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Diploma in Personal
Lesson 2 – Food composition – macro and micro nutrients

 Essential nutrients for life include: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, water, roughage
(fibre), vitamins and minerals
 The macronutrients are required in large amounts and include: fats, proteins and
 The micronutrients are required in much smaller amounts


 Protein is required for growth and repair of tissue as well acting as: enzymes,
carriers, hormones, immunity, buffering, etc…
 Proteins are made of chains of amino acids called polypeptides and amino acids
can be classified as either essential, conditionally essential or non-essential. There
are 21 in total.
 WHO recommends a daily intake of 0.75g of protein / kg body weight
 Protein can be found in animal derived sources (high biological value) and plant
derived sources (low biological value)
 Protein sources include:


 The functions of fat include: an energy supply for cells 9Kcals/ g (38 KJ), to provide
essential fatty acids, to act as a carrier for fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) and
antioxidants, to insulate the body and provide a reserve of energy, to protect the
organs, to form brain tissues, nerves cell membranes, required for making
hormones and prostaglandins
 (WHO) recommend a daily fat intake of 20-35% dietary energy
 Sources of fat include: meat, fish, eggs, oils, nuts and seeds, some fruits and
vegetables and many processed foods


 The functions of carbohydrate include:

 primary source of energy especially for the brain and nervous system, WHO RDA
– 35 – 50% of dietary energy, protein sparing role, prevention of ketosis,
maintenance of blood glucose levels
 Carbohydrates can be simple (sugars) or complex (starch and cellulose) in nature
 Insoluble fibre passes through the body undigested and prevents constipation
 Soluble fibre helps to lower bad cholesterol

Grams of fibre in food

Micronutrients include both vitamins and

 Vitamins can be either water soluble (B and C) or fat soluble (A, D, E and K)
Water soluble vitamins are outlined below

 Deficiencies of water soluble vitamins include: Beri-Beri (B1 – Thiamine),

Ariboflavinosis (B2 Riboflavin), Pellagra (Niacin), Spina Bifida / Megaloblastic
anaemia (Folate) and Scurvy (Vitamin C)
 Minerals include: Calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron,
zinc, copper, chromium, manganese, selenium, fluoride, Iodine

Thank YOU


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