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Limit State Of Cracking (Code 2007) 2-Control of cracks

Concrete Cracking
Concrete is known as a sensitive material for cracking.
The code defines concrete modulus of elasticity (Ec) and
concrete cracking-limit tensile stress (fctr ) as:
Ec = 4400 (fcu )1/2 (in N/mm2) (Code eq. 2-1 page 2-15)
fctr = 0.6 (fcu )1/2 (in N/mm2) (Code eq. 4-61-b page 4-49)
Hence; the cracking- limit tensile strain (εctr ) is;
εctr = fctr / Ec = 0.6 / 4400 = 0.136 x 10-3
This means that concrete cracking is expected to take
place if concrete tensile strains ( εc) exceed the cracking-
limit value (εctr ).
Tensile strains develop in concrete because of different
reasons, the main ones may be:
1- Shrinkage of constrained concrete at its early stages.
2- Applied loads.
3- Thermal effects.
4- Rusting (corrosion) of steel:
Rusting is; simply, the oxidization of steel. The
volume of oxidized steel is greater than its original
volume (4 to 7 times). The increase in the steel
volume creates an internal pressure on concrete
cover, which leads to its cracking due to the
development of local tensile strains (these cracks
develop parallel to the bars).
5- Excessive Deformations of the structural:
Such as deformations due to differential settlement of
supports, excessive deflections….

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Limit State Of Cracking (Code 2007) 2-Control of cracks
Philosophy of Control of Concrete Cracking
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Distribution and width of concrete cracks depend on the
level of introduced strains ( εc) [i.e. more intense
cracking takes place with the increase in εc ].

Therefore control of concrete cracking can be achieved

by keeping (εc) as low as possible; specially in the exposure
zones 3 & 4 defined in Table (4-11) in the code.

Minimizing concrete cracking requires fulfilling the following


1- Appropriate concrete dimensions:

Code clause 4-3-2-7 (page 4-59)
The smaller the section, the greater tensile strains
(εc) for the same loading configurations.

2- Appropriate thickness of concrete cover: (cc)

a) To insure sufficient bond between steel & concrete.
b) To form a good protection for the reinforcing bars
against corrosive attacks from the ambient
Table 4-13 in the code defines the minimum thickness
of concrete cover for different structural elements
function of the exposure zone, concrete characteristic
strength and the type of structural element.

Definition: The thickness of concrete cover in table 4-13 is

to be measured OUT-SIDE the bar diameter.

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Limit State Of Cracking (Code 2007) 2-Control of cracks
3- Good quality concrete:
a) Concrete characteristic strength (fcu):
fcu should be > 25 N/mm2.
b) Aggregates & mixing water should conform with the
standard specifications and the code; specially:
• Size and strength of aggregates.
• Content of salts & minerals.
• Amount of fine particles.
c) Cement dosage: in the exposure zones 3 and 4;
a minimum dose of 400 kg cement/cubic meter of
concrete is highly recommended.
d) Cement type: should be appropriate for the amount
of salts in the environment (soil, water, atmosphere,
… etc).
e) Minimum Porosity:
• Lowest possible water/Cement ratio ( < 0.42)
• Good concrete casting & compaction.
f) Appropriate additives: (such as plasticizers & super-
plasticizers) in the concrete mix. These products
improve (fcu) and the workability; i.e. help in
minimizing the mixing water.
g) Good concrete casting and compaction.
h) Good concrete curing: Especially within the first
2 to 3 weeks after casting to avoid cracking at early

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Limit State Of Cracking (Code 2007) 2-Control of cracks
4- Expansion (movement), construction

and shrinkage joints:

Refer to Code clause 7-4 (page 7-12).

5- Employing the steel reinforcement in controlling

the section tensile strain:
The width and distribution of concrete cracks are
influenced by the details of steel reinforcement as follows:

a) Steel type:
Using ribbed bars of High Grade Steel (360/520) or
(400/600) is preferable than using smooth bars of
Normal Mild Steel (240/350). The mechanical
interlock of bars ribs greatly improves its bond with
the surrounding concrete.

b) Bar diameter: It is always preferable to use bars of

small diameters (as much as possible) to increase
their surface area and hence improve the bond
conditions. The minimum diameter of bars in
exposure zones 3 & 4 is 12 mm.

c) Minimum bar spacing: Code clause 7-3-3-1 (page 7-9)

Respecting the specified min. distance between bars
insures efficient concrete surrounding to the bars and
hence best bond conditions.

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Limit State Of Cracking (Code 2007) 2-Control of cracks
d) Maximum bar spacing: Code clause 7-3-3-2 (page7-10)
Maximum distance between bars in the structural
elements should satisfy the code requirements. If the
distance between bars exceeds the specified ranges,
cracks can develop and propagate between the bars.

e) Splices & anchorage length: Code clause 4-2-5 (page 4-37)

Providing sufficient length and distribution of bar
splices and anchorages insures the presence of good
bond conditions along the whole bar.

f) Steel tensile strains & stresses:

Code clause 4-3-2 (page 4-52)
Reducing the tensile strains in well bonded steel
reinforcement leads to reduce the tensile strains in
the surrounding concrete. This can play an important
rule in reducing the intensity of cracking.
The code provides 2 alternative methods for
controlling steel tensile strains:
i- Either Satisfying equation (4-66). Code page 4-52
ii- or Satisfying the maximum steel stresses given in
code Tables (4-14) & (4-15) Code page 4-59

Refer also to the provisions for concrete durability in clause

2-3-4 (page 2-18) in the Code.

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Limit State Of Cracking (Code 2007) 2-Control of cracks
Tensile concrete stresses (Code clause 4-3-2-7)
EXAMPLE 1: (Simple Bending)
M = 45 KN.m = 45 x 106
b = 1000 mm t = 400 mm fcu=25 N/mm 2
Tensile stresses due to applied forces:
fct (N) = 0.0
fct (M) = (M / I).Y
= 6 M /b t 2 = 6 * 45 x 106 /(1000 x 4002) = 1.65 N/mm2
Allowable tensile stress:
fctr = 0.6 (25) 1/2 = 3 N/mm2.
tv = 400 [ 1 + (0/1.5)] = 400 mm. [i.e. t v = t for N=0.0]
η = 1.6 (from Table 4-16)
fctr / η = 3 / 1.6 = 1.875 N/mm2 > f ct O.K.
EXAMPLE 2: (Ecc. Tension)
N= + 60 KN M = 30 KN.m
b = 1000 mm t = 350 mm fcu=25 N/mm 2
Tensile stresses due to applied forces:
fct (N) = N / A = 60 000 / (1000 * 350) = 0.17 N/mm 2.
fct (M) = M.I/ Y
= 6 M /b t 2 = 6 * 30 x 106 / (1000*3502) = 1.47 N/mm2.
fct = f ct (N) + fct (M) = 0.17 + 1.47 = 1.64 N/mm2.
Allowable tensile stress:
fctr = 0.6 (25) 1/2 = 3 N/mm2.
tv = 350 [ 1 + (0.17 / 1.47)] = 390 mm.
η = 1.6 (from Table 4-16)
fctr / η = 3 / 1.6 = 1.875 N/mm2 > f ct O.K.

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Limit State Of Cracking (Code 2007) 2-Control of cracks
EXAMPLE 3: (T-section subjected to ecc. tension)
N= + 60 KN M = - 40 KN.m fcu=25 N/mm 2
b = 300 mm t = 600 mm t f = 100 mm
Properties of gross-section: (i.e. pre-cracking)

Since we are dealing with uncracked sections, Always take into account
the flange(s); even if the flange is at the tension side .
B = b + 6 t f = 300 + (6 x 100) = 900 mm.

Asec = (300 x 500) + (900 x 100) = 150 000+90 000= 240 000 mm 2

Y = (150 000 x 350) + ( 90 000 x 50) = 237.5 mm.

240 000

I = (900 x 100 3) + [ 90 000 x (237.5 – 50 ) 2 ]

+ (300 x 500 3) + [150 000 x (350 - 237.5)2 ] = 8195 x 106 mm4

Ztop = I = 8195 x 106 = 34 505 263 mm3

Y 237.5

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Limit State Of Cracking (Code 2007) 2-Control of cracks

Cont. EXAMPLE 3:

Tensile stresses due to applied forces:

fct (N) = N ÷ Asec = 60 000 ÷ 240 000 = 0.25 N/mm 2.
fct (M) = M ÷ Ztop = (40x106) ÷ 34 505 263 = 1.16 N/mm2.
fct = f ct (N) + fct (M) = 0.25 + 1.16 = 1.41 N/mm2.

Allowable tensile stress:

fctr = 0.6 (25)1/2 = 3 N/mm2.
tv = 600 [ 1 + 0.25 ] = 729 mm.
η = 1.7 (from Table 4-16)

fctr = 3 = 1.76 N/mm2 > f ct O.K.

η 1.7

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