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Feelings after internship

I have heard many times the saying "Go and come" and rightly so, what begins must also
end. For me, when I started my internship, that was when I started going, and now I'm
sitting here to write my feelings, that's when I've reached the stop. 7 weeks have passed
being called an intern - my mood is still there - full of emotions. My name is Nguyen
Minh Nhi, third year student at Thu Dau Mot University. All of us students have to
undergo internships at companies, which is one of the final conditions for us to prepare
for graduation. And by chance as well as luck, I was able to practice at Starlight English
Center, a prestigious and large-scale center located in Hiep Thanh Ward.

Be it me or you, surely each of you will remember the mood of your internship days,
most especially, strangely bold and clear that will not fade away as the mood of the first
day of internship. First, an opening day for the next series of days. For me, the mood
called surprise, nervousness, anxiety and excitement was mixed in my heart at that time,
so I couldn't forget it. The first day I was in a real working environment, the first day I
had to interact with many people, how to behave, how to work, etc. The first day I had to
mentally prepare myself a lot. such. I still remember, when I met Ms. Linh - Center
Manager, it seemed inevitable to be clumsy, in my heart immediately showed the
nervousness and anxiety of a student walking out with wet feet. And then when I met the
smile, when the friendliness from the brothers and sisters appeared, I felt like I had a
boost of spirit, the initially alien emotions are now familiar and have their own imprint in
me. Coming to Starlight, I got an internship as a teaching assistant. I have worries of my
own, worry about the job being done in the best way, worry about my behavior being
satisfied or worry that everyone including students won't like a kid who doesn't like me.
good at talking like me… all in my mind at that time. I tried and told myself that I have to
put in a lot of effort to do well in all these assignments, as well as this internship. As the
days went by, the internship became more and more interesting as I gradually got
acquainted with the environment and people here. Day after day, each practice session at
the center improves specialized skills and other skills. Any beginning has its own
surprises and worries, later when everything is over, when I get used to the new
environment, when always being cared for and helped by the brothers and sisters at the
center, I find myself After learning many things, knowing many things and becoming
much more mature, now all that remains are emotions and memories. Thank you Starlight
English Center for contributing to my journey towards my dream.

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