Pb(No3)2)
d) None of these
Q.11) Colour of residue obtain on heating copper nitrate (Cu(No3)2 ) (Green solid) is
a) Yellow b) Green c) Black d) Dirty white
Q.12) Colour of residue obtained on heating Zinc carbonate (Znco3) (White solid) when hot and when cold
a) White, yellow b) Yellow, white c) Both a and b d) None of these
Q.13) The absolute temperature value that corresponds to 27°c is
a) 200K b) 300K c) 400K d) 246K
Q.14) If pressure is doubled for a fixed mass of a dry gas at constant temperature, its volume will become
a) 4 times b) ½ times c) 2 times d) No change
Q.15) Volume – temperature relationship is given by
a) Boyle b) Gay – Lussac c) Dalton d) Charles
Q.16) The temperature which is known as absolute zero is
a) -273°C b) 0°C c) 273K d) 373K
Q.17) If the temperature is doubled , the volume of would be
a) Doubled b) Halved c) 4 times d) No change
Q.18) Oxidation is
a) Loss of Hydrogen b) Gain of electrons c) Loss of oxygen d) Gain of Hydrogen
Q.19) _____ Is used in the nuclear reactor plant as a modulator
a) H2O b) D2O c) Alum d) None of these
Q.20) The temporary hardness of water can be removed by
a) Ca3(Po4)2 b) Ca(OH)2 c) CL2 d) MgO
Q.21) How many isotopes of element hydrogen are present?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Q.22) In Bosch process steam is passed over hot coke at
a) 1000°C b) 1100°C c) 900°C d) 1200°C
Q.23) Hydrogen is collected by
a) Upward displacement b) Downward displacement c) Both a and b d) None of these
Q.24) Which of the following salts give Brick red flame in flame test
a) Sodium salt b) Potassium salt c) Calcium salt d) Copper salt
Q.25) Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of ____________ Carbonates
a) Ca and Mg b) Na and K c) Both a and b d) None of these
Q.26) Volume – pressure relationship is given by
a) Boyle b) Gay – Lussac c) Dalton d) Charles
Q.27) At constant , temperature, the density of gas is directly proportional to its
a) pressure b) volume c) temperature d) none of these
Q.28) Who discovered the protons
a) Goldstein b) J.J. thomson c) Rutherford d) None of these
29) Helium is preferred to hydrogen for filling balloons because
a) Lighter than air b) As light as Hydrogen c) Non – Combustible d) Inflammable.
30) Reacting with water, an active metal produces
a) Oxygen b) Nitric acid iii) Base iv) None of these
1. Lead nitrate (PbNo3)2 i) rotten egg smell
2. CO2 ii) Burns with pop sound
3. (NH4)2Cr2O7 Ammonium dichromate iii) Suffocating smell of sulphur
4. HCL iv) Lime water turns milky
5. NO2 v) Crackling sound
6. O2 vi) Residue swells up
7. H2. Vii) Brown gas
8. H2S ( Hydrogen sulphide) viii) Supports combustion
9. So2 ix) Fumes in moisture
10. Cm³ x) Pressure
11. Kelvin xi) Volume
12. Torr xii) Temperature
13. Blue salt changes to white and then black xiii) Ammonium dichromate
14. Orange coloured compound changes to green xiv) Iodine
15. Red compound changes to brown and then yellow xv) Zinc Nitrate
16. White to yellow when hot and white when cold xvi) Copper sulphate
17. Violet solid changes to violet vapours xvii) Red lead
Q.2) Complete the following by choosing the correct answers from the brackets
a) The melting point of ice is __________ kelvin [0, 273]
b) Isotopes differ in the number of _________ [ protons, neutrons]
c) In the modern periodic table, the elements are arranged in the ascending order atom
…………. [Number, mass]
Q.3) Identify the following
A) A white substance added to remove permanent hardness
b) Bond formed by transfer of electrons and bond formed by sharing of electrons
c) Metal with valency one
d) Alkaline earth metal in period 2 and 3
e) Orange red crystalline solid which leaves greenish residue on heating
f) The element which does not contain any neutron in its nucleus.
g) Metal with valency 2
h) The shell closet to the nucleus
i) An alkaline gas A which gives dense white fumes with hydrogen chloride.
Q.4) State Boyle’s law and give its mathematical expression.
b) Write the value of standard temperature in
i) °C and Kelvin
Q.1) State Charle’s law and give its mathematical expression.
b) Define kelvin scale of temperature and write the relationship between °C and K.
c) How is the molecular motion is related with temperature?
d) Give reasons for the following
i) Gas fills completely the vessel in which it kept?
ii) Inflating balloons seems to violate Boyle’s law.
iii) Mountaineers carry oxygen cylinders with them.
e) State the following
i) Volume of a gas at 0 kelvin
ii) Gas equation
iii) S.T.P. conditions.
f) State Boyle’s law in terms of kinetic theory?
g) Derive the gas equation from Boyle’s law and Charle’s law.
Q.2) a) At a constant temp, volume of gas was found to be 400 cm³ at a pressure of 760 mm Hg. If the
pressure of the gas is increased bt 25% , find the new volume .
b) At what temp, in degree centigrade will the volume of a gas, which is originally at 0°C , double itself,
pressure remaining constant.
c) One litre of gas at 10°C is heated till both its volume and pressure are tripled. Find the new temp.
d) At what centigrade temp, will the volume of a gas at 0°C triple itself if the pressure remains constant .
Q.3) Give two ways to control water pollution.
b) Differentiate between detergents and soaps .
c) Explain In detail Hard water and soft water.
d) Urea is very important nitrogenous fertilizer formula is CON2H. calculate percentage of nitrogen in
urea. ( c=12 , O = 16, N = 14, H =1)
e) How will you distinguish between sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and calcium chloride with help
of Flame test?
f) What is turbidity, give materials which are responsible for it?
g) State sources of water pollution.
h) What do you observe when
i) Zinc carbonate heated strongly
ii) Ammonium chloride is heated strongly
iii) Copper nitrate is heated strongly.
Q.4) How does hydrogen seems to similar with Alkalis and Halogens. Explain
b) What happens when
i) Aluminium reacts with steam
ii) Zinc reacts with steam
c) Why Conc. H2so4 is not used to dry hydrogen?
d) Why nitric acid is not used in the preparation of hydrogen.
e) Explain Bosch process.
f) Give reasons
i) Hydrogen is collected by the downward displacement of water and not of air, even though it js lighter
than air
ii) Apparatus for laboratory preparation of hydrogen should be air tight and away from a naked flame.
iii) Describe briefly the concept of oxidation and reduction.
Q.5) Give the orbital diagram of methane CH4.
ii) Give postulates of Bohr’s Atomic model.
iii) Write down the electronic configuration of the following
a) 13X27 b) 17Y35
b) Write down the number of electrons in X and neutrons in Y.
iv) Give reason that physical properties of isotopes are different.
v) Element X has electronic configuration 2,18,18,8,1 without identifying X
a) Predict the sign and charge on a simple ion of X.
b) Write if X will be an oxidising agent or a reducing agent. Why?
Vi) Name the following
a) Isotope used in treatment of cancer
b) Isotope used in geological material
c) Isotopes used as fuel in nuclear reactor
d) Isotopes in the goitre treatment.
vii) Draw the electron dot structure of NaCl.
viii) What is covalent bond and explain it types.
Q.6) Three elements P, Q and R have atomic numbers 4, 12 and 20 resp.
a) State the number of valance electrons in each of the elements.
b) Are these elements metals or non metals
ii) What is Dobereiner’s traids and give reasons to discard it?
iii) What is Mendeleev periodic table and explain its defect.
iv) Explain the following trends in group and period
a) Valency
b) Atomic size
c) Metallic character
v) Two element are represent by
15X and 16X32
a) What is the mass number of element X
b) Name the valence shell and number of valence electrons in the element X.
c) Is the element X a metal or non- metal.
vi) Comment on the Reactivity , colour and physical state of group 17 elements.

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