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Title: My First Job

I still remember the first job I ever had. I was 16 years old and looking for a way to make some extra
money. One day, while walking around the local shopping center, I saw a help-wanted sign in the
window of a fast-food restaurant. I decided to apply and was thrilled when I got the job.

At first, I was nervous about working in a fast-paced environment. There were so many things to learn,
like how to take orders, handle money, and make food quickly and efficiently. But my coworkers were
patient and understanding, and they helped me every step of the way.

One of the things I enjoyed most about my job was interacting with customers. I loved taking their
orders and seeing them leave with a smile on their faces. It made me feel like I was making a difference
in their day, even if it was just a small one.

Of course, there were also some difficult moments. The restaurant could get very busy, and there were
times when I felt overwhelmed and stressed. But my coworkers and I worked as a team to get through
those times, and I learned a lot about how to handle pressure and stay focused.

Looking back on that job, I realize how much it taught me. Not only did I learn valuable skills like time
management and customer service, but I also gained confidence in myself and my abilities. I will always
be grateful for that experience, and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Comprehension Questions:

How old was the narrator when they got their first job?

Where did the narrator see the help-wanted sign?

What did the narrator enjoy most about their job?

What were some of the challenges the narrator faced?

What did the narrator learn from their first job?

Synonyms and Antonyms:

thrilled = (synonym) excited / (antonym) disappointed

efficient = (synonym) productive / (antonym) ineffective

overwhelmed = (synonym) stressed / (antonym) relaxed

grateful = (synonym) thankful / (antonym) unappreciative

team = (synonym) group / (antonym) individual

True or False:

The narrator's first job was at a clothing store.

The narrator's coworkers were not helpful.

The narrator only had positive experiences at their job.

The narrator did not learn anything from their first job.

The narrator will always cherish the memories of their first job.

Writing Exercise:

Imagine that you are one of the characters in the story. Write a diary entry describing your day and how
you felt about the events that took place.


 Choose one of the characters in the story, and imagine that you are that person.

 Write a diary entry describing your day.

 Include details about the events that took place and how you felt about them.

 Use the past tense to describe the events.

 Try to use new vocabulary words and sentence structures you learned from the text.


Dear Diary,

Today was a really interesting day. I woke up early in the morning feeling excited and nervous at the
same time. I was going to my first day at a new school, and I didn't know what to expect.

When I arrived at the school, I saw many students walking around. They all looked at me as if they knew
I was new. I felt self-conscious and wanted to hide.

My first class was math, and the teacher was really nice. She introduced me to the class and made me
feel welcome. I sat next to a boy named Tom, who helped me with the classwork.

During lunchtime, I sat alone because I didn't know anyone yet. But then, a girl named Sarah came up to
me and asked if I wanted to join her and her friends. I felt relieved and grateful.

After school, I walked home with a smile on my face. Today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm
looking forward to tomorrow.

Yours truly,

[Your name]

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